Lexi & "M": The Night of Destruction

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Monday Morning

3rd Person POV

The Dark Disciple of the Undertaker wakes up under a small blanket on Lexi's couch. A small smile forms on his face when he looks to his left to see the Five Feet of Fury curled up in the fetal position, covered in blankets, and calmly sleeping. Without looking, he reaches his right hand out and grabs his mask off of the table by the couch before standing up, checking his phone, and doing his morning routine. While checking his phone, he sees a text from Gionna.

Gionna: Hey Juggy! I know we haven't talked in awhile and I'm really sorry about that, but Lex and I need your help badly. Text me back when you see this!

After reading the text, he smiles to himself, having an idea of what Gionna is asking him to help her with.

Caleb: Hey Livvy. I saw your text. What do you and Lex need help with?

The masked man's smile turns into a wicked grin as he continues his conversation with the Problem Child of WWE.

Gionna: I didn't think you'd respond to my text this time. Normally you don't. Anyway, have you been keeping up with WWE lately?

Caleb: Yep.

Gionna: Ok, good. So you know that "M" guy that saved me on SmackDown and jumped Drew and Asuka earlier that week on RAW?

Caleb: I do.

Gionna: Well Lex and I are trying to figure out who he is. We're both confused because he's very cryptic and, when he is being straightforward, he's vague.

Caleb: Sounds very familiar.

Gionna: Wait, do you know "M"?

Caleb: I know him very well.

Gionna: That's great!! Where'd you two meet?

Caleb: We were born in the same hospital, on the same day, at the same time. Everywhere I've been, he's been there with me. I guess you could say I've known him my whole life.

Gionna: Oh wow. You two must be close.

Caleb: Closer than you could possibly imagine.

Gionna: That's fantastic. Ok, back to what we need help with. Lexi told me to tell you to text her so you can help her figure out whatever riddle "M" said yesterday. But before you do that, can I ask you a question?

Caleb: I don't see why not. Go ahead.

Gionna: Ok. Where do you go whenever you disappear?

Caleb: What?

Gionna: Lexi said you got hurt at Takeover and then disappeared, which reminded me of the day after that night you-know-who came to me covered in blood and bruises. You weren't at Full Sail and you retired from the Marine Corps a year or two before that, so I know that you didn't get deployed or anything. You would've said bye to me if you were getting deployed anyway. So where do you keep going?

Caleb: I can't tell you.

Gionna: Why not?

Caleb: Because it's a secret.

Gionna: You sound like "M" right now.

Caleb: Thanks. "M" and I get that a lot. But I bet "M" would rarely say this: if you really, really wanna know, I'll tell you.

Gionna: I don't think he would say that, and I really, really want to know, so please tell me! PLEASE!!!!

Caleb: Ok. All you had to do is ask nicely.

Gionna: Ha ha very funny. I see your sense of humor didn't disappear.

Caleb: Thank you, and it'd take a lot more than a concussion to get rid of my sense of humor. Anyway, whenever I "disappear", I go to my Uncle Steve's place in Waxahachie, Texas.

Gionna: You have an uncle that lives in Texas?

Caleb: Yep. He's lived there for a few years now. If I don't go to his place or my brother's, I usually go to one of my other uncles' houses or to one of my aunts' houses.

Gionna: I remember you told me and Lexi that you have a lot of "aunts" and "uncles" that are WWE Legends you met when you were a kid. How many "aunts" and "uncles" do you have and how did you meet them?

Caleb: Just a few. I met them when my Uncle Steve would take my brother and me to work with him. That's how we met Uncle Ric, who introduced us to pretty much everybody.

Gionna: I guess you should text Lexi now. I'll talk to you later, Juggy. We really miss you btw.

Caleb: Bye Gi. I miss y'all too.

After finishing his conversation with Gionna, the man with many secrets turns his phone off and continues his morning routine.


At the arena

The duo of the Five Feet of Fury and the Heir of Destruction arrive to the arena for Monday Night RAW after driving for a couple of hours. Lexi gets out and stretches her legs, which fell asleep during the long drive, while "M" gets their bags out of the trunk.

Lexi: Need any help back there?

"M": Though your offer is a generous one, I must decline. With that put to rest, do you have an answer to my riddle?

