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Backstage, right after last chapter

Maddox steps back through the curtain and is met with applause. As he walks into the room, he shakes a few people's hands, hugs Hunter and Vince, then spots Lexi waiting outside of the gorilla area. He makes his way over to her. The two make sure that only those who know are around before Maddox lifts the mask up and kisses Lexi. The two share a lovely moment before separating.

Maddox pulls the mask back down and starts walking to his locker room, holding Lexi's hand in his. Even though every muscle aches from his match, his adrenaline keeps him going as he heads for his locker room. It doesn't take long for him to make it back to his locker room. He ignores all of the anxieties and "what if"s in his mind as he grabs the door handle and opens it.

He breathes a sigh of relief after opening the door. The locker room is empty. Gionna hasn't come back to the locker room. Maddox walks in, takes off his mask, and sits down on one of the chairs. Lexi comes over to him and sits down on the arm of the chair. Knowing he's anxious, Lexi does her best to calm his nerves.

A few minutes go by before something starts vibrating in Lexi's pocket. She reaches into her pocket and pulls Caleb's phone out. Caleb had given her his phone before his match against Roman and she didn't have the chance to give it back to him. She looks down at the screen and sees what caused the phone to vibrate. She turns the phone and shows Caleb the screen, allowing him to read the text he got from Gionna.

Gionna: Hey Juggy. I know you said to meet you in Maddox's locker room after his match, but I really needed a shower, so I went back to the hotel. Can you come to my room? I'll tell the person at the front desk to keep an eye out for you.

The man behind the Dark Disciple looks at the message and smirks a little. He gently takes the phone from Lexi and responds to Gionna's text.

Caleb: You got it, Gi. See ya soon.

Lexi: So we're going to the hotel?

Caleb: Looks that way.

He pulls his mask back down, grabs his and Lexi's bags, and the duo make their way to the garage. They load their bags into the rental car and start their trip to the hotel.

After fighting traffic, the duo make it to the hotel. Maddox parks the car and shuts it off. He and Lexi climb out and go to grab their bags. At least, that's what they were going to until they heard a woman and a man fighting.

The voices sound very familiar to the Marine's ears, so he decides to investigate. As he approaches the source of the voices, he can hear what they're saying.

Woman: Leave me alone!

Man: Come on, you know you missed me!

The Dark Disciple cautiously gets close enough to see who the people are. The woman who is trying to get away from the man is Gionna. And the guy she's trying to get away from is him. The sight of him near Gionna causes the Marine's blood to boil. Anger fills him as he approaches the two. As he marches towards them, the guy pins Gionna against the wall and holds her there with his arm against her neck.

Gionna, crying: Help me, please!

Man: No one's coming to save you, now stop screaming!

The man goes to slap her. Gionna braces for the impact. The slap is interrupted by a loud yell.

Maddox: ENZO!!!

Enzo turns to see the Dark Disciple marching angrily towards them and smiles. Meanwhile, Lexi calls the police

Enzo: Who are you? This slut's new boy toy?

Maddox: Let her go, Enzo!

Enzo: Or what?

The Dark Disciple is right next to the two now. Enzo raises the hand he was going to slap Gionna with higher. Just as he goes to bring it back down, Maddox grabs his fingers and pulls them backward. Enzo is forced to turn around and face the much larger man. Maddox grabs Enzo by the throat with his right hand and lifts him off of the ground and above his head. While doing so, Maddox pushes Enzo's spine against the wall he once had Gionna pinned against.

Maddox: How many times do I have to beat your ass before you learn, huh!? Clearly last time wasn't enough. I could kill you without making a sound, but you're so immensely pathetic that the ants and roaches beneath my boot are worthier to die by my hand.

Enzo, struggling to breathe: you...know...I'll listen? It...d-didn't work...when...the last guy tried...'n he ain't here.

Maddox: He's closer than you think, boy, and you're in no position to make threats. As for how I know you'll stay away this time...

The siren of a police car fills the air. The two officers in the car climb out and approach Gionna, Maddox, and Enzo.

Maddox: It's hard to harass her when your in prison.

Maddox doesn't let go of Enzo until he hears one of the police officers ask him to do so. The Dark Disciple carelessly drops Enzo onto the sidewalk and walks of to Gionna. Gionna latches herself onto the large man, crying into his chest.

