The Middle

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"So? You did it?"

"Yes, Carly, I did your little task, just as you asked." Julia smiled sarcastically. "Hm, speaking of, this makes us even, right?"

"Yup. Totally even." The black-haired teenager smirked at her older sister and tipped her head to the side. "You think he noticed?"

"What? Me putting a bug on him?" She waved Carly off. "Nah. He was way too uncomfortable."

The teen scoffed. "Does he not like being touched or something?" Her thoughts inevitably flitted back to last night and she almost regretted her words. Pete was going through a hard time right now- did she really need to sit back and judge him?

This is why I had Julia tap him. So I can hear what he says when he goes... well, when he goes wherever he's going!

"Blah blah blah-" That's all Carly had been able to distinguish coming from Julia's mouth- mindless blabber, "-you're kinda nosy, just saying."

"No I am not..!" Carly protested, eyes widening. She then ducked her head and thought for a moment. "Okay, backtrack. Maybe a bit, but you didn't see Cousin Pete last night. I have my reasons."

Julia cocked a brow but didn't question further, instead straightening up and brushing some dust off of her jacket. "Well, better get going. Don't want Audrey to yell at me do I?"

"Mmmm. Good luck. She's grumpier than usual today- think it's because of the whole Pete thing last night?" Carly leaned back in her chair.

The blonde-haired woman shrugged. "Dunno. Not my problem and I don't really care. She can act like a mean old bear, as long as she doesn't get in the way of me I'm fine. But I also don't want to face her wrath. So uh. Guess we'll see."

Carly nodded slowly and smiled, watching Julia leave before her face fell flat. She quickly scrambled up to her room, plugging her headphones in and letting them slide into her ears. The teenager laid down on the bed, staring at the ceiling, listening to the steady breathing of Pete, the rumbling of a car engine in the background.

Whatever's going on with Pete, I'm going to find out; nothing will get in the way of that.


Marius's fingers tapped at the steering wheel impatiently as he waited for Marjorie's library to open. His chocolate eyes flitted around the street before he noticed the familiar frame of a woman opening the front door, a stack of books perched on her side. The British female walked into the building and disappeared from sight.

Marius let a soft smile sink onto his lips until he forced the emotional look to disappear when he stepped out of the car. The brown-haired male pulled his jacket closer to his body and quickly scampered across the street, head ducked as to avoid detection as he entered the library. An odd feeling of anxiety prickled through his body but Marius hoped it was just a temporary thing.

Clearly surprised at already having a customer at opening time, Marjorie turned around with wide eyes. "Hi, how may I-" Her voice fell flat and she gawked at the conman for a moment. However, Marjorie eventually straightened up her shoulders and tilted her chin forward with a resting smile. "Marius."

"Marjorie." The male scanned the bookstore with his sharp gaze and let his fingers trail over the section of novels closest to him.

"I didn't expect you to show up so early." He noticed that, if only for a brief moment, caution and concern sparked in her gaze, but was gone when he blinked. Marius wondered if he'd imagined it. "After what you said last night, I have to admit I was a little worried."

Marius shrugged and waved her off with a hand. "Well, you know my reasons."

She cocked a brow. "You weren't nearly as upset when Charlie-"

"Eddie was my fucking brother," Marius seethed, glaring at the woman. She realized her mistake and looked away in shame. "Not some guy who I was close to. Yeah, Charlie's death affected all of us, but you can blame me."

"Marius, no one blames you." Her voice softened ever so slightly and it pissed the conman off. "We know you didn't mean-"

"Exactly! I didn't mean to get us caught, but we did, okay? Karolina, Eddie and me watched as Vince blew a bullet straight into Charlie's chest. Do I still get nightmares? Yes. Do I still feel guilt? Yes. But I was able to move on." His heart broke a little. "I'm not sure I'll be able to move on from Eddie. That's the different between your family and a buddy."

"You're thinking of doing something stupid, aren't you?" Marjorie concluded, a serious look plastered on her face. "Karolina-"

"Fuck her."

"Will you let me finish?" Marius shut up and watched as the British woman pinched the bridge of her nose with her fingers, sighing heavily. "Karolina told me that you freaked out after Eddie- well, you know. After his toe was cut off. She also enlightened me on the fact that you had a tank of gasoline and planned to set Vince's whole place on fire." Marjorie crossed her arms and leaned back against the wall. "Is this the kind of stupid I'm going to have to watch you go through with?"

