Big Bad Dan Returns In A Big Bad Way/A Very Relaxing Thanksgiving.

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After two years of surgeries, and recoveries. I will make my return tonight. But the question is when will I make his long awaited return.

I grinned as I arrived at the arena and Gionna was really happy to see I was back as she leapt into my arms,  "Daniel. I'm so happy your back." She grinned as I held her in a bear hug as I was happy to be back in WWE. I set her on her feet and signed.
In Sign Language: "What's been going on since I've been gone?" I asked in sign language.
She told me that things weren't exactly the same without Ruby or Sarah on the roster.
ISL: "Well I'm still here and so are you. So between the two of us, we should be able to cause some problems or mischief." I replied.
She grinned as she bit her lip.
I grinned as I headed to my locker room. Got ready for my surprise return.

Once I was ready, I watched Raw from my locker room and found my moment to return. It was after a titanic showdown between Keith Lee and Bobby Lashley.
When Keith beat Bobby, I came out to the ring with steel chair wrapped in not barbed wire, but razor wire. Which I call Cactus. Named after Cactus Jack. Mick Foley's most dangerous gimmick. I slid into the ring and just laid into Lashley. Only to be jumped by the rest of Hurt Business.
About two minutes into the beating, 'Demons' by Imagine Dragons started blaring over the speakers of the arena and MVP was attacked from behind Scott Rider who had come through the crowd with a bat wrapped in barbed wire. Hurt Business cleared the ring and Liv came to the ring to check on me.  Scott did the same after grabbing a mic.
Liv helped me to my feet as Scott put the mic to his lips. "Hey Cedric. You and Shelton are pretty big guys aren't you? Well why don't you put your money where your mouth is. And face me one on one next week." The crowd went completely nuts at the prospect of a match between Scott and Cedric. But I was mad as all get out as I started signing and Liv understood along with Scott what I wanted next week. "It seems that Daniel wants to have a one on one with Bobby next week as well. And come hell or high water. Bobby will be put on the the injured list." I quickly slid my thumb across my throat. "Permanently." Scott finished. Hurt Business headed to the back. "Liv will you take him to the back? I'll talk to you guys later." Liv nodded as she helped me out of the ring and to the back. Scott grinned as he stood in the ring and soaked in the chants of 'Demon Assassin' and 'This is awesome' from the crowd. He put the mic to his lips, "I'd like the ever lovely Bianca Belair to come down to the ring." Bianca came down to the ring and stood within an arms reach of him. "Bianca, I've waited months to ask you this after my contract with NJPW expired. And I made myself a promise that I would ask you this, after a couple years of long distance dating and a few trips to America for Christmas and Thanksgiving. I'm ready to ask. This question." He got down on one knee and pulled out a blue diamond engagement ring, making Bianca cover her mouth and nose. "Bianca, will you marry me?"
Bianca grinned as she nodded and said, "Yes." He slid the ring on her finger, stood up, wrapped his arms around her waist and kissed her as the crowd went nuts. Bianca and Scott headed to the back and when they made it through the curtain, they were greeted by the entire locker room. After the last hugs and handshakes were done with. They found me and Liv in the hall near my locker room.

"Hey, you okay?" He asked.
I nodded, ISL: "Yeah. Just have to be careful for a couple days."
"Good." He signed in response.
"I would like to know, why did you rescued Daniel?" Gionna asked.
"I heard about Daniel not speaking to many people. But to a select few through sign. I also am a great admirer of his." Scott told us.
I asked through sign, "When or where did you learn to sign?"
" In the army. I enlisted at sixteen and was discharged courtesy of a wounded shoulder." He replied verbally and with sign.
Gionna grinned as she noticed me saying through sign, "Well I've also been an admirer of yours. I heard about the battles you had against the Bullet Club and Suzuki Gun. Especially against Jay White." I chuckled as I continued, "So we've been admirers of each other."
"I've noticed." He replied.
"Baby. Why don't we have Daniel and Gionna come to our place for Thanksgiving." Bianca suggested.
"Sounds good to me, baby." Scott agreed.
Bianca smiles as she kissed Scott. "See you at the hotel guys." Bianca grinned.
"See you there." Gionna smiled as we headed to my locker room got changed into some clean casuals, grabbed my arena bags and headed to her locker room so she could grab her arena bag and they headed to the hotel.