Gionna, through sobs: Thank you...Thank you, Maddox...Thank you so much...I tried to handle everything myself, I thought I was strong enough, but when he pushed me against the wall it all came back to me.

Maddox, holding her close: Don't worry-

The Dark Disciple cuts himself off before removing the mask and the voice disguiser.

Caleb: Don't worry, Gionna. You did good. You did real good.

Lexi and one of the officers walk over to the two. Before the officer makes it over to them, Caleb puts the mask and voice disguiser back on. The officer tells the duo what all Lexi's told them and tells Maddox to follow him and answer a few questions.

Maddox does as the officer asks and answers his questions, while Lexi comforts Gionna. The officer returns with Maddox, who Gionna latches onto the minute he returns. The officer explains what's going to happen before he and his partner take Enzo away. Maddox grabs his and Lexi's bags, lifts Gionna up in a bridal carry, and carries everything inside the hotel. The man at the front desk sees the trio and greets them.

Hotel guy: Good evening. How can I help you three tonight?

Lexi, pointing to Gionna: Can you tell us what room she's staying in?

The hotel guy looks in the direction Lexi's pointing and sees Maddox holding a sobbing Gionna. He looks up at the much larger man, then back at the girl, and then back up again with a questioning look.

Maddox: It's been a rough night.

The hotel guy tells them the room number. They go to the elevator, ride silently for a few minutes, then get off on their floor. They find the room and Lexi uses the keycard the hotel guy gave her to unlock the door. The trio enter the room and Maddox sets Gionna down on the couch in the main seating area before putting their bags in the bedroom. While he does this, Gionna slowly stops crying, then looks over at Lexi.

Gionna: Wait! Where's Caleb? We were supposed to meet here.

As she's talking, Maddox walks back into the living room. He hears what Gionna's saying while slowly walking up behind her.

Lexi: Gionna-

Gionna: Lexi, I'm sure whatever you have to tell me can wait until after I find Caleb.

Lexi: Gionna-

Gionna: He must've gotten a ride from Roman or Braun! They're really good friends.

Lexi: Gionna!

Gionna: What Lexi!?

Lexi doesn't respond as Maddox places his hand on Gionna's shoulder. Gionna jumps and turns around, then smiles when she sees it's Maddox.

Gionna: Maddox! You scared the hell out of me!

Maddox: My apologies.

Gionna: Thanks again for saving me, Maddox.

Maddox: You're welcome, my dear.

The Problem Child of WWE turns around on the couch and stands on her knees. Now she's completely facing Maddox.

Gionna: Y'know, a hero like you deserves a reward.

Maddox: I'm far from being a hero, but this reward intrigues me.

Gionna: You'll get your reward, but first, you have to admit that you're a hero.

As she speaks, Gionna places her hand on Maddox's chest. The Dark Disciple looks up and over at Lexi, who is using her hand to hide her laughter. Maddox looks back down at Gionna.

Maddox: Tell me what the reward is and I'll decide if it's worth it or not.

Gionna: Oh it's worth it alright, but I can't tell you what it is. The reward has to be a surprise.

The Dark Disciple takes a moment to consider his options. He rolls his eyes as his curiosity gets the better of him, mumbling "you're lucky I love you" under his breath.

Maddox: Fine. I'm a hero.

Gionna: Yay! You did it! Now, time for your surprise. Close your eyes.

Maddox does as she requests and closes his eyes. After he does, Gionna reaches forward and grabs the bottom of his mask. The Dark Disciple feels her cool fingers touch him, so his hands gently, yet firmly, grasp her wrists.

Gionna: I'm not gonna take the mask all the way off and I'll have my eyes closed. Relax. Here, would you feel better knowing that Lexi is making sure I keep my word?

Maddox nods slightly. Gionna pulls the chinstrap off of Maddox's face and slowly slides the mask up the large man's face, revealing the bottom of his face.
Gionna moves forward and plants a kiss on Maddox's lips. As their lips touch, Gionna does as promised and closes her eyes.

Maddox kisses Gionna back. The kiss lasts a few seconds before Gionna's eyes go wide and ends the kiss. She looks into Maddox's eyes. Maddox meets her gaze and can see that she's beginning to realize who he is beneath the mask.

