chapter 16

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I saw a huge car outside. If i could i would drive a stake threw his heart. "How may i help you?"i called from the entrance of the door. I looked up at him. "Do you have any bats in your house?" He questioned. "Who are you? "I called out. He looked startled.

"I'm Jacky." Sounds enough like Rooky for it to give me the creeps. "But my real name is Jackson." Ok wierd. Rudolph's voice came from behind me. "Hello I'm her Father. Please leave." I turned around to see him hidden behind a blanket the only thing that was visible was his voice.

"You expect me to believe that? She is taller than you!"Jackson called out. I turned and saw the Rudolph was realy shorter than me. Then i look at my shoes. I was in a pair of pumps that gave me a good 5 inches so i was 5 inches shorter than Rudolph.

"Look down." He spoke. I moved my feet to show my feet. Jackson grunted.

"I would like it if you would leave. Please " Rulolph spoke. Jackson roled his eyes and walked away. I spun around. "How did you get here?" I questioned. "They all pushed me out because I am your savior? "He questioned. I hit my head. "Just some more people to put on my dead list."

Rudolph threw off the blanket and looked bewildered. His eyes widened, his spikey hair even worse than it normally is, and his ruby eyes glowing even more. "Am i on your death list?" He asked scared. I giggled but relied he was seriously worried. I pulled him by me and he hissed.

"I'm so sorry are you ok?"i cried and pushed him away. He looked down. I pulled his face up. I kissed him on the lips. It went on for long enough that our siblings came out and video taped us on their phones... well the human. Gregory had his head resting on Chris' head. He had his arms around Chris' waist. Amanda was standing by Tony. Tony had one arm around her waist. And Anna and Crystal where holding hands.

They were all laughing. "I pick All of you! Thruth or dare? I don't cae for an answer dare! I dare all of you vampires to go in the sun light for 10 seconds and all you humans to wear your boyfriend or girlfriends cloths!" I screamed out. Rudolph hide behind my head scared but all of the vampires exept Rulodph slowly walked into the sun. Gregory wa standing straight up hiding the pain. Anna feel to the floor. Amanda just stood there crying. As soon as i reached the number ten i let go of the curtain. All of the vampires exept Rudolph feel to the floor.

I ran to the kitchen. "Here is some cow blood i collected from a bloody cow meat that i had." I spoke. All 3 of the vampires ran towereds me and took the bag. They ran to the kitchen grabed 3 cups. They pored some of it into each cup. They took it down and where all fine. Rulolph giggled. "I din't know you were 2 faced a mean act that ended with a kind act?"

"Hahaha your lucky your to cute to hit." I muttered. Awwwwwww" i heard from behind us. "Just ask her out already!" His twin called out. Tony pulled her into her lap.

Rudolph asked me "i need to tell you something. "I looked at him...." Do you need my clothes from the other dare?" He might have been stupid but i nodded. Great cover up Sapphire! I cried out in my mind.

All of us human walked after our freinds and found their cloths. I don't know if I'll be bigger for Rudolph's cloths. .... he is skinnier than me.... . I went towards the bathroom door. I walked in and changed. The clothes felt lose. His boots were huge on me. I would just us my purple boots.

His cold black shirt was tucked into his pants. His wierd things on my shoulders was realy wierd. His vest covered up some of the under shirt. I tied my hair up. Great look but bigger. He must have been a size bigger. I was a woman medium. I threw my cloths out for Rudolph to change into.

I waited intill he said the key world, "Vampires don't bite!" He cried out and when i opened the door i saw the twins ,Tony, the vampire twins and Gregory and Anna. They all looked so stupid.

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