Marius scowled, stuffing his hands in his jacket pockets and looking away stubbornly. "At least you know you can't stop me."

"You didn't answer the question."

"I don't know. I'm still contemplating on whether or not this crazy ass family will provide amy leverage for me. I doubt it."

"Is the money still there? Can you get it and run?"

Marius let out a spluttering laugh. "Yeah, right. Eddie is dead and it's all my fucking fault. You think I'm gonna be a greedy bastard and steal the money from my oh-so-amazing family? No, Vince is going to pay for what he did." Marjorie cast him the expression of "I wouldn't be surprised, you've done it before."

"You know they-"

"Yeah, I fucking know Marjorie." I know they're not my family, but it's nice to think I have one.. "Care to rub anything else in?"

"Will you stop being a dick for two seconds and listen to my advice?" she asked pointedly, grumbling under her breath. Marius snapped his jaws shut. "Thank you. Now, here's my advice to you: take the money and leave. This shithole with Chayton and Lance is already getting in too deep."

"I can't," he sighed. "You don't know this family, they'd hunt me down and tear out my guts for stabbing them in the back. Trust me, I've looked at all the possibilities since.." God, Marius couldn't say it. He couldn't let himself admit that his brother was really dead. "And they aren't good, alright? Despite him being a cocky asshole, Lance would do anything for Julia- if she asked him to find me, he'd find me. Then I'd be royally fucked with no way to cover my tracks. You see what I mean?"

Marjorie suddenly smirked and Marius didn't like the mischievous look she was giving him. "You're trying so hard to hide it, it's almost funny." She took a step closer and cocked a brow. "Come on, Marius, just admit it. You like them!"

The conman snarled. "I totally don't. They're a bunch of raging psychopaths that I can hardly stand being around- besides, the first rule of the life is to never get attached."

"You're attached."

"I'm not."

"I think you are."


"God, Marius, can't you just admit that you love something for once in your life?" Her eyes flickered with sympathy. "We all knew the situation with you and Eddie. How your mother-"

He raised a hand to stop her from continuing. "Yes, unfortunately I'm aware of how my mother was. I had to live with her crazy ass for twelve years."

"I know it hurt you. It must have been traumatic to see her overdose."

Grief clawed at his throat and Marius's eyes prickled with tears. He let out a loud breath, trying so hard to not show what he was feeling. But damn, was it hard- no one had ever really admitted to him that they knew what he'd seen and been trough. That they knew how hard he'd had to care for Eddie and provide for a broken, orphaned family. Two fucked up kids that only had each other to live for- who would want to adopt that?

Marius hadn't realized he was crying until Marjorie stepped forward and wrapped a comforting arm around his shoulder. He wiped at his tears furiously, trying to make them go away. "Fuck. Fuck, fuck, fuck, I should never have come here." The brown-haired male turned away, making a beeline towards the door. However, the female was quicker and jumped in front of him, sighing heavily and embracing the conman. Neither of them particularly liked physical contact, but there were a few moments where it truly meant a lot to the pair, this being one of those times.

"I'm sorry," he whispered, his voice broken. "I have to do this for Eddie. This isn't about money. It's not about me getting something in the end and walking away a free man. I just want to have one last chance to save my brother, goddamnit."

Marjorie pulled away and pecked him on the cheek in a friendly way. "Marius, I... I understand what you need to do. I know why you're doing this and that's the only reason I'm not getting in your way."

He smothered out a chuckle. "Not like you'd be able to do anything, anyway."

"That's true," she admitted sadly. "Marius, I don't want to lose you. You're the most important person in my life and we've known each other for a long time. I don't want you to die, but I also don't want to see you destroy yourself.. What do I choose?"

"I'm going to destroy myself if I live," he said, brows furrowing slightly. "It won't matter whether or not you stop me. It'll end in death every time. So.. At least let me go out in a way I want to?"

Marjorie looked torn but, after a few idle moments of silence, she nodded and patted his shoulder affectionately. "I trust you, Marius. I know you're doing the right thing and I admire that. Please, if you need help, call me, okay?" She snorted. "Just don't make me play mom again."

Marius smiled a bit. "Hmm, we'll see. Maybe I should wait it out just to see you look fifty again."

"Smartass," the British woman scoffed, emotion welling in her eyes. "I'll see you, Marius."

"In another life? Yes. Yes, you will."

