Gionna & "M": Your Soul Will be Mine

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3rd Person POV

After spending their Thursday nursing the hangovers of their coworkers, Gionna and "M" arrive to SmackDown laughing about the whole ordeal. Once they approach a more popular area, the duo sees Lexi, Demi, and Becky. Gionna makes her way over to them; however, "M" notices that the area is too populated.

Lexi: Hey Gio! Where's the big guy?

Gionna, turning around: He's What the hell!?

Lexi: Don't feel bad, Gio. He just went to get away from all the noise.

Gionna: Right. He's not a people person. I keep forgetting that.

Becky: We heard about your little party, lass. How'd that go?

Gionna: Pretty much everyone got drunk. The worst part was that my teasing didn't even phase him.

Becky: How's that?

Gionna: He was flirting back. If I called him handsome, he'd call me beautiful. If I sat on his lap, he would treat it like it was normal. Even when I started gyrating and grinding on him to "get comfortable", he put his arm around me and held me close to him like we were dating or something. He turned everything I could think of using against me.

Lexi, laughing: I see he took my advice then.

Gionna: Wha-!? Whose side are you own, Lexi!?

Lexi, smirking: The one that's winning.

Gionna: I'm getting really sick of riddles. Why can't people just say what they mean!?

Demi: Don't you remember what he said yesterday? He thinks it's fun.

Lexi: Like it or not, this is his game, Gionna. You're just playing it.

Gionna: Aren't you stuck playing it too?

Lexi: Me? No, I already beat the game and I'm really enjoying the prize at the end.

Gionna: Helping him mess with me?

Lexi: That's part of it. I'm gonna warn you now though, the prize comes with some baggage, but it's one of the greatest prizes I've ever won and I wouldn't trade it for the world.

With "M"

The Dark Disciple enters the locker room and puts his earbuds in and turns on some music.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

While listening to Slipknot, a now unmasked Caleb looks at different pictures on his phone. The pictures are of different possible match types for his first match as "M": a Six-Man Tag Match, a Buried Alive Match, a Casket Match, a normal One-on-One Match, and an Inferno Match.

The man sits there silently in deep thought. This match has to solidify the fact that "M" truly is the next force of darkness and destruction, and requires full concentration. Eventually, he makes his decision, pulls out his phone, and texts a few people what he's decided.


Friday Night SmackDown

Cole: Welcome to Friday Night SmackDown, ladies and gentlemen! I, myself, am Michael Cole.

McAfee: And I'm Pat McAfee. Cole, are you ready for tonight!?

Cole: I sure am, Pat. Why wouldn't I be?

McAfee: Because today's the day where the Tribal Chief, the Head of the Table, Roman Reigns is going to have a face-to-face with Undertaker's mysterious apprentice!

Cole: That is correct, Pat. Tonight, the reigning Universal Champion addresses the actions of the Undertaker's Dark Disciple, who we've recently learned goes by "M".

Pat: Plus, the Usos are going head-to-head against the followers of "M", the Alpha Logan Kenway and the King of Destruction the Destroyer!

Cole: Pat, what do you think about this "M" character? Do you think he really is who he says he is?

Pat: Y'know Cole, I have absolutely no idea, but just going off of the level of destruction he's been able to bring to the WWE since he arrived four weeks ago is unheard of. The only two people that I can think of that can cause that much chaos in such a short amount of time are Kane and the Undertaker.

Cole: You're absolutely right. Let's take you back to this past Monday on RAW, where "M" led the Destroyer and Logan Kenway into battle against the top stars of RAW.

Pat: What about last week where he lifted and held Omos in the air with one hand? Or when he saved Kenway and Destroyer from the Bloodline's attack?

Cole: All are impressive feats, Pat, but before their face-to-face, we get the pleasure of watching Ricochet defend his Intercontinental Championship against Sheamus.


The shows progresses as normal while Becky, Demi, Gionna, Lexi, Logan, Michael, and "M" sit in their locker room. The girls are getting invested into the heated contest currently on screen and the guys are preparing for what they have to do.

The three of them are supposed to go out and meet the Bloodline in the ring, get some heat, and then Michael and Logan will compete against the Usos later tonight. As they wait, Logan and Michael warm up by doing various stretches. Meanwhile, "M" focuses on what he's going to say while doing push-ups on his knuckles.

"M" is so concentrated on what's coming up and on his music that he doesn't hear Lexi come over to him. He only manages to catch a glimpse of her legs coming closer to him when he was pushing back up. Lexi crouches down beside his head and asks him a question.

Lexi: What're you listening to?

"M" doesn't respond, so she taps him on his shoulder. "M" stops, staying in the up position, then turns his head to look at her. Using her hands, Lexi gestures for him to take his earbuds out. "M" reaches up with one arm, still in his plank position, and takes the earbud inside the ear closest to Lexi out.

