Lexi & "M": Meeting the Icon and the Krew

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Two hours after the last chapter

3rd Person POV

After a two hour flight, the duo of Lexi and Caleb land in Texas.

Lexi: I can't believe you.

Caleb: What?

Lexi: You had some of your military buddies fly us here instead of just taking a normal plane all because you're afraid of flying.

Caleb: I'm not afraid of flying. I'm afraid of falling.

Lexi: Didn't you have to jump out of planes as part of your training?

Caleb: Yes. And I had a parachute and thirty other guys jumping out with me. Completely different than sitting on a plane with a bunch of assholes. Besides, they owed me a favor anyway.

Lexi: For what?

Caleb: Saving their asses in Afghanistan.

Lexi: You're a real American hero.

The large man gives Lexi a quick peck on her lips before smiling.

Caleb: And don't you forget it.

The two continue walking forward when Lexi notices the giant truck they're walking towards. The truck appears to be much larger than most trucks, and more military-looking.

Lexi: I can't believe you still have that thing.

Caleb: What, the 5-ton? I've been through hell and back with that baby. Why would I ever get rid of it?

Lexi: Who drove it here?

As if on cue, the driver door swings open and out steps a very familiar face.

Jason: How's it goin', lovebirds!?

Caleb: It's nice to see you too, asshole! You didn't scratch my baby, did ya!?

As Lexi and Caleb get closer, the two men stop yelling.

Jason: Why would I scratch her? She got us through a lot.

Lexi: Wait, you served too?

Jason: Someone had to make sure this idiot stayed alive.

Caleb smiles at his oldest friend. When they were growing up, Jason and Caleb were almost inseparable. Their many similarities and shared birthday led to everyone backstage to call them "the twins". They have done many things together, including: founding the new BSK, wrestle in the indies, train, and, most importantly, serve in the United States Marine Corps.

Caleb: Need a lift back to 'Taker's?

Jason: Nah. Adrienne followed me here. We thought you two could go visit the Stinger while we finish getting ready for the meeting tonight.

Caleb: Alright. Thanks for getting her down here. We'll meet up with y'all when we're done visiting Uncle Sting.

Jason: Take care, brotha.

As Jason leaves, Caleb loads his and Lexi's stuff in the truck. Once he gets everything situated, he helps Lexi climb into the cab of the truck, then climbs in himself.

As they drive, Lexi gets a text from Adrienne.

Adrienne: Congrats on finding out Caleb is "M"!

Lexi: Thanks. I feel a little stupid for not picking up on the hints he gave me and Gi.

Adrienne: Look, me and Lacey wouldn't have known if Jason and Isaiah hadn't told us.

Lexi: Who else knew?

Adrienne: Pretty much the rest of the Krew.

Lexi: I meant to ask about that. What is the Krew?

Adrienne: Ask your new man. He's the co-founder of the thing.

Lexi: Who all is in the Krew?

Adrienne: You'll find out tonight. You'll see a lot of familiar faces, that's all I'm gonna say.

Lexi: You're so helpful. I'll ask Caleb about it. Thanks for kinda answering my questions.

Adrienne: Anytime, Lex.

Lexi smiles as she sets her phone in her lap.

Caleb: Who was that?

Lexi: Adrienne. She wanted to congratulate me on finding out it was you under the masks.

Caleb: Did you tell her how you found out?

Lexi: No, I thought she already knew.

Caleb: Why?

Lexi: I thought you told Jason, and then he told her.

Caleb: I didn't tell him anything except to set a spot for you at the table.

Lexi's responds with a short laugh, which brings a smile to her old friend's face. The smile captivates Lexi, causing her to stare at Caleb, a small smile forming on her face as she does. Her staring doesn't go unnoticed by the Dark Disciple.

Caleb: Whatcha starin' at, beautiful?

Lexi, blushing slightly: The good lookin' guy to my left.

