[10] Sakura

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MY EYES FLUTTER OPEN AS I HEAR THE SOUND OF MY ALARM CLOCK. I lay there for many minutes as I try to pretend that I don't have school today, but every single rational part of me knows that's simply not true.

I turn off the alarm. It's five-o-clock, a time where most people are asleep, but I'm a morning person, so I feel amazing.

Before getting up I reach for my phone, entering in my passcode. I open up Instagram—I have two-hundred and sixteen likes on my latest post, I realize gleefully. It's me in my workout clothes at the gym.

I open up the comments. The first one I see is by Temari, an exchange student a few grades above me. She compliments me, then asks how I lost all that weight. I smile, typing in the truth; I exercise a lot and keep a diet. 

The next thing I do is exercise for twenty minutes.

Standing up from my sit- up position, I go to the toilet and take a shower. Afterwards, for the next thirty minutes I review my notes for a test I have in math. I then do my makeup, blow-out my hair and get into my uniform. Finally, I grab the salad I packed last night and throw on my coat.

It's snowing heavily. Rapidly, I rush towards the train station, which is nearby. Once I enter, it immediately gets warmer. I stand behind the yellow line, pulling out a book from my bag and reading.

Out of the corner of my eye I spot something. It's a man who appears to be in his late forties who has white hair and is clearly anxious, fidgeting with his hands. I hear the train near and look up.

Suddenly, I see the man walk past the yellow line.

"Sir," I say, taken aback. "You shouldn't go there. It's dangerous to go over the yellow line—"

He doesn't seem to hear me, and I see him stand at the edge. Suddenly, he jumps.

It wasn't dramatic. Blood didn't splatter everywhere. The train didn't come to a screeching halt. The only thing I noticed in my hazy state was the slight crunching of bones.

I gulp. Then I quietly turn around as people try to see what happened. Leaving the train station I call an Uber.

I'm in a state of shock. Before I know it I get into my Uber and end up in school within twenty minutes. I'm ten minutes late. I walk towards my homeroom with Kakashi-sensei. On the way I see Deidara who smirks at me. I don't give him the time of the day.

I try to ignore everything. I try to be okay. I think I'll be okay.

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