We are in one team

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As I went to school every weekend and met HM, I now can talk to him easily and comfortably. That day was a nice day that I went to this cruel school. We started class at 1:30pm and I was so tired to go to school at that time. Then I met HM as usual, we started class with other classmates. It was Toefl IBT class that I hated the most and we needed to do graphic organizer for the long passage. I hated doing that but the passage is about history so it's Ok for me. I chose the long one and started doing my sketch.

HM:"Ooh Mia you..WOW"

Mia:" Yeah yeah, hehe I'm good" I think it was idiot action but I'm so proud of myself.

HM:" It's hot teacher, can you lower the temperature?"

Teacher:" I thinks other friends may get cold, you can change near Mia's seat so its will cooler"

HM:" I'll change here" he pointed to me as I considered what he was doing.

Btw, he's weird and I like him :> I don't know if my gout is weird or not but he's so cute. Hehe

HM changed his seat in front of me so that he covered my front but that's OK.

We took a long time to do the sketch and also took some long time to draw the passage organization on the board. Then I was considering what if I did something wrong on the sketch that the timeline looks weird. I came back to my desk, took my book and skimmed it. At that moment HM came back to his desk to take his book also. As I tried to come back to the board but HM locked me so that I couldn't move.

Boom boom boom. Seemed like we were stuck at the small space between the tables. I stayed till so he could pass through me and we started scratching on the board again. I saw him just smiled but I don't know what he's thinking about btw I just like him so much.

At the end of the class, my home room teacher complained about our reading target and I didn't finish it yet so unlucky I have to stay at school and finish all the targets. I hated to get detention on the weekend so I thought I would just stay there and wait until school close time so I could walk home.

HM: " We are in the same team! Mia got three books and I got three books, heheh"

Mia: "Ohh :))" So we can stay together I thought.

As a result, I had to stay at school for detention with HM, I asked him to play with me and rest. I don't know why I asked him about that but I just did it. He rejected me, so I played on my own. While playing "snake eat apples" I had a feeling someone was looking at me so I turned around to check for the teacher. Then my eyes caught on him. He's looking at me playing a game. He smiled and came back to his work.

I know this story that I told today is boring but it's just a nice memory about him. I knew he will not notice this story but I just write as a diary so I can remember about this nice memory :>

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