Lexi: I said...what're you listening to?

The Dark Disciple looks back down at the ground and continues doing his push-ups. As he does, he continues his conversation with Lexi.

"M": Slaughter to Prevail.

Lexi: What?

"M": They're a Russian death metal band.

Lexi: Okay. What song are you listening to?

"M": "Baba Yaga". You can listen too, if you want. Just be warned: you won't understand what they're saying until it gets to the parts in English.

Lexi nods and puts the earbud in.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

(A/N: Lexi starts listening at 0:46. If this kinda music isn't your thing, you don't have to listen to it.)

Lexi: I don't think I've ever listened to Russian death metal.

"M": If you do, only listen to them. They're the only non-satanic Russian death metal band.

Lexi: Good to know. How're things going with Gionna? I heard you've taken my advice.

"M": Of course I did. You're very wise, Lex.

Lexi: I know. So really, how's it been?

"M": Rough. She's great, don't get me wrong. She's sweet, funny, kinda dorky. Just how I remember her.

Lexi: That's the problem, isn't it?

"M" nods.

Lexi: Well, you won't have to worry about that much longer. After Saturday, you're all mine.

"M": I don't know whether to be happy or scared.

Lexi, laughing: Good.

She winks at him. Lexi realizes what time it is and wishes "M" good luck.

Lexi, whispering in his ear: You've got this, babe. Love you.

She leans down and kisses his cheek. Once she turns around, "M" stands back up and walks into bathroom in the locker room to change into his attire.


[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

The Tribal Chief marches his way down to the ring with Ronin, the Usos, and Paul Heyman in tow. As they march down to the ring, Roman looks around at the WWE Universe, surveying his yard as the crowd gives him a mix of cheers and boos. When they get into the ring, Paul Heyman grabs a mic and hands it to Roman.

Roman: Birmingham...acknowledge me!

The mixed reactions grow louder as Roman stands in the center of the ring with a smug grin. Ronin crosses his arms across his chest, while the Usos do the "we the ones" sign, and Paul looks on.

Roman: After all this time, after all the people I've beaten, there's still someone who refuses to acknowledge me. Tell me, wise man, who had the Alpha ready to acknowledge that I am the Head of the Table?

Paul: You did, my Tribal Chief.

Roman: Who had the King of Destruction the Destroyer himself on his knees?

Paul: You did, my Tribal Chief.

Roman: Did they acknowledge me?

Paul: No, my Tribal Chief.

Roman: And where were they last seen?

Paul: On RAW, my Tribal Chief.

Roman: On RAW, huh? You see, the Alpha came out here last week and attacked me. What kinda Chief would I be if I allowed that to happen on my island? What kinda family would my brother and the Usos be if they didn't stand up for the head of our family's table? So what did we do about it? We went down to my ring and we kicked his ass. Then the Destroyer decides to try and play hero and came down here to help the broken rebel. So what did we do? We kicked his ass too...And then he showed up.

A dark, ominous voice sounds throughout the arena. The voice belongs to none other than the Dark Disciple himself. "M".

"M": Hello, Roman.

The lights go out as the voice finishes speaking. The titantron briefly cuts out before showing a hooded man sitting on a throne in a dark room. The man's face is hidden. All that can be seen is the man's hair, hands, the mask in his left hand, and the fire on either side of the throne.

"M": You seem to be misremembering the events that transpired last week. Your family didn't help you take out my friend Logan Kenway out of respect for you. They helped you because you were too scared to face the Alpha alone. Soon; however, you will know the true meaning of terror.

Roman: Me? Afraid of Kenway? Now I've heard it all. I'm not afraid of Logan, I'm not afraid of you, and I'm not afraid of anyone else back there!

"M": Who are you trying to convince, Roman? The people, me, or yourself?

Jimmy: That's some big talk from someone sittin' in the dark with a stupid mask in his hand.

Jey: Yeah, uce. Why don't you come on out here and say it to our faces?

"M": You have mistaken my generosity for fear. I sit here not for my own protection, but for yours.

Roman: I don't need your "generosity". Come on out here so I can show you just how much protection I need from someone like you.

"M", after laughing sinisterly: As you wish.

The titantron fades to black, shrouding the venue in total darkness. After a moment or two of utter darkness, the lights come back on to reveal that the Bloodline isn't alone in the ring. The cloaked "M" stands before Roman and his family, holding a mic in his hand.

"M": You wanted me down here? Here I am.

The Dark Disciple gestures for the Bloodline to take their best shot at him, holding his arms out to his sides. After a few seconds, not a single member has taken advantage of his position, so he lowers his arms.

Roman: What do you want? Why are you doing all this? You want my title?

