chapter 13

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His lips hit mine quickly causing my heart beat to go up. Then my face to go red when we pulled away. He laughed at my heats rapid beating.

I blushed again. "Where are Chris and Gregory? " Amanda asked. "I don't know. " i pointed towards the kitchen. I heard the beep of the microwave go off about 3 minutes ago.... where were they? "Let's go find them. For the popcorn! " i whisper screamed. I heard Rulodph laugh quitly. Tony raised a hand to stop us. "You need to stay. U are as clumsy as a bull." I  aas hurt but i felt a pair of arms go aroundmy waist. Rulolph had picked me up and carried me to the door. As soon as we got there i saw the weirdest thing. Chris was kissing Gregory. Gregory was taller so Chris was on his toes.... hahaha! We all broke out laughing.

They turned in shock. Chris was blushing and Gregory was looking at us like we had killed him.... again. "What the ****!!!!!!!!!!" Gregory yelled at us. I spun around and ran back to my stop but Rulodph flew over to me and pulled me up and we beat Chris and Gregory to their couch. "Who turn is it?" Anna asked using terrible English. "I do think it was Sapphire's turn after Rulodph and her kiss..." Chris' eyes shot up and his looked like he would have killed Rulodph. Gregory got the jist as Chris ran to attack Rulodph. He covered his face as Chris jumped onto his stumic. Owwwww! Gregory was prying Chris off of his younger brother. I tazered Chris and he let go. Rulolph looked fine but a little shaken up. I hugged him.  He just barried his head in my hair. Gregory growled.

We shot up." Ok Anna? Truth or dare? " "the dare of course. " i laughed. "I dare u to nip Crystal. "Gregory spoke. Her eyes widened like a bug. "Let's be rational. I can't " Anna replied. "Don't put your poison in her. Easy! "Gregory stated like he as the president.

She looked at Crystal. Crystal nodded and tilted her neck. "Gregory grab Chris!" Rulolph's voice came from behind me. I was on his lap. Gregory did as told. Anna put her head by Crystal's neck. Crystal almost stated to cry. This hurt Chris alot. His little sister with fangs in her neck. Owtch. Anna imedetly attached her lips to Crystal's.

"Rulolph you turn." Anna said. "Truth please? " Rulolph questioned. "Nope dare! I dare you to.....bite Sapphire and not kiss her for the next 5 minutes." "Pay back can be a bitch.." Gregory called. He was petting Chris head. I looked around. Amanda 'fell' asleep. It was fake but Tony thought she was. Anna was still kissing Crystal. And Gregory was petting Chris head while Chris was growling. "Ok...." Rulolph looked scared. He tilted my neck. He slow bite down. It hurt like hell. He pulled his fangsout but i was bleeding still. He rubbed my neck. Ir still hurt but him being the one who did it din't make it hurt anymore then it already did.

"Tony your turn." Rulolph muttered. Tony's mouth moved to be a yes. Amanda's eyes fluttered open and she flew up to a corner and she floated down to sit on the arm rest. "Dare he spoke." Gregory looked around. I dare you to jump into a pool of cold water." Hahahaha! Tony proudly stood and walked up stairs. He came down with a pile of stuff. He placed something on all of our laps. The boys bot swimming trunks and us girls got bikinis. "Change now!Tony spoke. We all jumped up and ran to 2 bathrooms. The boys got one and we, girls, got the other one. It was wierd because all of us were related to one person in the room and 2 were gay.  Same with the boys. Wow lucky us

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