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Shirou walked through Anima-City, a frown on his face at the sound of pitter patter coming from behind hi. He turned, finding no one there a small scowl appearing on his face as he turned away, hearing the sound of little feet following him. He stopped, his hands stuffed into his coat pockets. He turned around, finding white hair whisking away out of view. He walked to the alleyway, finding a small white haired child with a red streak sitting there, holding half a loaf of bread. "Kid"Shirou frowned. He grabbed her arm, startling the small girl, wide eyes looking up at him. "That's old, don't eat that"Shirou frowned taking the bread from her and tossing it away. She stared at him, his eyes widening in shock at how similar she looked to him. "Who are you"Shirou demanded narrowing his eyes.

The child blinked, gray-blue eyes staring at him. "Zoe Rosemera Ogami"The child answers shocking him. Zoe sneezed turning into a small version of him, except her markings were colored red instead of blue. "Come with me"Shirou orders pulling her to her feet. He pulled the child after him, Zoe struggling to keep up. He glanced back at her, only briefly stopping to grab her something to eat. Zoe took a bite of her sandwich, Shirou carrying her in his arms, glancing down at her a few times. The girl yawned, her head resting on his shoulder as she fell asleep. Shirou grabbed the sandwich wrapper, tossing it into a trash can as he arrived at the Cities Council building. He placed a hand on her back, his expression softening. Zoe gripped his coat sleeve, her other arm draped over her shoulder. He stepped into the elevator, pressing the top floor button, Zoe sleeping soundly in his arms.

Rose looked up when the elevator opened, perking up at the sight of Shirou holding a child. "Who's this?"Rose asks getting to her feet alarmed, walking over. "I found her, can you do a DNA test"Shirou responds. "Why?"Rose questions gently touching the sleeping child's fingers. "Just do it, this once"Shirou sighed. Rose nodded and grabbed two needlesticks, taking some of Shirou and Zoe's blood, before walking away leaving the two alone. Shirou looked down at Zoe, poking her cheeks. "Chubby..."Shirou mutters. Zoe stirred a little, letting out a quiet yawn. She opened her eyes, rubbing them a little. "Mister?"Zoe blinked looking up at him surprised. He stared down at her, poking her cheek again, startling the child. "Plushy"Shirou mumbles Zoe blinking at him. The elevator doors opened, Rose walking into the room. "Shirou..."Rose says. "She's really..."Shirou stared his eyes widening. Rose nodded, Zoe looking at her curiously. "Silvia"Rose says simply.

"That's my Mom's name, she went bye bye though..."Zoe says. Shirou lifted her up into the air to get a better look at her, seeing the resemblance between him, her and Silvia. "You're really my daughter"Shirou says Zoe's eyes widening slightly. "Thank you, Rose"Shirou says setting Zoe down and walking to the elevator. "What are you planning for me to do?"Rose asks. "Send her back...I can't take care of her"Shirou answers Zoe staring at him. "Shirou, she's only a child, your her father, she needs you"Rose retorts. "She needs proper parents, I can't father a child"Shirou retorts back at her. "Would Silvia want this for your daughter"Rose demanded. Shirou stopped, feeling hands grab his coat. "Don't leave me...please, Papa"Zoe pleaded her eyes starting to water. He stared down at her, Zoe tightening her grip on his coat refusing to let go ad he tried to tug it away from her. "Ogami, give yourself a chance, I can tell you don't wanna give this chance up after you lost Silvia"Rose sighed.

A door opened, a woman and a man looking over as Shirou walked in, holding a sleeping Zoe. "She cried herself to sleep, Melissa can you bring blankets for her"Shirou sighed. "Oh, of course"Melissa nodded hurrying away. Shirou retreated to his room, setting the sleeping child down on the couch as Melissa walked in with a pillow and some blankets. She placed the pillow under Zoe's head, spreading a blanket out over the girl, as Shirou pushed aside one of the bookshelves revealing a blue door behind it. He opened the door, a room filled with dust and cobwebs was on the other side. "Let me get to cleaning, this will be her room for now"Shirou sighed rolling his sleeves up. He walked out and stopped beside Zoe, staring down at her. He reached out, placing his hand on her head. Zoe smiled, her cheeks turning a rosy red. "Cute..."Shirou smiled getting reminded of Silvia.

He kneeled down, watching her sleep. He yawned, getting up. "Shirou you hungry?" Melissa walked in, perking up when she found Shirou asleep. Shirou laid on the couch, Zoe laying beside him with her head on his arm, their temples touching as their chests rose and fell in perfecr sync. "Oh, how cute"Melissa smiled grabbing a blanket, placing it over them, a relieved look on her face. "Is he coming to eat?" Melissa quickly shushed her husband, putting a finger to her lips. "They're asleep"Melissa smiled. She peeked back into the room, smiling at the sight of Shirou's peaceful expression. "Things are gonna get more lively around here with this little one living with us, don't you think so Gem"Melissa smiled. "Of course, since she'll be growing up here, we'll get to see how she developes and what kind of beastman she'll grow to be"Gem nodded. "She'll grow to be a lovely young woman with Shirou here"Melissa smiled.

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