[08] Sakura

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I SMILE AT MYSELF IN THE MIRROR, TRYING TO PERFECT HOW I WILL GREET DEIDARA. I just finished my makeup and curled my hair. I look at the clock; he should be here in ten minutes. I sigh and take out my dress from my closet.

For the past two weeks, I've been exercising intensely every single day and cutting out carbs just to fit into the red dress laid on my bed. I strip and carefully put it on.

It fits, it fits, it fits, I think repetitively, ecstatic. I was a size 8 in March, and now I'm officially a size 6. A sense of pride storms through my body—my effort finally paid off.

The doorbell rings, and immediately, I know it's Deidara, who is early. I quickly grab my coat and check myself in the mirror one last time. I leave the house quietly.

I open the door and see Deidara standing in a tuxedo. He smiles at me, eyes traveling up and down, "You look stunning."

I blush, "Thank you..."

He puts out his hand, and hesitantly I give him mine. He takes me to his car, opening the passenger seat door for me, and I sit down.

He's such a gentleman!

On the way to school we make small talk. He tells me about the colleges he's applying to. I tell him about how high school's been treating me.

Soon we end up in the gym. The area's been decorated extensively. In the corner, I see Naruto, Ino, Hinata and the rest of my friends. They seem to be having a lot of fun, laughing wildly. Even Sasuke is smiling lopsidedly. As I start to approach them to say hi, however, Deidara grabs my hand suddenly.

"Want to dance?" he asks, positioning himself either intentionally on unintentionally so he blocks my friends, removing them from my line of sight.

I look up at him since he's a lot taller than my 5"4 self. I would estimate he's approximately 6 feet tall. "Yeah," I respond, smiling.

For the next twenty minutes we dance to upbeat songs, but I'm not a really good dancer. At some point he grabs my hips and sways them to the rhythm. Although I was enjoying myself, I often shifted my focus towards my friends, where occasionally Naruto or Ino would wave at me.

A part of me really wants to be there with them, and I don't know why.

Eventually, a slow song starts. I stop moving, not knowing what to do. Deidara smiles, grabbing my arms and wrapping them around his neck. His arms snake around my waist, and he pulls me really close. I can smell his cologne, which was strongly applied.

From above his shoulder I see Sasuke with what appears to be a frown. His eyes lock with mine, and for once, I don't divert my gaze.

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