The man formerly known as the Southern Juggernaut turns his head to the left, then turns his attention back to the road. His joke might not have been verbal, but it was still enough to cause Lexi to start laughing.

Lexi: I'm glad your sense of humor hasn't changed. But in all seriousness, you've changed a lot since I last saw you.

Caleb, raising an eyebrow: Really? How so?

Lexi: You're taller, you're stronger, you let your beard grow out more, and you've got long hair now. When did that happen by the way?

Caleb: Ummm...four months ago maybe? I don't really remember. It was around the time Hunter and Vince decided to go through with the "M" character.

Lexi: Who came up with that character?

Caleb: I did, with some help. 'Taker and the Krew had some input.

Lexi: Do you have a backstory for the character yet?

Caleb: Of course.

Lexi: Are you gonna tell me what it is?

Caleb: Not at the moment.

Lexi: Why is everything so secretive with you?

Caleb: Relax, Lex. You'll get to be part of it. Like I've told you from the start, everything'll make sense in time.

Lexi: Whatever you say, big guy.


The duo arrive at the home of the Icon and exit the large 5-ton, with Caleb opening the door for Lexi and helping her down safely. Once her feet touch the ground, she looks over to the front door and sees Sting standing by the door.

Sting: Why did you drive the Goddess of WWE here in that old thing?

Caleb: Gotta keep her safe, right? You act like I brought her here on the back of my bike.

Sting: Wouldn't be the first time.

Caleb: I think you've got me and Jason confused again. Jason brought Adrienne here on his bike. I've never brought Lex or Gio here on my bike.

Lexi: You two look so much alike that your uncle can't tell the difference?

Sting: Ever since they were kids, it's been a fifty-fifty chance of guessing which was which. When they grew up, it got easier. Then they both grew their hair out and now we're back to square one.

Lexi looks at the two men with a slight look of disbelief.

Caleb: He's right. Adrienne wasn't the first person to say me and Jace look alike. If I remember correctly, it was Uncle Ric.

Sting: Sounds like Ric. Come on inside, guys.

The Icon holds the door open for Lexi and the Dark Disciple, then shuts it behind him as he follows his two guests inside. While they make their way through the house, Lexi stops and looks at a few pictures here and there. All of the pictures she looks at have one thing in common: her favorite person is there. Some have him smiling. Some are goofy. Others cause her to feel concerned.

She stops in front of one picture of a kid in mid-air, doing a flip in the middle of a ring.

Lexi: What's the story here?

Caleb: That would be my first Swanton Bomb.

Lexi: Who's the guy laying down?

Caleb: Matt Hardy. The guy in the corner is Jeff, and the three people outside the ring are Aunt Lita, Uncle Edge, and Uncle Christian.

Lexi: How come you don't call Jeff and Matt your "uncles"?

Caleb: I didn't hang out with them as much as I did with the Brood. My favorite vampire movie was, and still is, the Lost Boys.

Lexi: The movie that inspired the Brood?

Caleb: Yeah. It's such a great movie. Anyway, that's why I liked their characters. I got to meet them through Uncle Mark. Because I was just a shy, little kid, I didn't talk to anyone. They took it upon themselves to be my friends and help me talk to people, especially Uncle Edge.

Lexi looks at another picture. This one is of Edge standing next to a young Caleb and pointing at a three blonde women. They all have smiles on their faces and are waving at the young boy, who was standing close to Edge's side.

Caleb: I was 8 when that was taken. It doesn't really show it in the picture, but I'm wearing a pair of sunglasses that Uncle Edge gave to me and a "Deadman Inc." t-shirt. I was nervous to talk to my "aunts", even though I'd known all three of them for a year or two.

Lexi: Why couldn't you talk to them?

Caleb: Anxiety.

Sting, chuckling: And he was uncomfortable because they called him their boyfriend.

Lexi turns around, laughing her ass off. When she finally regains her composure, she starts talking with an evil grin on her face.

Lexi: Stacy Keibler, Torrie Wilson, and Trish Stratus were your girlfriends?

