Chapter 7

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"Bullshit," Tony said, "prove it." I looked at Bruce, it was his apartment.

"It's alright with me." Bruce said running a hand through his hair, giving away that he was exhausted. I stood up from my place on the couch. I set my coffee down on the coffee table, put my blanket on the couch. I stood in the middle of the room.

"Alright," I said taking a deep breath. I relaxed, let myself go. I could feel myself changing. I soon fell to my knees, Tony watching in amazement. Bruce watching curiously. He's seen me morph many times, but I guess he never got tired of it.

My legs became bowed, my skin being replaced with fur. My finger nails becoming longer and sharper. My teeth narrowing to a point. My ears narrowed to a point, going to the top of my head. My eyes, the irises covering the rest of my eyes, showing no white, the pupils becoming bigger.

My morph completed and I gave Tony an 'I told you so', look. His jaw had dropped. I sat in front of Bruce, my tail wagging. He smiled and scratched behind my ear. My tail wagging harder, and my leg started doing that weird shake thing.

"So," Tony asked, "you really are a Wolven?" I nodded. I shifted back to my normal self, regretting it since today was a full moon, and by now I'm usually running in the woods in my wolf form.

"Dammit," Tony mumbled.

"What?" I asked.

"I now know, a very big secret, and now, I can't tell no one." Tony said. I rolled my eyes.

"But, I do have one question," Tony asked, "where do your clothes go?" Bruce and I face-palmed.

"Of course you would ask that." Bruce muttered.

"I honestly don't know." I said truthfully.

"Anyway, anything else you wanna know?" I asked.

"So, no one can know?" Tony asked.

"Yes, no one." I said, "especially anyone that has to do with the government."

"Okay." Tony said.

"So, since my night out was a total disaster, I'm going to my room, and staying in there for the rest of the night." I said. I picked my coffee back up and went to my room. I set my coffee down on the night stand next to my bed. I kneeled in front of the bed and got my ukelele case out from under it. I took out my ukelele and started playing some random songs. I had finished my coffee, and started getting tired. I put my ukelele back and went to bed. There goes my freedom for the next month.

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