Chapter 23

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As the timer starts, signaling the official beginning of the Shiny Hunting Challenge, I pull out my phone to check our progress. The club has set up an organized Excel file to keep track of everyone's targets, and I'm curious to see how things are laid out.

Opening the file, I'm impressed by how meticulously everything has been arranged. Each member's name is listed alongside the specific Pokémon they're hunting, with clear color-coded columns showing their progress. But as I scroll through the list, I notice something odd—my name isn't there.

Furrowing my brow, I double-check the file, thinking maybe I missed it. But no, it's definitely not included. Instead, everyone else's names are there, each of them assigned to hunt down 60 Pokémon. I quickly do the math in my head—if there are 18 of them and each is hunting 60 Pokémon, that's a total of 1,080 Pokémon, meaning each person has to capture an average of four Shiny Pokémon per type.

I feel a little pang of concern. Without a clear assignment, I wonder how I'll fit into this challenge, especially since everyone else already has their tasks mapped out.

Noticing my silence, Alice looks over at me, her eyes softening with concern. "Ash, is everything okay?"

I show her my phone, pointing to the file. "It's just... my name isn't on the list. Everyone else has their assignments, but I don't see where I fit in."

Alice takes a look, then nods thoughtfully. "Oh, that's because we didn't assign you a specific type or list of Pokémon, remember? You're the elastic one—your job is to help wherever you're needed. That's why your name isn't on a fixed list. You'll be filling in the gaps and helping others complete their sets when they need it."

I nod, feeling a little better, though the scale of the challenge still feels daunting. "So, I'll just be jumping in wherever?"

"Exactly," Alice says with a reassuring smile. "It's actually a really important role, Ash. If someone's struggling to find a certain Pokémon, or if they need an extra pair of hands, you'll be there to help them out. It keeps you flexible and lets you work with everyone."

Golly, who's sitting nearby, overhears our conversation and chimes in. "Don't worry, Ash. We've got a system, and you'll be a key part of it. Plus, with everyone going for 60 Pokémon, there's bound to be plenty of chances for you to step in."

I look back at the list, the numbers and assignments slowly starting to make sense. It's true—being the flexible one gives me the chance to be involved in different hunts and help ensure we meet our goals. It might not be the traditional route, but it feels like a good fit for me.

"Alright, I get it now," I say, feeling more confident. "I'll be ready to jump in wherever I'm needed."

Alice gives me an encouraging nod. "That's the spirit. And remember, this is supposed to be fun too. We're all in this together, so don't stress too much."

With that, I feel a renewed sense of purpose. As the challenge officially begins, I know my role might be different from everyone else's, but it's an essential one. And with the support of Alice and the rest of the club, I'm ready to dive in and make a difference.

As the Shiny Hunting Challenge kicks into gear, I decide to check in with everyone to see how they're doing with their hunts. Each person is focused on their own task, and it's interesting to see how everyone has their strategies lined up.

First, I find Nate in the corner of the room, his eyes glued to the screen as he searches for Meowth in the West Province Area 3. "How's it going, Nate?" I ask, leaning over to see his progress.

Nate glances up briefly, a determined expression on his face. "It's going pretty well, Ash. I'm using a Normal Sandwich to boost my chances. Meowth should show up anytime now. West Province Area 3 is the best spot to find them."

"Sounds like you've got a good plan," I say, nodding in approval. "Let me know if you need any help. I'm here if you get stuck."

"Thanks, Ash. I'll keep that in mind," Nate replies, his focus already back on the screen.

Next, I spot Helen, who's sitting nearby, hunting for Charmander in the Savannah Biome. She's got a Fire Sandwich active, and I can see the anticipation in her eyes as she scans the area. "Charmander, huh? That's a classic choice," I say, grinning as I approach her.

Helen chuckles, not taking her eyes off the screen. "Yeah, I've always had a soft spot for Charmander. I'm hoping to find a Shiny with that amazing golden color. The Savannah Biome is perfect for it, especially with this sandwich boost."

"Good luck! I'm sure you'll find one soon," I encourage her. "And remember, I'm around if you need anything."

"Thanks, Ash. I'll call you over if I need some extra eyes," Helen says with a smile.

Reisa is next, and I find her in deep concentration as she hunts for Squirtle in the Canyon Biome, using a Water Sandwich. "Squirtle, huh? That's going to be a great Shiny to add to the collection," I comment as I approach.

Reisa nods, her eyes not leaving the screen. "Definitely. The blue on a Shiny Squirtle is just beautiful. The Canyon Biome's got some great spots where they tend to spawn, so I'm feeling hopeful."

"Sounds like you've got it under control," I say. "But if you hit a dry spell, let me know—I'm here to help."

"I appreciate it, Ash. I'll let you know if I run into any trouble," Reisa responds, her focus unwavering.