Caleb: It was something they thought was funny. When I was younger, I thought it was weird and kinda annoying.

Lexi: How do you feel about it now?

Caleb: Like I should've recorded them calling me that.

Lexi laughs, then moves on to different pictures. Most of the pictures with him in it were pretty normal. Some were of him before, during, or after matches. Others were of him outside of the ring.

Sting, pointing at one picture: That was the night you defended the NXT Championship in that ladder match.

The picture is in black and white, and shows a busted open Caleb leaning back against a ladder, holding the NXT Championship above his head.

Caleb: Yeah. That match was fun.

Lexi: Didn't you get a concussion and aggravate your back and knees?

Caleb: Yeah, but it was still fun.

Lexi: You are a weird individual, y'know that?

Caleb, with a goofy grin: Yep.

Lexi shakes her head and rolls her eyes. Meanwhile, Sting points out a few more pictures and goes over the stories behind them with his nephew. After a trip down memory lane, the trio make their way to Sting's living room and sit down.

Sting: My nephew tells me that you have a few questions you'd like to ask me. Is that true?

Lexi: Yes, it is. I had a list of them, but I made it was before I found out he was "M".

Sting: How'd you figure that out? It's not like Caleb to let something slip unintentionally.

Lexi: He speared me into my pool.

Sting looks at Caleb with a raised eyebrow, silently questioning the Dark Disciple.

Caleb: That's...kinda what happened. I accidentally left my personal phone on the couch instead of my work phone. Because she's smart, she went through it. I tried to get it back, but she's fast as hell. We wound up in front of the pool, where I kindly asked her to give me back my phone. She said I'd have to take it from her, so I did.

The story causes Sting to smile. Meanwhile, Lexi shyly grins.

Sting: Mark's gonna love that one. Now, back to you, Alexa. Do you have any questions you'd like to ask about me or my knucklehead of a nephew?

Lexi: Yes, I do. Are you his mom's brother or his dad's?

Sting: His mother's.

Lexi: What was he like growing up?

Sting: Like he said earlier, he was shy. Really quiet around people. He was nerdy, skinny, and tall.

Lexi: I see nothing's changed.

Caleb: If it ain't broke, don't fix it.

Sting: You sound just like your dad.

Caleb: He's right though.

Lexi: What else was he like as a kid?

Sting: Uhhh...he was kind to people, even though he doesn't like people in general. He's always been chivalrous and a gentleman. He was also very protective of the people he cared about.

Lexi: That doesn't surprise me.

Sting: Why do you say that?

Lexi: Didn't you hear about what happened between him and Gionna's ex?

Sting, looking at Caleb: I might've heard about it. I don't think I got the full story, but I know Caleb doesn't lie.

Caleb looks down at his hands as if he can still see the blood and bruises on them. His eyes are blank and emotionless as memories from that night flood his mind. He takes a few deep breaths to calm himself down. While he attempts to calm himself, he feels Lexi's hands on his arm and back.

Lexi: That night was a rough one.

Sting: I'm sure it was. I'm glad it all worked out in the end.

Lexi: So am I. I think it damaged some more than it did others. Anyway, we were talking about what Caleb was like when he was a kid.

Sting: Right. He was very honest. Honest to a fault actually.

Lexi, raising a questioning brow: Really?

Caleb, smirking: I haven't lied to you or Gionna.

Lexi: You told me that you served with "M" in the Corps.

Caleb: Technically, I did. "M" is me. I served with me in the Marine Corps.

Lexi: You and your loopholes.

Caleb responds with another goofy grin, which causes Lexi to laugh a little. Lexi felt that something's been missing from her life for awhile, but now she's got it. What she once longed for is now sitting right next to her.

Sting: You kids look good together. What's the plan for Gionna?

Caleb: I don't know. I haven't thought that far ahead yet.

Lexi: I'm sure I'll figure something out. But until she finds out it's you under that mask, you're all mine.