In Bianca's locker room, "It's going to be fun having you home for Thanksgiving. And why didn't you tell me that you were debuting tonight?" She asked.
"Thought I'd surprise you." Scott replied.
"You certainly did that tonight." Bianca grinned as she looked at her new engagement ring.
"Well, I've been wanting to ask you to marry me for a while. So I thought I'd do it on my debut night." Scott replied.
"I'm so glad we're going to have company for Thanksgiving." She grinned.
"Well, it will certainly be a very special Thanksgiving." Scott grinned.
Bianca changed into clean clothes and Scott did as well.
"Got that right. Let's get to the hotel and get some sleep before we head to Jacksonville in the morning." Bianca told him.
"Good idea honey." He replied. They headed to the hotel for the night.

Gionna and I shared a hotel room like we did before my near career ending injury.
We had changed into our sleep wear after setting in our hotel room for the night, "I'm happy to be back where I belong. With my little Gionna." I  told her. She smiled as she hugged me.
"Well let's get to bed, Danny." She yawned as we headed to bed, "Goodnight."
"I'll get us a big breakfast in the morning." I grinned as we both fell asleep in our beds.

Bianca grinned as she kissed Scott as they arrived in their hotel room.
"Well, we should get to bed so we can wake up early and get a big breakfast with Liv and Daniel before heading to our home in Jacksonville." He grinned.
"Agreed, baby." Bianca grinned as she yawned. As Scott slid into bed and she slid next to him. They wrapped their arms around each other and fell asleep.

The next morning, I went out for a five block run as Gionna continued sleeping. I was on my second lap when I saw Bianca up ahead of me. I picked up my pace until I was side by side with her.
"Hey, if it isn't the future Mrs Rider." I grinned as she smiled.
"Hey, Daniel." She replied. "Still go on runs I see."
"I do. But it took me a while to even be able to get to this point." I said.
"Well Gionna's really happy to have you back." We slowed down and stopped at a deserted area.
"I  noticed. To be quite frank. I have always been rather taken with her. Since the day I was paired up with the Riott Squad." I grinned.
"Does she know?" She asked.
"I like to think she was aware. Or at least had an inkling." I smiled. "When Sarah was released she only had Ruby left. Then when Ruby was released. She had no one for a little while except for a few friend's like, Lana, Mandy, Sonya and Alexa."
"Well, I think she deserves to actually be told that you like her." She told me.
"Agreed. I'll tell her while we're on Thanksgiving break." I promised.
"Okay. Let's finish our run." We did and went to see if our respective roommates were up and packed.

I slid the keycard in the door and let myself in. Gionna was up and getting everything packed for the trip, wearing black rimmed glasses, looking adorable.
"Hey, Gionna. Need help?" I asked as she looked up an smiled at me.
"No. Thanks anyway, Danny." She replied.
"Alright, I'm going to get cleaned up and changed. Should be out in no time." I said.
It took me five minutes to get showered, changed and packed up before helping Liv with our bags gathering them up and taking them downstairs.

While we were doing that, Bianca and Scott were getting their bags gathered together.
"So see anything interesting while out for your run?" Scott asked.
"Ran into Daniel. And he's in love with Liv." Bianca grinned.
"He is?" He asked as she nodded. "Does she know?"
"Not yet. But he said he'd tell her before Thanksgiving break was over." She told him.
"Alright." He grinned. They took their bags downstairs and metup with me and Gionna.

"Hey guys." I greeted in sign.
"Good morning. Ready for breakfast?" He asked.
"Oh yeah." Gionna replied.
"Good. Let's get some breakfast guys." Scott grinned as we loaded up the cars and headed to a local diner for breakfast.

After breakfast was over we headed to Jacksonville, Florida to Scott's and Bianca's home.

