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Dev and Sonakshi goes down and found The hall empty. Everybody is sleeping peacefully,both thought. Huffing in dismay they entered into the kitchen. Dev wore the aprine like a professional cook while sonakshi too wore it earning "Why do you need to wear this" look from DEV.

Will you please allow me to help you Mr. Chef..... ; Sonakshi replied and asked at the same time with a sheepish smile,blinking her eyes rapidly. A soft chuckle left from dev's mouth while nodding a yes. Dev guided sonakshi to collect all the necessaries. Once they got done with collecting business sonakshi left out a heavy sigh as if she just climbed a big mountain.

Have some rest Miss Helper. Your boss will handle the rest..... ; Dev says seeing her dull face. Such a hungry bird she is ; he thought and smiled lopsidedly. Sonakshi took a empty glass,filled it with water and drank it in one go. Her hunger has reached at it's highest level and she had to fill her empty stomach with this liquid called water or else the density of those weird sounds of her empty stomach will increase with time. Well that's one of her antiques,sadly. Till now She had enough embarrassing moments with dev and now she's not willing to increase the number...

Sonakshi sat on the kitchen slab while dev get Engrossed in chopping veggies. The way he chops each veggie with utmost perfection leaves sonakshi in a shock. She open mouthedly,looked at his way of chopping. While chopping cucumber he took one piece of it,flung it in the air and then had it directly in his mouth like a pro. Sonakshi saw all this with her "O" shaped face,her eyes never left his sight but he was all engrossed in his work that he failed to notice that. He's better than her father,the reality forced her to think this. She's a hard-core fan of her father's cooking and has only seen one man cooking in her entire life who is none other then her very own father and now it's dev.

My father is the best ; she spoke proudly rolling her eyes of him. What.... ; came dev's reply who was now all ready to server the sandwiches made by him,only!!

Ahmmm....Nothing ; sonakshi spoke stammering with her words and jumps from the slab but her little stunt back fired and her leg twists but before she fell dev grabbed her hand within the friction of secs and prevents her from falling.

Woah.....Be careful ; Dev alerted her and she smiles faintly nodding in a yes.

I know that I am Hungry but I am not a glutton ; Sonakshi says eyeing the sandwiches and dev was quick to reply that he made it for all 5 of them. Such a thoughtful and caring Man ; her innerself screamed a little seeing this gesture of his.

They settled down on the little dinning area and started to eat and tried to know about each-other more. Not about each-other actually it was sonakshi who's talking nonstop,feeding him with the latest trends of fashion,current affairs and alot more. Dev barely got a chance to talk about himself. Her chatter box nature didn't irk him because he already has a chatter box in the form of his sister. He was kind of enjoying her company. It's going to be an hour since they were eating and talking and the lane of their talks broke with the hissing sound which escaped from Anuj's mouth who just got a punch on his forearm by his irked wife. Devakshi snaps their head towards them and welcomed them with a warm smile.

Finally my dear friend had a good start of his day ; Dev says chuckling over his sis and bil's usual antics.

Kind of ; Anuj replies pulling a chair beside sonakshi,for Ridhima to sit. Ridhima settles down on it ,twitching her nose in annoyness.

Hey ; Sonakshi greets her with a toothy smile,offering her a sandwich. Ridhima greets her the same pasting the same smile,genuinely. Her anger was rosed up,from the time she woke but Sonakshi's presence fills her heart with such good vibes that she feels so happy around her,since the time they first met in the Mall. Anuj settled down beside dev and literally attacked on the food.

Taking the first bite of the sandwich both Ridhima and Anuj got it that it's made by dev. Ridhima thanked dev for making it for her while Anuj narrows his brows towards dev,eyeing sonakshi who was all engrossed in talks with Ridhima. Dev just rolled his eyes off him knowing his sense of taking the things.

Hwwww.....How can you guys eat??that too without me ; Twinkle said annoyingly placing her hands over her waist,seeing all four of them giggling and talking while eating sandwiches.