Caleb: I'm both excited and terrified.

Lexi giggles, then gives him a peck on the lips. The two spend about an hour or so talking to the Icon. Although everyone is having fun, Lexi and Caleb have to get going for a momentous occasion: the gathering of the Bone Street Krew. They say their goodbyes and climb back into the massive 5-ton, then begin their nearly three-hour-long drive to the birthplace of the Bone Street Krew.


Lexi and Caleb reach the birthplace of the Bone Street Krew. When they pull into the driveway, two people walk out to greet them. The two people are the owners of the BSK's home: Mark Calaway aka the Undertaker, and his wife Michelle McCool. As the Former Goddess of WWE admires the beautiful house in front of her, Caleb exits the truck, walks around to her side, opens the door, and helps her out of the large vehicle.

Lexi: This place is gorgeous.

Caleb: Yes, it is. Welcome to Castle Deadman.

Mark: I can't believe you're still calling it that.

Caleb: Come on, you know you like it, old man.

Michelle: He's got ya there.

Caleb, with a grin: Damn, I was just kiddin'. I didn't know you liked the nickname for this place.

Michelle: I'm surprised he hasn't carved it into the walls of the house yet.

After a few chuckles, the four exchange greetings. Once the greetings are done, Caleb gets a little more serious.

Caleb: Are the rest gathered?

Mark: They're out back.

Caleb: All of them?

Mark: All the ones I know about. Even your international friends made it.

Caleb: Sweet. Thanks, other dad.

Lexi shoots him a confused look while Mark and Michelle smile at Caleb. As they walk into the house, Lexi decides to ask about what she heard.

Lexi: Other dad?

Caleb: I only call him Uncle Mark around people who don't know how close I really am to him. 'Taker has been like a father to me since I was a kid. That's why you'll occasionally hear people call him my step dad, other dad, or my wrestling dad.

Lexi: Ohhh. Got it. Thanks for clearing that up.

Caleb: Anytime, darlin'.

The two walk through the castle-like home of the Undertaker. While they walk, Lexi can't help but notice the very serious look on Caleb's face. He's showing no emotion, only determination. He does flash a quick smirk at her when he grasps her hand in his, but other than that, he's like a man on a mission. When they get to the backyard, Lexi sees a group of other wrestlers gathered around a long table made up of several smaller tables. She recognizes some of the people, but not all of them. As soon as she and Caleb walk outside, everyone stands up from their seats. The area quickly becomes eerily silent. No one moves or makes a sound as Caleb looks around at everyone.

Caleb: Boys...it's official...the Bone Street Krew will become a faction in WWE.

Everyone begins cheering and clapping at the good news. They've been trying to get Vince and Hunter to sign off on the idea for years. Now that Caleb is back, they've finally agreed to it. It's only a matter of time now.

Caleb: Now, as all y'all know, this is the first time the Krew has been able to gather in its entirety.

Another round of applause and cheers sounds. This one causes Caleb to smile a little. He looks over at Lexi, who is staring at him with happy look on her face. He removes his hand from hers before wrapping his arm around her, side hugging her and holding her close to him. She accepts and reciprocates the hug.

Caleb: I'm glad all of you could make it, but as you can see, we have some new members who might not know everybody. With that said, raise your hand or something when I introduce you. Starting at the head of the table, you have the founders of this great group Jason and myself. The woman next to Jason is his girlfriend Ember Moon. The beautiful woman to my right is someone that I hope will be joining us. For the first time ever, I present to all of you...Alexa Bliss!

Lexi waves to everyone with hand that isn't wrapped around Caleb. Meanwhile, Jason and Ember do Undertaker's signature throat-slash taunt.

Caleb: Next up, my younger brother Isaiah Winters and his fiancée Lacey Evans. The people across from him are Wade and his girl Toni Storm.

The large, long-haired men nod their heads to everyone and raise their right fists straight up. Meanwhile, Lacey and Toni wave to everyone.