When we arrived, I was surprised by the size of the place. I got out of the car, "Wow. I definitely started in the wrong company."
"Daniel?" Gionna scolded as she giggled.
"Sorry, Gionna." I chuckled.
We got a couple of our bags and followed Scott and Bianca inside. Bianca smiles as Gionna and I selected a room to share. It was pretty beautiful room. The bed was a California King. Which meant we would have room for both of us to stretch out during the night. And hopefully by the end of Thanksgiving. I'll have a very sweet, cute and beautiful girlfriend from Jersey. We settled into our room, then headed to the kitchen.
"What do you think we should cook Gionna?" I asked.
"Pasta puttanesca, maybe baked lasagna." She replied. I grinned evilly, "What are you thinking about?"
"Why not both?" I asked.
She grinned as we got everything we needed to cook pasta puttanesca and baked lasagna. Once everything was gathered together, we started cutting, slicing, dicing and cooking the dishes for tonight.

While Gionna and I were cooking, Scott and Bianca were planning activities for Thanksgiving in the morning, afternoon before Thanksgiving dinner and after dinner. They also discussed what to do as a couple. And with Gionna and I as a group.
"I'm so happy to have you home stateside, that we're working for the same company, and that we're engaged. I just have so much to be thankful for this year." Bianca grinned.
"As do I. I am home for the first time in a few years, I have a beautiful girlfriend, or fiancée now, and a couple of new friends." Scott said.
Bianca smiles as she kissed him. Then they smelled delicious food. "Gionna must be cooking dinner tonight." Bianca said as she and Scott headed downstairs to investigate.

They found Gionna cooking. But also found Daniel cooking as well. "Ah, this is coming along nicely. How's the pasta puttanesca?" I asked my sous chef for the evening."
"Coming along nicely as well Danny." Liv replied.
"Excellent. Ah it's our hosts. Scott and Bianca." I said in my best Italian accent. Making Bianca and Scott laugh.
"I didn't know Dan could cook?" Bianca smiled.
"Oh yeah. Daniel cooked for us all the time. And your in for a treat guys. He rarely cooks two different dishes." Gionna smiled.
"Luckily, I have help." I grinned.

After dinner was ready, Scott popped open a bottle of merlot. Which complemented the baked lasagna real well.
"Oh, magnificent. Where did you learn to cook?" Bianca asked.
"Trade secret." I chuckled. "Actually, self taught."
"Incredible. Absolutely delicious from the first bite." Scott replied.
"You haven't lost your touch Dan." Gionna smiled as she kissed my cheek.

After dinner, we went poolside and discussed assignments on who would prepare what for Thanksgiving dinner.
Gionna was put in charge of the candied yams and dressing. Scott was put in charge of potatoes and gravy. Bianca was put in charge of pumpkin pie and cranberry sauce.  I was put in charge of the meat loaf and the turkey.

After the assignments were handed out. We headed straight to bed.

"The turkey should be a fun experience. Especially with the Big Bad Chef cooking it." Scott joked.
"Agreed. And I can tell that Gionna loves to cook with Daniel." Bianca said.
"Agreed." Scott replied.
"Well, let's get to bed baby." Bianca yawned.
"Alright honey." Scott climbed into bed and kissed Bianca as they laid their heads on their pillows and fell asleep.

Gionna and I were getting prepped for bed.
"I missed your cooking, Danny." She said.
"I noticed." I chuckled. "I'm so happy to be with my friends for Thanksgiving. And I'm hoping that will change in a day or two." I told her.
"Did you know that Sarah and Ruby tried to put us together. But you were injured by a blown knee and tricep before they could." She smiled.
"That was not lost on me." I giggled. "I had a feeling that they had something like that in the works for me. And I would be tickled to death to have you as a girlfriend. Your smiles contagious, your such a free spirit and I would definitely love to give us a try."
She grinned at me, "What are you saying Dan?'
"I'm saying that I like you Gionna, and more than just a friend." I told her.  She was surprised at first,  but grinned as we slid into bed and turned off the lights, laid our heads on our pillows and fell asleep.

The next day as Gionna and Bianca were swimming in the pool. Scott and I walked along the dock. "You look like somethings finally fallen into place." Scott grinned.
"Yeah. It's not really an official ask just yet but, I told Gionna that I liked her, as more than a friend." I replied.
"That's good. All you need to do eventually this trip is ask her the all important question." Scott said as he patted my back reassuringly.
"It'll happen after dinner tomorrow." I smiled.
"Alright." He replied.

