Chapter 20

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I walk through the towering gates of Lumiose University, feeling the weight of nervousness settle in my chest. The campus is alive with activity—students moving between classes, chatting in groups, and laughing together. Mark and Trenor are beside me, talking about their own experiences over the past two weeks. Ahead of us, Insey, Golly, and Minami are already discussing their plans for the day in their respective departments.

I take a deep breath, trying to calm my nerves. This place is so different from anything I'm used to. I've faced countless battles, but this feels like an entirely new challenge.

"Hey, Ash, are you okay?" Mark asks, catching the anxious look on my face.

"Yeah, I'm fine," I reply, though I can hear the uncertainty in my own voice. "It's just... a lot to take in."

Trenor gives me a reassuring pat on the back. "Don't worry. It feels overwhelming at first, but you'll get the hang of it. We were all in your shoes not too long ago."

Insey, overhearing, turns back to join us. "And you're going to love it here! Each department has its own vibe, and the campus is really cool. Plus, you've got Alice in your department, right? She's been here for a bit, so she can help you settle in."

I smile, appreciating their support, but the unease still lingers. "Thanks, guys. I guess it's just weird being the new one again."

Minami, always the voice of reason, adds, "It's normal to feel that way. But you've got your friends here, too. Alice is probably waiting for you right now."

"Ash!" The familiar voice catches my attention, and I turn, along with my siblings, to see Eve, Flora, and Alice approaching. But something about Alice is different—she's wearing sunglasses and a face mask.

"Alice? What's with the disguise?" I ask, the concern clear in my voice.

She hesitates for a moment before replying, "It's for protection. Going back to class means I have to face those people again... It's better if they don't recognize me before I walk into the classroom."

I remember vividly the stories of how Alice had been bullied, and how Emma and Ray emphasized the importance of protecting her now that we're in the same department. Determination fills my voice as I say, "I won't judge you for that, but if they want to do something to you, they'll have to go through me first."

Alice nods, a small smile playing on her lips. I can tell she's relieved that I understand, and I'm glad to be here for her. I feel a sense of relief too, knowing that I won't have to worry about remedial classes to earn credits now that it's the second half of the year. But more than anything, I'm just glad to be attending the same classes as Alice, ensuring I can be there for her when she needs me the most.

As we walk, my siblings wave goodbye and head off to their classrooms scattered across the campus. Now it's just Alice and me, the bustling noise of the university fading as we find ourselves alone together. Without wasting time, we make our way to the Acting class, where our first lesson of the day is set to begin.

The classroom is already open when we arrive, and to Alice's relief, we're the first ones here. She glances nervously at the doorway, thankful she doesn't have to worry about any pranks, like the dreaded "dropping bucket from above the door" trick that some of her bullies pulled in the past.

"Looks like we're early," I comment, setting my bag down on a desk near the front. "At least we don't have to deal with anyone else just yet."

Alice nods, looking a bit more at ease. "Yeah, it's nice to have a moment of peace before everyone else gets here."

We sit down, and as the quiet of the empty classroom surrounds us, I turn to Alice with a smile. "So, how are you feeling about being in your mom's class?"

She shrugs, a small smile creeping onto her face. "It's a bit strange, I guess. I mean, I've seen her act all my life, but being taught by her... it's different. I'm just glad she's on our side, you know?"

"Yeah, definitely," I agree. "And hey, it's got to be pretty cool having a famous actress as your teacher. I'm sure she'll make the class interesting."

Alice chuckles softly. "She definitely knows how to keep things lively. But, you know, she can be pretty strict when it comes to acting. She expects a lot from her students."

I grin. "Well, I guess we'll just have to give it our best shot then."

Alice smiles, looking a little more confident with me by her side. The thought of being in her mother's class is less intimidating when she knows she's not facing it alone.

As Alice and I sit quietly, more students begin to trickle into the classroom. The usual chatter that accompanies the start of a class quickly shifts as they notice me, the new face among them. I can feel the weight of their stares, and it doesn't take long before the whispers start.

"Is that a new student?" one of them murmurs, glancing at me with a puzzled expression.

"Yeah, and he's sitting with Alice... Isn't she that bad-luck bringer?" another student mutters, casting a wary look in our direction.

My hands clench into fists under the desk. The urge to stand up and defend Alice wells up inside me, but before I can move, she places a gentle hand on my arm, shaking her head slightly.

"It's not worth it," she whispers, her voice calm but tinged with sadness. "Let them talk."

I take a deep breath, forcing myself to relax. I know she's right, but it doesn't make it any easier to hear those cruel words.

