chapter 23

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We had been biking  around  for an hour .  Then I remembered  we had parents.

"Guys we have to get home!" Most had disappeared but we had found them. Chris and Gregory  had been found behind a rock kissing and Anna had left to eat. The vampires nodded and took off into the sky's .

The wind flowed through  my hair. Rudolph  not letting  go of my frale  body. He laughed.

"Can we take off a little faster next time?" I questioned the vampire .

"Take off what? Do you need your close back? Can we wait till we get home?" Hahaha he thought I met  closes.
What is so funny? He questioned. I ment get into the air faster not closes. I relied . Tomorrow  is my last day if school beforehand  summer. I'm  not  going  back  to  school again. I don't  want to. I spoke. Why don't  you  want to go  to school? He asked. People make fun of me so most days I'm  not  there anyway. I replied .

We had made it home  when I realized  we needed to change  and give the vampire's  back their cloths . I ran to the bathroom  with my pj's and changed. I wet my hair and put it up to make it look like I had gotten out of the shower and then helped  Crystal  get in I may be older and not related  but we still help.

Once we are done, we have to pick rooms . We all pick mine and Crystal's room. We have a seat of beds under our beds and some hooks but the vampires  don't  need hooks to sleep upside  down .

"Let's  play!" Tony said. I grabbed my phone and saw it was only midnight  and we did sleep all day. I nodded. No one had gotten into bed and I don't  think anyone  will.

"Swin?" Anna said. I would have loved to. Crystal  nodded and the rest did to.
After they change_________________________________________________-__________=________________________________________$
Most jumped in but I got the chair out and through it in the pool. I started  to sit and eventually  lied down. I was relaxing  in till the chair flipped over. I saw who did it and I was shocked. Rudolph  was swimming  there. His longish hair crazy. it plastered his face it was every where . I swam over  to him calmly and push him under. I swam to the chair and lied back  down. Rudolph  came up and laughed. Looks like some one  is cabby . He said. I'll  show him cabby .

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