Chapter 1

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it took a while for dream to notice but when he did he started to panic he found out something about himself. Dream was taken advantage of by the villagers in dreamtale he found that out when he broke out of his stone prison he tried everything to get his brother back but nightmare wanted nothing to do with him they always fought and it would leave dream with really bad wounds every time. Then there was his job as guardian of positivity people always expected him to keep them happy taking advantage of his kindness he hated it he always tried to please them and make them happy but they were always mean to him asking him why he was being selfish and why he couldn't do better. Then there were ink and blue. Dream found out they didn't care about him Ink used him to make him feel happy without his vials and blue thought he was annoying and selfish calling him a crybaby. Dream barely ever got to sleep due to his nightmares and insomnia and due to the fact blue and ink would pull him out of bed to fight the bad sanses. Sci was dream's only friend Sci listened to him and took care of him Dream completely trusted him. Due to the constant stress Dream's mind in order to protect him created a little space when Dream found out he was terrified he didn't want to be taken advantage of so he ran away to Sci's house he told Sci everything. Sci agreed to helping him so Dream never left the house for the next few months  he was happy even though he was originally scared of his little space he loved it now Dream felt stress free and happy for once. Nightmare was worried when dream went missing he still loved his brother and he missed him but Nightmare had to worry about the balance and it kept him from reaching out to dream as he was blinded by ink. Then dream stopped showing up to battle him and his gang so he sent cross out to look for him while he sat on his throne worried his brother as he waited for his informant to get information as well as bring dream back he sat anxious waiting for cross to get back . It took cross a few days to find him but he was surprised when he did he waited a bit to get some information before he took dream with him. Dream was a little he would slip into little space when he was stressed or scared he could be forced into little space he found that out when having a fight with Sci Dream was really upset Sci shoved a golden pacifier into Dreams mouth while he was yelling Dream stopped yelling his sockets when half lidded he sucked on the pacifier and then his socket widened leaving him to have an innocent face and a curious look in his sockets cross found that this could be useful information he was going to take the pacifier with him it could be useful to nightmare to pacify his twin cross knew Nightmare still loved dream and he could use this little space of his to spend more time with Dream he knew nightmare would become protective when he found out one night dream went to sleep his pacifier was on his night stand next to his bed. Cross sneaked into the bedroom he grabbed the pacifier and slipped it into his pocket he picked up dream bridal style and carried him into the portal he made to the castle he put dream in a cell and went to nightmare's throne room. Nightmare sat up when he saw him. "so did you find him?" Cross told nightmare everything he found out Nightmare looked excited at the news he would be able to spend time with dream without him fighting him. "I put him in a cell here's his pacifier you can use it to make him slip into little space if he gives you trouble or even if you want to spend time with him." Nightmare took the golden pacifier and went down to Dream's cell Dream was glaring at him but he refused to talk Nightmare opened the cell and grabbed Dream with his tentacles Dream squirmed trying to get away. "Let go of me!!!!" Dream said and he started to thrash harder Dream continued to scream and struggle Nightmare slipped his hand into his pocket and pulled the pacifier out when dream tried to once again scream at him he shoved the pacifier in dream's mouth Dream's sockets widened in surprise before they went half lidded and he sucked on the pacifier before his socket widened and Dream looked at him with innocence and curiosity Nightmare picked him up bridal style and held him close to his chest Dream curiously cupped nightmare's cheeks Nightmare smiled and stuck out his tongue Dream pulled pack his hands his socket widened in surprise before he let out a cute giggle and started to coo at him while he sucked on his pacifier. Nightmare that that his brother was adorable he loved little Dream more than normal dream and Nightmare wanted to spoil his baby brother. Nightmare carried Dream to his room as it was getting late he got into bed Dream did not look tired so nightmare started to rock him in his arms Dream let out a little yawn and his sockets slid closed Nightmare quickly tucked his little brother into his chest. Nightmare smiled Dream looked adorable he was snuggled into his chest his pacifier in his mouth while Dream clutched onto his shirt as he peacefully slept Nightmare cuddled Dream closer Nightmare was happy to finally spend time with dream and he promise to take care of him he wanted to make sure little Dream was taken care of he also wanted to spoil him as Nightmare loves his brother and children so he was defiantly going to adore his little brother and his condition Nightmare smiled and finally let himself drift away while cuddling his baby brother.              

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