The door swings open again, and two students walk in, immediately locking their eyes on Alice. The boy, with a smug expression, nudges the girl next to him, who crosses her arms and chuckles. Even though I don't know them, it's clear they have some kind of history with Alice, and it's not a good one.

The boy smirks as he looks at Alice. "Well, well, if it isn't the class jinx. And who's this? A new friend to share your bad luck with?"

The girl adds, "I guess even someone like you can find company... though I doubt it'll last once they realize what you bring to the table."

Alice shifts uncomfortably in her seat, trying to ignore their taunts, but it's clear their words are getting to her. My temper rises again, but a quick glance from Alice keeps me in check.

"Why don't you two just mind your own business?" I finally say, my voice steady despite the anger simmering beneath the surface.

The boy raises an eyebrow, clearly amused by my response. "Looks like you've got some fight in you, new kid. Just hope you don't end up regretting sitting with her."

The girl snickers, and they both saunter off to their seats, leaving a tense silence in their wake. I look at Alice, who's doing her best to maintain a calm exterior, but I can see the strain in her eyes.

"Are you okay?" I ask softly, concerned.

Alice nods, though her voice is a little shakier than before. "I'm fine... I'm used to it."

But I know that just because she's used to it doesn't mean it doesn't hurt. I give her a reassuring smile, more determined than ever to stand by her side.

"I assume they are your bullies?" I ask Alice, noticing the way she frowns before nodding slightly.

She sighs, hesitating for a moment before explaining. "Yeah... Ark and Belle are just two of them. It started a while back. Ark's dad is a big-shot scientist, so he thinks he can do whatever he wants. When I didn't want to be part of his little group, he turned on me. Belle was worse... She pretended to be my friend at first, but then she just treated me like a servant. There are sixteen more who've made my life miserable in different ways."

Hearing this makes my blood boil. "Sixteen more? That's... how have you dealt with all this alone?" My voice comes out harsher than I intended, more out of concern than anything else. "Don't you have any friends in the same department who can help you?"

Before Alice can respond, the classroom door swings open, and Reisa and Elline walk in. They immediately catch the tail end of our conversation.

"Offended. Absolutely offended," Reisa says, feigning shock as she crosses her arms. "Did you just assume Alice has no friends?"

Elline, not missing a beat, adds with a smirk, "Honestly, Ash, haven't you been paying attention? We're her friends, and we've got her back."

Alice blushes a little, clearly surprised but also relieved. "Ash, Reisa and Elline are in the same department as us. They've been helping me since I got here."

I feel a wave of relief, mixed with a bit of embarrassment. "Sorry, I didn't mean to assume. I just... I'm glad she's got you both."

Reisa grins, her eyes full of determination. "Don't worry, Ash. We know what Alice has been through, and we're not letting anyone mess with her. You're with us now too, right?"

I nod, feeling a sense of camaraderie. "Definitely."

Elline gives Alice a supportive smile. "And don't worry, Alice. We're all in this together."

Alice smiles back, her earlier tension easing away. With Reisa and Elline around, it's clear she's feeling better—and so am I. It's good to know that even though she's been through so much, she's not alone anymore.

As everyone settles into their seats, the classroom fills with a low hum of chatter. It's not long before Emma steps onto the stage, commanding the room with her presence. The class quiets down instantly as she scans the room, her eyes finally landing on me.

"Before we begin, I'd like to introduce our new student," Emma announces, motioning for me to stand. "Ash, why don't you tell everyone a bit about yourself?"

I rise from my seat, feeling the weight of everyone's gaze on me. Taking a deep breath, I step forward. "My name is Ash, and I am Elline's cousin. I transferred from the Kanto Region. Starting this semester, I'll be your classmate."

There's a brief pause as I consider my next words, then I continue, my voice steady and firm. "And just so you all know, anyone who tries to mess with Alice will have to answer to me."

A ripple of murmurs spreads through the room, students exchanging surprised glances. The atmosphere shifts, charged with a mix of curiosity and tension. Some students seem taken aback, while others look wary, clearly unsure how to react to the unexpected declaration.

Alice, meanwhile, turns a deep shade of pink. She sinks a little lower in her seat, trying to avoid the attention that my statement has drawn, but it's clear she's touched by my words.

Emma raises an eyebrow, a slight smirk tugging at her lips. "Well, it seems our new student isn't one to shy away from speaking his mind. Let's get started with today's lesson."

The class remains abuzz as I return to my seat, but I keep my focus on the front, aware that I've just made a strong first impression—one that I hope will keep Alice safe from those who've hurt her before.

I'll end the chapter right here, and as you can see, this is the first day of school and I hope you like it.

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