Gionna lunges forward and slams her lips against Maddox's. Her hands wander to the top and the back of his head. She uses one hand to remove the mask, while the other runs through his hair. The now maskless Maddox grabs Gionna and holds her close to him, deepening the kiss with one arm while reaching up and removing his voice disguiser. The two part ways and rest their foreheads against each other's. During this beautiful moment, Lexi takes her phone out and takes a picture of the two as they smile at each other.

Gionna: It was you?

Caleb: Of course. Who else would it be?

Gionna, giggling: You're an ass.

Caleb: I know. I prefer to be called a hero now.

Gionna: Is this what you were going to show me? After your match?

Caleb: Yeah. I heard what you said when you and Lex were talking before my match, so I decided to tell you tonight.

The now unmasked Southern Juggernaut stands up straight. He releases a sigh and places his hands on his hips.

Caleb: Now, there's just a slight problem. You and Lexi have both admitted to loving me, and I love both of you. The reason I left before was because I couldn't bring myself to choose between you two. I think you and Lexi should talk it over. While y'all do that, I'll be taking a shower.

With that, Caleb walks out of the room, grabs a towel and a change of clothes out of his bag, and heads into the bathroom. Lexi and Gionna watch him as he leaves, then smile, both happy that they're old friend is truly back. After a long, uncomfortable silence, they decide to work out the current issue.

Lexi: Soooooooo...

Gionna: He's really back.

Lexi: Yeah. I missed him so much and, now that he's back, I don't ever want to let him go.

Gionna: I feel the same way. What're we gonna do, Lexi?

Lexi: I've been thinking about that for some time now and, honestly, I'm not sure. I made a joke last Sunday about sharing him with you, but-

Gionna: That could work.

Lexi: What?

Gionna: I said that could work. I'm not saying it's the most comfortable solution, but it's the only one where we both get what we want and Caleb doesn't feel like shit for hurting one of us.

Lexi: What would Caleb think? Some people think it's a sin, and religion is very important to him.

The Dark Disciple walks back into the room with wet hair and a towel around his waist. He just managed to overhear what Lexi had just said, but missed the last part.

Caleb: What would I think about what?

Lexi and Gionna look down at the ground. They both wait on the other to answer him.

Caleb: Alright, this silence is uncomfortable and I'm starting to get cold, so someone needs to start talkin'. What would I think about what?

The Problem Child of WWE looks up. She builds up the courage, then speaks.

Gionna: What would you think about us sharing you?

Caleb: I thought you were kidding, Lex.

Lexi: I kinda was at the time, but Gionna pointed out that it's the only way everyone's happy.

Caleb: So how does this work? One of you gets me on weekends or somethin'?

Gionna, smiling: We're sharing you, not getting a divorce.

Lexi: We haven't figured out all the details yet. I was worried you wouldn't like the idea of having both of us because some people think it's a sin.

Caleb: If King David can marry two women at the same time, why can't I date two women? David was a man after God's own heart and I don't remember ever hearing about him marrying two women at once being a bad thing.

Gionna: So does that mean you'll...?

Caleb: Look, if y'all are both okay with this, then it's fine with me. Let's be honest here, why would I say no to dating the two most beautiful women on the planet?

Lexi and Gionna blush and smile. The two come over to him and hug him, glad he's returned to them completely. Once they hug him, they both realize something.

Lexi: Caleb?

Caleb: Yes, dear?

Lexi: You're still wet.

Caleb: I know. I was gonna go finish drying off, but you both started hugging me.

Gionna: Why didn't you tell us to wait so you could dry off?

Caleb: I thought it might ruin the moment.

The trio end the hug. Caleb goes to finish drying off and to get dressed. Once he finishes getting ready for bed, all three of them pack into the bed. Caleb is forced to be in the middle by the two women. Knowing better than to argue with them at this time of night, he does as they say without any resistance. The three soon drift off to sleep, with Caleb being the last one to close his eyes. Before he does, he softly, quietly whispers that he loves the two and kisses them on the top of their heads.

A/N: Thank y'all so much for reading. Many moons ago, I asked SuperSaiyan4Life for some advice for how Liv and Alexa should find out, and he suggested that Liv finds out in a more serious, romantic way. Hopefully I did good enough on the romantic aspect. Anyway, I'll talk to y'all next time.

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