Hello beautiful.Well that's all our fault that we totally forget about you. Please pardon us for this ; Dev says getting up from his chair,Taking a fresh Lily from the flower vase and gives it to twinkle as if quittance(ing) for the mistake.

Finally the sleepy head arrived ; Sonakshi mocks at her. Twinkle make funny faces in reply while the other three chuckled seeing them.

Dev do the honour of pulling the chair for twinkle like a gentleman and she also attacked on the food just like everybody,except dev.The group of hungry birds!!! ; Dev stated.

So what's the plan for today ; Anuj asks gobbling the last bite of his sandwich. Dev and Sonakshi were done with their food long ago and now only twinkle and Ridhima were the one who's eating till now.

No plans... It's going to be evening,already so we can't roam around the city for long. It's up to your choice whether you want to go out somewhere or not. we can have our food somewhere out and than maybe go to the club!!! ; Dev says seeing the time in his wrist watch. They are running late from the beginning,now that's all what they can do now. Listening to him everybody nodded their head and gave a thought to his plan.

Ok then let's roam around nearby places and enjoy the nightlife of goa..... ; Anuj says approving dev's plan.

Ohhh yeh we'll go to the night club that too in goa. Ohh my god.Ohh my god.m so excited ; twinkle says in her exciting tone and squeals at her place. Sonakshi's eyes sparkles seeing twinkle's excitment.

Yes goa's night life is worth living. It just makes you feel free like a bird. Uff the bestest thing about goa.... ; Ridhima exclaimed in equally excited tone. Though she isn't a party animal and barely seen the nightlife of goa but right Now the excitement of twinkle filled a weird kind of excitement and thrill inside her. All thanks to her pregnancy hormones!!!

Guys....guys.....guys.....just Calm down ok. It's just a club and we won't stay there for a long time. And yes Ridhzi you are going to stay 5 minters,away from the dance floor and crowded area. I won't take any risk with you and we'll go to the club if you agrees on my conditions or else no outing ; Dev says in a calmed yet strict tone. Ridhima muffled a why to be heared by him only,knowing that her puppy face will work out but His face was firm and eyes held pure love and care for his little sister who's the only reason of his got damn existence.

Ahmm yes he's right..... ; both Anuj and Sonakshi spoke at the same time in stern tone while Ridhima grunts her teeths in anger but she also knew that right Now this is the right thing for her so she didn't oppose them yet nodded in a yes.

Soon everybody left to their respective rooms to freshen up and twinkle was the first one to arrive in the hall wearing a crop top and sorts which were more sort then her usual ones and she brought them purposely just to wear in this trip only. After her comes twinkle and Anuj. Twinkle choose to wear a knee length loose Macy drees which was hung around her body lightly,showing her little grown up belly while Anuj was wearing a casual light coloured shirt nd sort pants. And then descended down two gorgeous people, Dev and Sonakshi. Dev was dressed in a casual shirt and sort pants. His jetblack hairs were perfectly brushed and the sleeves of the shirt were half rolled making him look more hotter. His smile could be the reason of somebody's death. Sonakshi was dressed in a Denim Pinafore looking cute,beautiful and drool worthy at the same time. Her hairs were little curly and were resting on either side of her shoulder.

(Dev's attire)

(Sonakshi's attire)

You didn't told me about carrying this.... ; Twinkle says in annoyness seeing sonakshi's dress which she refuses to carry when she requested no actually begged her to give it to her.

Just the same way,you didn't even bothered to tell me about your these ones ; Sonakshi gave it back to her and twinkle shuts her mouth immediately thus twitching her nose in annoyness.

Your baby bump looks cute... ; Sonakshi says with sparkling eyes, eyeing Ridhima up to toe who was wearing the same dress suggested by her only. This is the first time when she's having a girl friend who's pregnant and she wants to pamper her like her own sister or a baby. She feels both exciting and responsible around her. Her first experience with a to be mumma...... sounds interesting!!!

