caring (U)

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Read the first chapter first.

Do you remember the feeling when your cake was left, half eaten? Betrayal. Sadness. Anger. These are emotions which cause corrupt bakers to arise.

Corrupt bakers form because their cakes were left half eaten. It wasn't their fault that they ended up like this, but it doesn't justify their actions.

Corrupt bakers can't stand the fact that their cake is the only one imperfect in the crowd. So they destroy other people's cake. Perhaps some wrong food colouring, perhaps taking a slice and replacing it with stone. Anything that hurts their cake as much as it hurt their own.

Some people have other bakers to back them up and tell them their cake is beautiful no matter how many rocks you jam into it, but a lot of bakers are a self working business. They cant call for help and stare teary eyed at their once beautiful fragile cake, now a mess of icing and fondue, spread across the table.

Corrupt bakers hate it when they stand out in the crowd, but love it as well. They hate being the odd one out, but love being seen as the one who points out the odd ones out. All the other bakers are forced to jam pebbles into their cakes so that the corrupt bakers doesn't destroy it. Their forced to hate someone so people don't hate them. That's where the cakes go wrong- nobody wants anybody's cake, and theyd rather just keep it in the oven instead, safe and sound.

Corrupt bakers are formed because of society. People take their cakes and leave them messy. If you don't want kindhearted bakers to end up like that, take responsibility.

Don't start a cake if you can't finish it.

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