chapter 8

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Rulodph would not stop laughing. Behind the smoke was Crystal and Anna just talking. Surprise i thought they would be doing something else. I counted up the vampires, Rulodph, Anna, Biter, and Floor girl. Then the humans.

Me , Crystal, Chris , and Tony..... we were good. We were all at the end when I said," Come on we have to get home." The humans looked sadly at me. Even if i was the youngest daughter din't mean that i would be stupid.

The  vampires looked at each other. Guys we need to pick out partners to get down. I heard floor girls voice. Ok Amanda, u with Tony Tonys eyes shimmered. Gregory you with Chris  and Anna you with Crystal. I wa happy because the guy i liked as flying me home.

Chris 's prov

I saw Gregorys eyes on me. He walked up to my and put his arm around my waste..... i felt a shock going threw my body from my hip. Gregory laughed and jumped into the sky.

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