Caleb: The two next to them are our youngest members Jade McMahon-Helmsley, and my younger sister Jessica Winters. The two people next to Jade are John Cena III and his girlfriend Sasha Banks.

Jade and Jessica raise their arms up in the form of DX's "X" sign. Meanwhile, Sasha puts her hands up and does a smaller version of her entrance dance, while John does a quick "U Can't See Me" gesture.

Caleb: Next up are our international allies. First up, from the Land Down Under, the "King of Destruction" Destroyer and his wife Rhea Ripley.

Michael nods with a small smirk on his face, and Rhea raises her arms, making the sign she does during her entrances.

Caleb: Next, from England and Ireland respectively, Logan Kenway and his girlfriend Becky Lynch.

Becky smiles and waves at everyone, as Logan raises his drink toward Caleb, then takes a sip from it.

Caleb: And our American/Australian hybrid couple, Jake Cross and his wife Peyton Royce. Congratulations once again, you two.

The Bone Street Krew applauds for the happy couple. This causes Peyton to put her hands over her cheeks to hide the fact she's blushing. As she does this, Jake pulls her closer to him with a side hug.

Caleb: Now that our international representatives have been introduced, it's time for the foundation of this group to get recognized. These guys are our Samoan brothers. Please give a warm welcome to the Bloodline: Jimmy Uso, Jey Uso, Roman Reigns, and Ronin Reigns!

Everyone welcomes four of the original members of the Bone Street Krew. The Usos hold their hands up in the air, their index fingers pointing straight up. While they do that, Roman and his younger brother Ronin put their fists together Shield style.

Caleb: Everyone knows who's who? Great. Let's enjoy ourselves tonight. If y'all want something to eat, Jason already got everything cooked and it's sitting behind me. Drinks are in the coolers next to them. I know some of y'all can't stay long, so if I don't get a chance to say goodbye to y'all personally, I just wanna thank you for coming here tonight. If you need anything, don't be afraid to ask. Dismissed.

Lexi looks at Caleb and smiles again. The man she loves is clearly comfortable around his group, and she missed seeing him like this.

Caleb: Come on. I've got some people I'd like for you to meet.

He grabs her hand once again and pulls her to three people she's never met.

Caleb: Mr. Kenway, Cena, and Destroyer, I have someone I'd like for you to meet. Boys, this is Lexi Kaufman. Lexi, these are three of the greatest people I've had the pleasure of knowing: Logan Kenway, John Cena III, and Destroyer, aka Michael Walker-Martin.

Lexi, shaking each of their hands: It's nice to meet you guys.

Logan: The pleasure is all ours. (To Caleb) I've been your friend for years and you're just now introducing me to the Goddess of WWE?

Caleb: Yep. Don't say I never did anything for you.

Logan, to Lexi: How do you put up with him?

Lexi: One day at a time.

Logan: I know what you mean.

John: I heard he hid that he is "M" from you.

Lexi, shooting Caleb an evil glare: Yes, he did.

Caleb: Annnnnnnd I'm scared again. But, I'm not apologizing. It allowed me to tell you that I love you.

Michael, Logan, and John: Awwwwwwww.

Caleb, laughing: Shut up.

Michael: I'm glad you're back. It's been weird without you.

Caleb: It was weird for me too. I don't plan on going anywhere any time soon.

John: Good. Hopefully, we'll get to be in the ring together.

Caleb: Whether it's as enemies or as an odd tag team, it would be an honor to be in the ring with either of you.

Logan: I think I speak for all of us when I say that we'd love to be in the ring with you too. That includes you too, Ms. Bliss.

Caleb: Whattaya say, Lex? You and me vs. Logan and Big Time Becks?

Lexi: Sounds like a great match. How do you guys know each other?

John: I met Caleb when I was a kid. He was used to the way things ran backstage, but I was newer to everything. He welcomed me into his group and the rest is history.