"M": No. My reason for being here is to finish what my mentor the Undertaker could not. I am here to lay your family to rest once and for all.

Paul: Who do you think you are? Insulting the Tribal Chief and his family's legacy on his show, on his island!?

"M": Your emotions betray you, Paul Heyman. Admit it, Paul. You don't believe your beloved Chief will survive this Sunday.

Roman, turning to Paul: Is that true, wise man? After everything we've gone through? After every person I've destroyed in this ring, you still don't have faith in me?

Paul: I do! I do, my Tribal Chief! I do!

"M": Don't lie to him, Paul. It will only fill your heart with regret. The regret that you could've prevented Roman Reigns' untimely demise, knowing that you can never make things right with him after I send his soul into the dark, eternal abyss of damnation.

Paul: Don't listen to him! He's trying to mess with your head! He's trying to destroy your kingdom!

Roman: Answer me, Paul! Is he telling the truth!? Do you think he'll beat me the Sunday!?

Paul hesitates to answer. This infuriates the Universal Champion further. Tensions rise as Paul tries to answer. Roman steps forward and grabs Heyman by his shirt, getting in his face and asking him if what "M" said is true once more.

While Roman is distracted, "M" turns and slams his foot into Ronin's stomach. He quickly follows up with a right hand to the skull and a headbutt, knocking Ronin to floor and causing him to roll out of the ring.

The Usos look at each other surprised, then try to attack "M" together. "M" grabs them by their throats and forces them down into their knees. The Usos desperately try to peel his gloved hands off their throats to no avail.

Roman turns around and sees "M" holding the Usos down. The Tribal Chief goes to attack "M", but as soon as he takes one step forward, "M" tightens his grip on the Usos. The Usos cry out from the pain the Dark Disciple is able to inflict with one hand.

Roman: Let them go!

"M": You are in no position to make demands, your highness. No further harm will come to them if you give me what I want. I wish to test my fellowship of darkness against your family. Tonight, Logan Kenway will take on Jimmy and the Destroyer will face Jey. If the Usos win, my fellowship will only serve their purposes on RAW; however, if my fellowship prevails, they get a match for the tag titles on Sunday.

Roman nods his head, agreeing to the terms. As a sign that he truly accepts these terms, Roman reaches his right hand out for "M" to shake. "M" looks at the hand, then to the Usos, and finally back to Reigns. He discards Jimmy and Jey, tossing them aside like they're garbage, and shakes Roman's hand.

The two lock eyes as they shake hands. After a few seconds, Roman turns and tries to walk away but can't. "M" tightens his grip on Roman's wrist and pulls him into a clothesline. Roman hits the ground hard and tries to crawl to the ropes. "M" doesn't give him the chance to, grabbing Reigns by his hair and pulling him to his feet. The Dark Disciple wraps his gloved hands around the Tribal Chief's throat and holds him in the air as if he were setting up for a two-handed chokeslam. "M" pulls his left hand away from Reigns, now holding him over his head with one arm just as he'd done with Omos, Corbin, and McIntyre in the weeks prior.

After holding Roman in the air for a few moments, the Undertaker's Greatest Disciple releases his hold on Roman's throat and walks away from him, letting the Tribal Chief fall to the floor.

While Roman tries to catch his breath, "M" reaches into his long cloak and retrieves something from inside it. He pulls his hand out of the cloak to reveal the mask he held before he came down to the ring. He holds it to where Roman and the cameras can see it before speaking.

"M": This mask was made by my predecessors many years ago. When I was a child, I was told that when the time was right, the mask would be worn by the most destructive force of darkness. I hope you like it, Roman, because at Badd Blood, it will be the last thing you see when you're put to rest in your final resting place.

The Dark Disciple drops the mic and takes his hood off, revealing his Saibot-style mask. He bends his head down, reaches one hand upward, and removes the helmet-like mask with one hand. His hair covers his face completely, allowing no one to see the face of the man behind the creature known as "M". The helmet-like mask is dropped to the floor as the once masked man dons his new mask. "M" stands still for a few moments after putting his Kane-style mask on, continuing to look down at the mat of the ring.

"M": At Badd Blood, as you lie lifeless and I bury you alive, you will be acknowledged as the first of many to be buried in my graveyard, the yard of the Undertaker will return to its rightful owner, and you will know the true meaning of fear. My name is Maddox, and at Badd Blood this Sunday, your soul will be mine.

Roman finally makes it to his feet and tries to hit the larger man with a Spear, but the man now known as Maddox wraps his hand around his throat and halts his assault. Then, he flips Reigns upside down and drops him on his skull with a Tombstone.

A/N: Thanks for reading. I know I didn't write the Destroyer and Kenway's matches, but I'll make reference to them in the next chapter. I'll talk to y'all later.

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