chapter 4

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I must have almost swooned because tony caughed. I placed Fangy on the floor and looked at the siblings. They were laughing. " shut up and help me get Fangy off the floor."

They helped floor girl up they left me for Fangy. I hate them all. I picked him up and he felt very light. But I still struggled with him. His ruby eyes opened slowly and widened faster. I did  not know what the problem was. Sorry can not speak to week but can talk to you threw your mind. I was freaked out but responsed ok? I heard a laugh that sounded more like a question then an answer. I laughed again and heard him responed to my laughter. His body stayed still even when he laughed.

Just his eyes moved in till he said  /thought I need a cow I had just reached the door and was just getting out the door but I hit Rulolph's legs on the door. He moaned had I thought I am so sorry I did not mean to. He replied as his eyes opened and his cute wittle nose went up. It was ok..... I need the cow though or Amanda will either die or get really hurt.

I looked up a head and saw  Chris , Tony, and Crystal placing  Amanda in the wagon.

"There is no room for Rulolph so you will have not carry him." I must have been blushing because Tony said " not like it will be hard with you swooning over him." His bright red eyes opened and he mind laughed. Really funny Rulolph but I can always drop you. His eyes widen very big and his arms wrapped around my neck and Chris  said" don't you be thinking weird thoughts about my sister!"

Rulolph's head slowly turned in the direction of Chris Don't forget mortal that I can drink you dry. That is when we saw the farm from the top of the hill.

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