Thank you..... ; Ridhima replies with a toothy smile, caressing her belly with her one hand while her other hand was intwisted with Anuj's.

Be alert ladies. You are the one who can safeguard yourself from some so called shitty people and we men will be there to support you ; saying so dev bowes down infront of them. He always believes that girls are brave enough to handle any situation all they need is just a push from a person to handle the situation.He has raised Ridhima like this only that is why now she has black belt in karate.

Yes sir ; the girl trio says saluting him and Dev chuckled sarcastically rolling his eyes off them. Did he sounded like a strict army officer.... ; he thoughts for a while seeing their reaction. Chucking his thoughts,he lead them outside of the Vila to start the first day of their journey.


Baga,the coastal town in the western Indian state of Goa. Standing on the shores of the Arabian Sea,known for long, sandy Baga Beach.The Soft white sands that span the peaceful Arabian Sea.

Since the distance between the beach and villa wasn't too much so they decided to have a walk till the beach. It's going to be evening so The atmosphere was quite decent for them. After walking few meters away from the villa they entered into the beach Market,featuring stalls,selling handicrafts and textiles. The market had small shops attached with each-other in a row. The moment when the market came into the sight of girl,their eyes lightup as if they got a long desired thing. Their slow speed changed into the speedy one and the enthusiasm of them knew no boundaries. They literally visited each and every shop.And Since the shops were small and had less space to stand for more people,The boys stayed out wandering their eyes here and there.

Twinkle was the first one who came out of the last shop bouncing at her place like a 3 year old kid holding some stones type thingy in her hands.

Hey......You would have killed that poor ant with your feet calm down beautiful...... ; Dev says mockingly seeing her still jumping like a kangaroo.

Finally I got these stone's earrings ; Twinkle spoke with a sheepish smile adoring the stones in her hands.

M hungry ; Ridhima chirped with a sigh,coming out of the shop followed by sonakshi who looked equally hungry.

Finally!!! I was dying to hear that. Come let's go and have some food ; Anuj says in his desperate tone. He was fedup standing outside of each and every shop From the past 1 hour,bearing all the weird looks from the passer by as if he has committed a crime while dev had the same expressions plastered on his face.

They headed towards the beach area and went into a open restaurant to have some food,not forgetting to call the caretaker to take their shopping bags back to the villa so that they could directly go to a decent club for a time being,After finishing their food.

Goan cuisine....I'll have goan cuisine ; Sonakshi exclaimed squealing at her place.Goan cuisine is one of the common food of goa and She has heard alot about it and wished to eat it. Her mouth started watering imagining it infront of her eyes.

Me too ; Dev spoke after her.

Ridhima didn't wished to eat non veg so she ordered patoli while Anuj and twinkle goes with cafreal and some pan fried fish. Their food arrived within 5 mins and the strong aroma of the food hits their nose making their already watered mouth,drip a little. The smell of strong spices forcing them to forget all the table manners. Food always has been the first love of every Punjabi!!!

The spicy and tanginess of the dish leave a pleasurable smile on their face. Nobody spoke in between and had the food in complete silence,drowning themselves into the mind boggling taste and the sunset which they witnessed sitting at the open area of the restaurant near the beach was another cherry on the cake. The sounds of the water waves were like soft music to them.

Burp.... ; Ridhima and twinkle burped at the same time thus breaking the silence into the series of laughter. All of them laughed whole heartedly.

The waiter came with the bill and handed it to dev but Before dev could see it,sonakshi snatches it from him saying that she'll pay the bill. Dev royally rejected her wish and tried to get the bill from her hands but sonakshi was adamant on paying the bill and blackmailed them the same way,They did. Already they were living with them and troubled them alot now she can't let them do this. She is an indipendent girl and hates taking favours. Finally giving in infront of her demands they let her pay the bill.

It's party time...Woohoo; Twinkle bubbled in joy.