That is, if I die— which I will most likely succeed in doing after I make Vince feel like the worst human being on the planet.

A small smile flitted over his features as he walked out of the library.

Revenge at its finest. Charlie is going to be cursing at us for not doing something as great for him. But that's what makes this special.

That's what makes this for Eddie. And I intend to spark a revolution that no one will ever forget. Because that's what family does. We protect each other...

Even if it ends in giving away your last breath.



Carly hadn't been paying attention to the speaker too much, browsing through Amazon and trying to find something nice to buy. She suddenly heard a grunt come from Pete and the teen lifted her head hopefully. She heard a car door closing, footsteps, and finally a voice. It'd taken him long enough to get to the city!

The first vocal sound to come through the headphones was, surprisingly, that of a British woman's. Carly's eyebrows raised in slight confusion, especially when she heard the formal voice say, "Hi, how may I-"

But she cut off almost as soon as she'd started, almost like she recognized Pete. So they know each other? Unless she was talking to someone else?

"Marius." An unwelcoming feeling settled in Carly's stomach and she froze, her heart beating out of her chest with her blood seeming to become ten degrees colder. Marius? Like the Marius that I looked up on Taylor's computer that wasn't Pete? Or is it an alias? It must be; there's no other reason why she would call him that! The teen could hear slight contentment in the woman's voice, as if she was happy to see him. Oh god, no, please don't let this be some nasty shit I'm gonna have to listen to. But at the same time it would be interesting- She mentally slapped herself. No! Stop it! Just listen and don't get distracted...

"Marjorie." The word rolled off of Pete's familiar voice with ease. Okay, they definitely knew each other. Odd, I've never heard him mention a Marjorie. A secret girlfriend?

"I didn't expect you to show up so early. After what you said last night, I have to admit I was a little worried." And then Carly remembered- this was the woman Pete had been talking to the night before! Now it all clicked together! So her cousin had to be here to discuss Eddie, right? Most likely? His friend that had died? She smirked. Damn, I should be a detective. However, shaking away those self-righteous thoughts, the black-haired girl continued to listen carefully. She wanted to make sure she didn't miss anything.

"Well, you know my reasons."

A pause.

"You weren't nearly as upset when Charlie-"

"Eddie was my fucking brother." Marjorie didn't speak and Carly was shocked to hear Pete so angry. "Not some guy who I was close to. Yeah, Charlie's death affected all of us, but you can blame me."

Charlie? Who the hell is Charlie? He died, I know that- but why does Pete say for her to blame them? Who's this "us"? Ugh, so many questions! Carly's eyes widened when she realized what Pete had said before. Wait.. wait! What the hell? Did Pete just say Eddie was his brother? Now I'm no master at family trees but I sure as hell know Aunt Maggie didn't have any more kids after Pete- he was an only child. So what the fuck is he talking about?!

She tried to calm herself but suspicion didn't soothe her nerves. I know I told Sam I didn't think Pete was who he said he was...but there's no way in hell I was right. Everyone blew me off like I was crazy, and I... no. That's too insane, he knows too much to not be who he says he is. She shook her head. Maybe Pete's just comparing Eddie as a brother? They couldn't have been blood related- that would mean I have a long-lost-now-dead cousin I never knew and that no one else in my family knew either. I just can't see it. She stopped, hesitating. Unless it's a half-brother to Pete and he never told us.. but I can't imagine that's true. Realizing she'd missed some of the conversation, Carly snapped back into reality.

"Exactly!" That was Pete's voice. "I didn't mean to get us caught, but we did, okay? Karolina, Eddie and me watched as Vince blew a bullet straight into Charlie's chest. Do I still get nightmares? Yes. Do I still feel guilt? Yes. But I was able to move on. I'm not sure..."

Oh, god... god, Pete saw- he saw murder? And he.. he blames himself? Who's Karolina and who is Vince to-

The speaker cut out for a moment and Carly slammed her hands down in frustration, praying to God she wasn't going to miss this. No! Please no! I have to hear the rest! After a few moments, the bug muffled back into her ear, the words sifting through like a fluttering moth. She let out a sigh of relief, trying to catch up on the current place of the talk.

"...let me finish?" Marjorie's annoyed sigh crackled into her ear and Carly couldn't stop a chuckle from leaving her lips... until she heard what was said next. "Karolina told me that you freaked out after Eddie- well, you know. After his toe was cut off. She also enlightened me on the fact that you had a tank of gasoline and planned to set Vince's whole place on fire." Marjorie crossed her arms and leaned back against the wall. "Is this the kind of stupid I'm going to have to watch you go through with?"