Michael: I met him at the Performance Center a few years ago. He was there with his brother and Wade. He asked if I wanted to join them for a quick match. Caleb chose me as his partner as if he had known me for years. We had a great tag match, which led to me meeting Rhea.

Logan: I guess it's my turn now. I met Caleb in NXT. I was a pretty big name on the indies, but I was still nervous for my first match. I mean it was my time to prove that I deserve to be among the best of the best. Caleb saw that I was nervous and helped build my confidence. Little did I know, the reason he did this was because I was his tag partner that night and he hates losing.

The guys share a good laugh for a moment. While they were talking to Lexi, Jake and Peyton walked over to Caleb to tell him goodbye.

Caleb: See ya around, man. I'm glad you guys made it. Once your Impact contracts expire, remember that you'll always have a home in WWE. I'll make sure of it. And yes, that includes Billie.

Caleb gives Jake a fist bump and gives Peyton a small hug, then watches the two leave. He manages to catch the end of Logan's story about how they met and laughs along.

Caleb: I was NXT Champion at the time. Can't let the new guy make me look bad out there by botching a spot 'cause he was nervous.

Logan: If the roles were reversed, I would've done the same thing for you for the same reasons too.

Michael, laughing: Same.

While they're enjoying their laugh, the Tribal Chief and the rest of the Bloodline make their way over to the group. The small group greet the Bloodline and begin talking, while Caleb introduces Lexi to Ronin and vice versa. Ronin and Roman look almost exactly alike, except for a couple obvious things. The most obvious difference between the two are their eyes. Roman's are brown, while Ronin's are blue.

Lexi: So you're Roman's younger brother?

Ronin: Yes, I am.

Lexi: How come I've never met you before?

Ronin: I've been on the indies, trying to learn as much as I can.

Lexi: Got it. How come you don't have a date with you?

Ronin: I've got no one to date.

Lexi: How come?

Jimmy, teasingly: He's saving himself for someone special.

Caleb: I know how you feel.

Logan: We all do. Just remember: if this asshole (points to Caleb) can find two women who love him, you'll have no problem.

Caleb, laughing: I hate that you're right.

Their little exchange puts a smile on Robin's face. After a long conversation, Michelle calls the women of the BSK inside to let the guys talk about their upcoming roles. She decides to ask everyone how the women's divisions are going while Mark goes outside to talk to the Krew about the storylines.

Mark: So, what's the plan for the Krew?

Caleb: Everything with the Krew will start after the Family of Destruction storylines are finished. Once the four of us are in our tag teams, the rest of you will reveal that you're part of our version of the Ministry of Darkness.

Jason: Right now, that's pretty much all we have. We have to see how the fans like the Family of Destruction storylines first, but judging by their reaction to "M" here, they'll love 'em.

Mark: Who will be the first to reveal themselves as part of the Krew?

Caleb: Destroyer will, with John and Logan following not long after.

Mark: Sounds good. What's going on with everyone's storylines right now? Anything worth mentioning?

Roman: They told me that the Bloodline is going to dominate SmackDown for a few months.

Mark: Alright.

Caleb: I've got the Firefly Family story going on right now with Lex and Gio.

Mark: How is Gionna gonna fit into the darkness of you, Lexi, and the Fiend?

Caleb leans over to Mark and whispers the answer to Mark's question to him. Mark nods while Caleb talks. Suddenly, his eyes widen a little before Caleb sits back. The two smile at each other and Mark laughs a little.

Mark: That's an interesting idea. Can't wait to see it.

A/N: Thank y'all so much for reading. I want to thank SuperSaiyan4Life , JackRyan658 , Logan-Kenway , and JakeCross_WWE  so much for their help with this chapter and for allowing me to use their OCs. If you want to know how their OCs look, check out their stories.

John Cena III = SuperSaiyan4Life
Logan Kenway = Logan-Kenway
Destroyer = JackRyan658
Jake Cross = JakeCross_WWE
(The other OCs belong to me.)

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