While we walked down to the edge of the dock, the girls were enjoying their swim and chatting, "You've been a smiling fool all morning. What's going on?" Bianca asked.
""Daniel told me he likes me as more than just a friend." Gionna smiled wider.
"That's great. Which means he'll ask you to be his girlfriend soon." She squealed.
"To tell you the truth, I'm a little excited about it. We've been friends for so long. And I'm actually optimistic and enthusiastic about our future together." She told Bianca.
"It shows. If you want my opinion. You and Daniel are going to be really good for each other. Really believe that you two will go a long way both personally and professionally." Bianca grinned. "And I believe with Daniel at your side. You will get your first Championship. It may not happen immediately. But he'll be able to keep you focused on whatever you decide to go after."
"I agree with you, wholeheartedly." Gionna smiled.
"Good. Now let's get dinner started before the boys come back." Bianca said as she and Gionna got out of the pool and headed inside.

Meanwhile at the dock,
"Cool boat. Go out and meet drug dealers at night." I joked.
"No man." He chuckled. "Fishing."
"That's cool." I grinned. We talked about possible opponents and the possibility of going after the Raw or Smackdown Tag Team Championships. After a while we headed to the house for dinner.

The girls prepared pot roast, mashed potatoes and gravy for dinner. We absolutely enjoyed dinner and after, Gionna and I cleared the table and washed, dried and put the dishes away before I got out the turkey and put it in the sink to defrost it overnight.

Bianca and Scott went directly to bed as did Gionna and I.

The next morning, Bianca and I got a run in before we headed to the kitchen only to see Gionna and Scott cooking their assigned dishes. Bianca started pumpkin pie and cranberry sauce as I made sure the turkey was prepared to cook. And once the bird was in the oven, I started working on the meat loaf.

After everything was cooked and prepared. We sat down at the dining room table, said what were most thankful for this year and dug in. We ate about half the turkey, more than half of the candied yams, and pumpkin pie and cranberry sauce. We ate half of the potatoes and gravy and half the meat loaf. We put the leftovers in tupperware, and sandwich bags. Bianca and Scott went into the living room as Gionna and I went on a long walk. "I don't know about you, honey. But I'm stuffed." Scott grinned as Bianca cuddled close to him.
"I know something that will help us work off the meal."She replied.
He smirked, "As do I. Let's go to our room and work it off."
"Let's go, baby." Bianca got up and pulled him off the couch and they ran to their room. Bianca smiles as Scott closed the door, "I've been wanting to do this since you came home last week."
Scott smiled as he and Bianca started getting undressed, and without much more talk, they started making out rather heavily which bled into her on her back, on the bed and he was kissing her passionately as he was drilling deep into her pussy with his hammering length, which made her moan loudly, and scream in complete and utter ecstasy

While the soon to be newlyweds were having their fun.
Me and Gionna were close to the end of the driveway entrance.
"I remember you dressed up as the Joker after I was kicked in the face by Brie. I've never seen anyone else that comes close to your Joker that day. Your impressions of Mark Hammil's, Heath Ledger's and Jack Nicholson's Joker were spot on. You made me so happy for days. And I know that you were only trying to cheer me up while I was recovering." She smiled.
"As a plus it afforded me an excuse to talk instead of being a functioning mute." I said making her smile and giggle. We headed back to the house.
"I've enjoyed these last few days." She grinned. I stopped in my tracks.
"This time is different, actually." She looked at me with a big smile across her lips. I slid her hands in mine and looked her dead in the eye. "Gionna Jene Daddio. Will you be my girlfriend?"
She leapt into my arms and kissed me passionately, "Yes my Big Bad Boy." She giggled as I put her back on her feet and she slid ler left hand into my right and pulled me along as we started sprinting to the house and once we were in earshot, we heard Bianca screaming Scott's name repeatedly.
"Seems Bianca and Scott are having fun." I grinned.
"They won't be the only ones tonight." Gionna smirked as she led the way to our room and closed the door behind me, we didn't waste much time talking, we got undressed, and kissed each other with enough heat and passion that it would have set the sheets ablaze if we weren't careful. And that quickly bled into a real passionate and intense four hour round. When it was all over, Bianca had her head laying against Scott's left shoulder with his arm wrapped around her waist, and Gionna was on top of me with her back against my chest and stomach, my arms wrapped around her. We all slept soundly the rest of the night and well into the morning.

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