Ridhzi are you feeling tired??Shall we go back?? ; Dev asks Ridhima in his concerned tone. Ridhima has exhausted herself alot today and before going further he wanted to insure if she's ok or not.

I know we aren't going to stay there for long time so we should go and I am perfectly fine with the idea ; Ridhima replies with a coy smile while Anuj side hugged her,squeezing his eyes he assured dev about his little sister's well being. Both sonakshi and twinkle goes Awww seeing this gesture of them. How beautiful they convey their love to each-other.

Stop looking at us like this girls ; Anuj says to the duo who were still adoring them.

Ok so before veer ji ruins the plan let's get going guys ; Ridhima says pulling dev out of the restaurant and headed towards the club.
They reached at the nearby club named "Bollywood Night club" suggested by twinkle who being a diehard fan of bollywood dragged all of them inside it just reading the name of it. The bar had 2 sections. First one was fully crowded with the people who dancing like maniacs on the Bollywood songs. And some of them were showing their skills in particular dance form while the other section was less crowded where some people were sitting on the table, gulping down their drinks and juices in little peace,talking with their partners.

M going to the dance floor; Twinkle declared in exitment and started to going towards it followed by sonakshi who was stoping her to do so because the place didn't seemed good. Her sixth sense warned her not to stay there anymore.

Twinkle stop..... ; sonakshi tries to stop her but bumped with a waiter on the way resulting spoiling her dress. Hell !!!

Stop.....Stop you dumbo.......you aren't going anywhere and we all are leaving from here right now ; Sonakshi spoke in a serious tone,dragging twinkle back to the group.

She's right. We would go back. This place is not good.... ; Dev spoke in sonakshi's favour after examining the place keenly.

Let me clean my dress and then we'll go back and that's final ; Sonakshi says showing them her spoiled dress. Twinkle hung her head low thus muttering a ok filled with great disappointment.

Come let's go ; Ridhima says to sonakshi.

No....You guys stay here I'll be back in two mins. And you Miss Twinkle Taneja stay glued to your place until I came back ; Sonakshi warned twinkle and left for the washroom.

Ridhima who moved near twinkle to cheer her up started feeling dizzy all of a sudden. Her lashes were becoming heavy and she felt like passing out.

Ridhzi........ ; Dev shouted grasping her shoulder to prevent her from falling.

See that's why I was saying to go back but no. You always want to do the things I deny ; Dev says getting angry on her while Anuj bring some water for her.

Let's go guys. We should leave now. She needs some rest ; Anuj says greeting worried over Ridhima's condition.

But sona ; Twinkle spoke.

You guys go I'll be back with her ; Dev says going towards the direction where sonakshi went few mins ago.

Excuse me..... can you please tell me that where is the washroom; Dev asks one of the waiter who guided him.

Sonakshi.......Sonakshi.....Are you there ; Dev asks knocking on the ladies toilets gate.

He would have continued knocking and calling but all of a sudden the door flung open and his hand with whom he was knocking the door landed on something soft and hard and when he looked at that thing he found sonakshi smilling at him.

Thank God you open the gate....Ridhzi isn't feeling well so let's get back to our place.....come ; Dev says in one go and started to walk outside but stops inbetween not finding sonakshi behind him.

There she was standing still at her place,smilling widely.

Sonakshi.....whom are you waiting for?? Come let's go ; Dev says clutching her hand and started to lead her but she didn't buzzed from her place and kept smilling.

Is she testing his patience??? What the hell is wrong with her?? Here he's tensed about his sister's health and she is playing around him!!! Is she for real??? ; Dev grunts his teeth in anger and shook her,clutching her shoulders tightly. Sonakshi giggled aloud in return.

Wait......Did you.....Did you drink something......... ; Dev asks fearing the worst and Sonakshi noded in a yes with a coy smile.

Wha....What........ ; Dev asks in a low tone.

F.........Feni.......... ; Sonakshi spoke and pulls his cheeks.

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