Chapter 33

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Tammy POV

"Well, well, well. What have we here?" I tore away my gaze from Clint's eyes and looked at who was talking.

It was Tony. I could feel heat rise in my cheeks.

"20 bucks says that you saw nothing." I said.

"Saw what?" Tony said smirking. I-regrettably- squirmed out of Clint's grasp. He smiled sheepishly at me. I sat up next to Clint.

"So, Tony, what do you want?"

"The first time was that I wanted to annoy you, this time, it was because I wanted to check and see if you were okay."

"I'm fine Tony, really."

"Okay then, I guess I'll see ya around. Oh and good luck on the mission." And with that, Tony left.

"Well, uh, that was a nice little fight don'tcha think? I mean it's bad we fought, but, I mean it was a good fight."

"Besides the fact that you had the upper hand with you using your abilities."

"Yeah. . .I-I guess I should go apologize to Eric, for yelling in his face. . ."

"Yeah, you go do that. He's usually in his room by now." I started to get up, "Do you want me to show you where his room is?"

"No, I think I can find it, thanks though, I guess I'll see you, or later when we go on the mission."

"Yeah, I guess I'll see you then, or earlier."

"Yeah, bye Clint."

"Bye." I left the room, leaving Clint behind.

As I walked along the halls, I kept replaying what had happened in that room. Me and Clint were so close to kissing. . .jeez, I sound like a pathetic high school girl. But, I could feel his breath on my face, his face getting closer to mine when he had pinned me down. If Tony hadn't come into the room, we could've kissed. It was too close.

I'm just not sure how I'd react to it. Would I kiss back or just ignore him? I would hopefully kiss back, if I didn't I'd end up ruining the one chance he would've kissed me. Oh God, I need to get this out of my head, and focus on finding Eric.

I took a deep breath and I immediately knew where I was, and where Eric was. I took a left turn, and then another left. I found myself in a hallway with only a couple doors. It wasn't that hard to find Eric's room though. I took a deep breath and knocked on the door.

A few moment later Eric opened the door. He was wearing black boxers and had a black wife-beater on. He was squinting his green eyes from the light, and his somewhat curly hair was messy. He had obviously just waken up, and he wasn't happy. You could tell because his teeth had started to grow sharp and his arm hair was getting thicker.

"Tammy? What time is it? 11? Look whatever it is can wait till tomorrow." He growled, his voice was groggy as well. He starting to close the door, but I shoved my foot in the doorway, causing it to bounce open. Eric's eyes have adjusted to the lighting by now, and he was glaring at me.

"Yeah no, I'm not going to be here in the morning. If you haven't heard I'm going to be on a mission so this needs to be said now." Eric was beginning to grow impatient his grip on the door tightened.

"Well, what the hell is it then?"

"I'm sorry, for yelling at you. . ." Eric's glare softened from his grip on the door loosened. He started calming down, his hair began to grow thinner, and his teeth began to go to normal. "I'm sorry, I overreacted I shouldn't have yelled at you."

"It-it's alright. I'm sorry for getting angry when you woke me up."

"It's okay, I get mad when people wake me up too. I threw my alarm clock across the room once." Eric chuckled.

"Nice. So, uh, I guess you're not alone anymore." I bit my lip, and without knowing I just hugged Eric. When I did this I realized how much taller he is. I'm only up to his chin.

And I'm only a couple inches short than Clint who's 5'10. So I'm guessing he's like 6 foot. I heard something drop on the floor and I instantly knew that it was a tear. I blinked and I realized it was me who was crying. I decided to not try and fight it, I let it go.

"I'm glad I'm n-not alone anymore." I sobbed out. Eric rubbed my back.

"I'm glad I'm not either." Eric muttered. And I could've sworn, I felt some tears fall on the top of my hair too.


Eric and I have been hanging out in his room, getting to know eachother better. He's been laying on his bed and I've been messing with the stuff on his desk as I sat in his swivel desk chair.

"It's midnight. I have to get going." I said getting up from the chair. Eric sat up in his bed and got up.

"Be careful, sis."

"I will. . .bro."

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