Carly's jaw dropped and she was dumbfounded. Eddie... Eddie had his toe chopped off? And- And so Pete tried... to set this Vince guy's house or whatever on fire? So Karolina, she's important, but I've never heard her speak before, or even heard anything about her, for that matter. She felt sadness tug at her heartstrings. How did we not know what was going on with Pete?

Her mind countered back. He hides it too well. And suddenly she wondered if Pete had gone to Marjorie just to explain some suicidal plan. Carly really hoped not. Either way, I'm showing the rest of the family this tape after this conversation ends. They'll know what to do. Determined, the teen leaned back and listened.

"I don't know. I'm still contemplating on whether or not this crazy ass family will provide amy leverage for me. I doubt it." Carly was a little offended then remembered she felt the same way, but became instantly confused. Leverage..?

"Is the money still there? Can you get it and run?"

A laugh from her cousin. "Yeah, right. Eddie is dead and it's all my fucking fault. You think I'm gonna be a greedy bastard and steal the money from my oh-so-amazing family? No, Vince is going to pay for what he did."

He was... wait was he actually thinking of stealing-

"Will you stop being a dick for two seconds and listen to my advice?" Marjorie. "Thank you. Now, here's my advice to you: take the money and leave. This shithole with Chayton and Lance is already getting in too deep."

Pete. No. Don't agree to do this- I know this isn't you!

"I can't," Pete sighed. Carly let out a breath of relief then became aware of the fact that Marjorie knew about both Lance and Chayton- whoever that was. She scowled. Oh, so someone who isn't even in our family knows, but I don't?

"You don't know this family, they'd hunt me down and tear out my guts for stabbing them in the back. Trust me, I've looked at all the possibilities since.." Silence. "And they aren't good, alright? Despite him being a cocky asshole, Lance would do anything for Julia- if she asked him to find me, he'd find me. Then I'd be royally fucked with no way to cover my tracks. You see what I mean?"

He's smart. But that means he's thought about this before- he's fucking thought about stealing the money from his family! Disgust bubbled in her chest. What the hell?

An almost playful tone sunk into Marjorie's words. "You're trying so hard to hide it, it's almost funny. Come on, Marius, just admit it. You like them!"

Her cousin snarled. "I totally don't. They're a bunch of raging psychopaths that I can hardly stand being around- besides, the first rule of the life is to never get attached."

Carly frowned. "The life"? Also, I'm not crazy! I'm actually quite charming and un-psychopathic!  Besides, why wouldn't Pete care about loving his family? Even I'm attached. That has to mean something.

"You're attached."

"I'm not."

"I think you are."


"God, Marius, can't you just admit that you love something for once in your life?" Was that sympathy? "We all knew the situation with you and Eddie. How your mother-"

"Yes, unfortunately I'm aware of how my mother was. I had to live with her crazy ass for twelve years."


Maybe she could finally understand a bit more about Aunt Maggie, but Pete' words were cryptic nonetheless.

And Marjorie said "you and Eddie." Fucking hell. I'm so confused..!

"I know... hurt you... traumatic.." The microphone shifted in and out of frequency and Carly mentally cursed.

And then something truly shocking happened.

Pete cried. This was only the second time she'd heard him doing such but still.. he hid it so well, but in front of Marjorie it seemed to simply.. spill. That means they're close. They have to be close. There's no other way he'd show that emotion around her.

"I'm sorry," Pete suddenly whispered, his voice broken. "I have to do this for Eddie. This isn't about money. It's not about me getting something in the end and walking away a free man. I just want to have one last"

There was a brief moment of silence and Carly almost wondered if he'd found the bug and was purposefully muffling it. No, then he would've smashed it and erased the history of this tape. He hasn't found it.

"...won't matter whether or not you stop me. It'll end in death every time. So.. At least let me go out in a way I want to?" Whoa, wait, wait wait wait- was Pete- holy fuck. No. That's not good. Is he... is he trying to say to say that-?

"Smartass," the British woman scoffed emotionally. "I'll see you, Marius."

"In another life? Yes. Yes, you will."

Oh, fucking hell.

I know what those words mean. Oh, god. Oh god oh god oh god.

Pete is going to try and kill Vince... and he's going to hurt himself in the process.

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