Moving on, I find Flora searching for Oddish in the Coastal Biome with a Poison Sandwich. "Oddish, huh? You going for that unique greenish tint on the Shiny?" I ask as I sit down next to her.

"Yep! Oddish has always been a favorite of mine, and a Shiny one will be awesome to add to the club's collection," Flora says, excitement in her voice. "The Coastal Biome is perfect for hunting Oddish, especially with the Poison Sandwich boost."

"Sounds like a solid plan. I'm just a call away if you need backup," I offer.

"Thanks, Ash. I'm glad you're here to help us out," Flora replies, giving me a quick smile before diving back into her search.

Elline is next, focused on hunting Pikachu in East Province Area 3 with an Electric Sandwich. "Pikachu's always a fan favorite," I say as I approach her. "A Shiny Pikachu is going to be a great addition to the collection."

Elline nods enthusiastically. "Definitely! I've got a good feeling about this area. Pikachu's been showing up a lot, so it's only a matter of time before I find a Shiny one."

"Keep at it, Elline. And if you need any help, you know where to find me," I say.

"Thanks, Ash! I'll give you a shout if I run into any trouble," Elline responds, her eyes glued to the screen.

Finally, I find Alice, who's hunting for an Alolan Sandshrew in the Polar Biome, using an Ice Sandwich. "Alolan Sandshrew, huh? That's a pretty rare find," I comment as I sit beside her.

Alice smiles, her excitement evident. "Yeah, it's exclusive to Violet, so it's a bit more challenging to find. But with the Ice Sandwich, I'm hopeful I'll see that Shiny soon."

"I'm sure you will," I say, giving her a supportive nod. "And if things get tough, I'm here to help out."

"Thanks, Ash. It's great knowing you've got my back," Alice replies, her smile widening.

After talking with Alice, I continue making my rounds, eager to see how the other members are doing with their Shiny hunts.

I find Mark in the middle of his hunt for Mankey in South Province Area 4, using a Fighting Sandwich to boost his chances. "How's it going, Mark?" I ask, watching as he navigates through the area.

"Pretty good," Mark replies, his eyes focused on the screen. "Mankey's been popping up pretty frequently, so I'm just waiting for that Shiny to appear. This Fighting Sandwich is doing wonders."

"Nice! Mankey's a great choice. Let me know if you need any help," I say, giving him an encouraging nod.

"Will do, Ash. Thanks!" Mark says, flashing a quick grin before diving back into his search.

Next, I spot Tox, who's hunting Bulbasaur in the Coastal Biome using a Poison Sandwich. "Bulbasaur, huh? That's going to look awesome in Shiny form," I comment as I approach.

Tox nods, clearly excited. "Yeah, I've always loved Bulbasaur, and getting a Shiny one would be incredible. The Coastal Biome is perfect for it, especially with the Poison boost."

"Sounds like you've got a solid plan," I say. "Just shout if you need a hand."

"Thanks, Ash. I'll keep that in mind," Tox replies, his focus already back on the screen.

I move on to find Trenor, who's hunting Sandshrew in the Paradise Barrens with a Ground Sandwich. "Sandshrew's a classic," I say, sitting down next to him. "And in the Paradise Barrens? That's an interesting spot."

Trenor nods, a determined look on his face. "Yeah, Sandshrew's always been a favorite of mine. The Paradise Barrens is a bit tricky, but I'm up for the challenge. The Ground Sandwich should help speed things up."

"I'm sure it will. Just let me know if you need any backup," I offer.

"Thanks, Ash. I appreciate it," Trenor says, giving me a quick smile before refocusing on his hunt.

I then find East, who's tackling a different kind of challenge—hunting for Pidgey in Let's Go Eevee's Kanto Route 1, using the catching combo method. "Catching combos, huh? That's a classic way to hunt in Let's Go," I say, intrigued by his approach.

East grins, clearly enjoying the challenge. "Yep, I'm aiming for a Shiny Pidgey. The catching combo method has always worked well for me, so I'm sticking with it."

"Sounds like you're in your element," I say with a smile. "Good luck, and let me know if you need any help."

"Thanks, Ash! I'm pretty confident, but it's good to know you're here," East replies, his eyes sparkling with determination.

I find Daniel next, who's hunting Abra in the Obsidian Fieldlands outbreak in Legends Arceus. "Abra, huh? That's going to be a tough one with all the teleporting," I comment as I approach.

Daniel nods, his eyes glued to the screen. "Yeah, but I'm up for the challenge. The outbreak in Obsidian Fieldlands is the best chance I've got, so I'm hoping for a bit of luck."

"Teleporting Abra can be tricky, but I'm sure you'll nail it," I say. "I'm here if you need some support."

"Thanks, Ash. I'll let you know if I run into any trouble," Daniel replies, his focus unwavering.

