A House on Fire

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Author's note: greetings to those who've read this far, this is a character scenario, where you put your OC in a certain problem and you determine everything from their character's personality on how they solve the problem. I did this for creative writing earlier in the school year. Hope y'all like it


   Sitting at the computer, Pauline types an analysis of her research. Everything is dark besides the glow of the computer screen; clicks from the keyboard, crickets singing, owls hooting and the regular sounds of the road gently fills the silence. Once the papers were finished, she presses the print button and stretches her stiff legs.

   Suddenly, she hears screaming across the street and pulls back her cream colored curtains to see orange and red, swirling and dancing across the roof of her front-door neighbor's home. Alarmed and worried sick, she bursts out the front door and sprints toward the burning house. Seeing the family who lives there standing in the street, she sighs with relief.

   One of the children hurries to Pauline with bloodshot eyes and cries out, "My little brother is still in there!" The mother stands there sobbing and the husband tries to run back into the house but other neighbors stop him. Between streams of tears, the mother screeched, "But what about my baby!"

   Pauline is moved by this and she knew the fire department would not arrive on time to save the boy, so she takes a deep breath and reluctantly darts into the scorching heat of the house. Smoke burns her eyes and tortures her lungs and the intense heat makes her skin feel like it is melting. She searches through her memory files, recalling all the lessons firemen taught her in elementary school.

   It takes not too long to hear the wailing of a toddler over the roaring of the fire. Feeling that the door is cool, she inches her hand to the knob and swings open the door. A scared little boy sits curled up on his bed, hugging his stuffed bear and screaming for his mom. She kindly wraps the toddler in a blanket and clutches him close to her.

   As she starts rushing to the exit of the room, the roof above the door collapses and a searing wave of heat and sparks fly at her. Coughing and panicking, she scans the room for another means of escape and detects a window. She opens the window and notices a screen is blocking the way. Pauline eyes the fire, which is swiftly creeping toward her and the toddler, then with one last surge of adrenaline, she kicks down the screen and climbs out the window with the boy safe in her arms.

   It takes all of her strength to bring the child to his family, who cried with happiness and relief, thanking her with all their heart. As Pauline staggers toward the ambulance, her vision blackens and she passes out on the cold, solid street.

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