Finally, I spot Insey, who's also playing Let's Go Pikachu, hunting Caterpie in Kanto's Viridian Forest using the catching combo method. "Caterpie, huh? That's a good choice," I say as I approach.

Insey smiles, clearly enjoying the hunt. "Yeah, I'm hoping for that golden Caterpie. The catching combo method in Viridian Forest is the best way to go, so I'm feeling good about it."

"Sounds like a solid plan," I say, giving her an encouraging nod. "Let me know if you need any help."

"Thanks, Ash! I will," Insey replies, her eyes back on the screen.

Continuing my rounds, I find Luke deep in his hunt for Geodude on Oni Mountain, using a Rock Sandwich to boost his chances. "Geodude on Oni Mountain, huh? That sounds like a rugged hunt," I say, approaching him.

Luke looks up with a grin. "Yeah, it's a bit of a challenge, but I'm up for it. The Rock Sandwich should help me find a Shiny Geodude soon."

"Sounds like you're prepared," I reply. "Just let me know if you need some backup."

"Thanks, Ash. I'll keep that in mind," Luke says before refocusing on his search.

Next, I find Golly in the middle of an outbreak in the Crimson Mirelands, hunting for Gastly in Legends Arceus. She's working through the night, as that's when Gastly is most active. "Gastly, huh? Perfect for a night hunt," I comment as I sit down beside her.

Golly nods, her eyes scanning the screen. "Yep, the Crimson Mirelands at night is the best place for this. The outbreak increases my chances, so I'm hoping for a quick Shiny."

"Sounds like a solid plan," I say. "Let me know if you run into any trouble."

"Will do, Ash. Thanks for checking in," Golly replies, her focus unwavering.

I then spot Drandon, who's hunting Horsea in the Coastal Biome with a Water Sandwich. "Horsea's a great choice for a Shiny," I say as I approach.

Drandon nods enthusiastically. "Yeah, I've always loved Horsea. The Coastal Biome has plenty of spots where they show up, so I'm optimistic."

"Glad to hear it. Just give me a shout if you need any help," I offer.

"Thanks, Ash. I'll let you know," Drandon says, flashing me a quick smile before getting back to his hunt.

Moving on, I find Eve, who's playing Let's Go Eevee and using the catching combo method to hunt for a Shiny Rattata in Kanto. "Rattata, huh? That's going to look great in Shiny form," I say as I sit beside her.

Eve grins, clearly enjoying the challenge. "Yep, I'm aiming for that Shiny Rattata with the combo method. It's always been a reliable way to hunt in Let's Go."

"Sounds like you've got it under control," I say. "Let me know if you need any support."

"Thanks, Ash! I will," Eve replies, her attention already back on the screen.

I then find David, who's in Torchlit Cavern, hunting for Alolan Diglett with a Steel Sandwich. "Alolan Diglett, huh? That's a rare find," I comment as I approach.

David nods, his eyes not leaving the screen. "Yeah, it's pretty unique. The Steel Sandwich should help me boost my chances, so I'm hoping for a quick hunt."

"Sounds like you're on the right track," I say. "I'm here if you need a hand."

"Thanks, Ash. I'll keep that in mind," David says, giving me a quick nod before returning to his search.

Finally, I spot Minami hunting for Clefairy on Oni Mountain with a Fairy Sandwich. "Clefairy on Oni Mountain, huh? That's going to be a fun hunt," I say as I sit down next to her.

Minami smiles, her excitement evident. "Yeah, Clefairy's always been a favorite of mine. Oni Mountain has the right environment, and with the Fairy Sandwich, I'm hoping for some good luck."

"I'm sure you'll find it," I say with a grin. "Just let me know if you need any help."

"Thanks, Ash! I appreciate it," Minami replies, her focus returning to the screen.

After checking in with everyone, I realize that everyone seems to be handling their hunts pretty well on their own. I let out a small sigh, feeling a bit at a loss. "Looks like there's nothing I can do for now..." I mutter to myself.

I make my way back over to Alice, who is still intently focused on her screen, searching for an Alolan Sandshrew in the Polar Biome. Noticing me, she looks up and gives me a warm smile. "Want to watch with me? Maybe we can find Sandshrew together."

Her offer lifts my spirits, and I nod, sitting down beside her. "Sure, I'd like that."

As we sit together, our eyes on the screen, scanning the snowy landscape for that elusive Shiny Sandshrew, I feel a sense of contentment. Even if there's nothing specific I can do right now, just being here, supporting Alice and the others, feels like enough.

With Alice by my side, and the rest of the club working hard on their hunts, I know that we're all in this together. And in moments like this, that's what really matters.

Here is a new chapter, and I was surprised that I was able to split all of the Pokemon into 18 groups with each 60 and close to the type. I hope you like it and the next chapter will be more school work.

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