Lexi: I already told you that I'm waiting for Caleb to text me.

"M": Is it possible that he has texted you and you haven't seen it?

Lexi: Look, I think I'd know if...

She falls silent as she removes her phone from her pocket and sees that she has one notification. The notification says that she has an unread text that she got two hours ago.

Caleb: Hey Lex. I know it's been awhile, but Gi told me that you needed help with some kinda riddle and to text you ASAP. How can I help?

Lexi: How did you know he texted me?

"M": Caleb and I share a very similar thought process, as well as a moral code and sense of loyalty. You didn't think he would leave you hanging, did you?

Lexi: It's...complicated. I know he'll always be there for me, but he did leave without telling me or Gionna where he went.

"M": Do you trust him?

Lexi: Wha-? Of course I trust him.

"M": Then it doesn't matter where he went. You know that he is alive and still cares for you. Now, we must leave the past in the past and prepare for the chaotic night we have ahead of us.

The two walk side by side to the locker inhabited by the Firefly Family. Their locker room isn't too different from any of the other locker rooms. The only differences are that theirs is larger and has two separate bathrooms. When they enter the locker room, they see Bray standing in the middle of the room.

Bray: I was wondering when you two would get here. We need to go over what's going to happen tonight.

"M": You two need to give me time to get in place for our assaults. The rest will come naturally.

Bray: Got it. Lexi, you ready for this?

Lexi: Ready as I'll ever be.


Monday Night RAW

WWE Official Adam Pearce stands in the ring, a mic in hand as he addresses the WWE Universe.

Adam: Ladies and gentlemen of the WWE Universe, I am here to formally apologize for the interruptions we experienced last week. Now, I-

The lights go out abruptly. The cries of confusion from the crowd and the scared exclamations of the announcers can be heard by anyone with a TV. After an eerily long time spent in the darkness, the lights come back on to reveal "M" standing in the ring, just a few feet in front of Adam. The towering monster is clothed in the attire he wore last Monday. The only difference is the mask, which is the Noob Saibot mask he wore on SmackDown. Pearce is takes a step back, obviously feeling nervous in the sudden presence of the much larger, shadowy figure. "M" untucks his left hand from its resting place in his jacket to reveal a mic of his own.

"M": Interruptions? My family destroyed two of your champions, dethroned your king, and rescued a beloved competitor and you belittle us with the term "interruptions"?

Adam: You kidnapped her.

"M": I saved her. She came with me willingly.

Adam: I'm sorry, but what is it that you want exactly?

"M": I want my only rival to the Throne of Darkness to reveal himself.

Adam: And how are you planning on getting this rival of yours out here? No one knows who you're talking about.

"M": You're going to help me get his attention.

The Dark Disciple steps closer to the petrified WWE Official.

"M": Thank you for your sacrifice.

Adam doesn't get the chance to speak. As soon as he goes to open his mouth, he is lifted up and flipped upside down. The crowd erupts as Adam Pearce's skull is driven into the mat with a Tombstone Piledriver. Instead of leaving the remains of Pearce and going about his day, "M" crosses Pearce's arms over his chest. The lights go out and come back on moments later, showing zero signs of "M"'s presence. The only evidence he left behind is the unconscious Adam Pearce.


The Monday Night Messiah and the Demon King are in the ring now, desperately fighting for the Number 1 Contender's spot for the WWE Championship in a No Disqualification Match. Tables, steel chairs, and kendo sticks have been used in vain attempts to incapacitate one another.

Currently, Finn Bálor has Seth up against a table that is propped up against the corner. The Demon King prepares to launch himself across the ring to hit the Shotgun Dropkick, but once again, the lights go out. When they return, "M" is standing in the middle of the ring. He quickly turns his head to the left, staring right into the eyes of the Demon King.

Saxton: What the hell is happening?!

Graves: Isn't it obvious, Byron!? Finn Bálor is the threat "M" was talking about!

In the ring, "M" turns his body to face Finn. They lock eyes and the unthinkable happens. The Demon King slowly descends in the corner until he's almost on his knees and lowers his head. "M" turns his attention to the Monday Night Messiah, who stumbles his way to the monster in the center of the ring, laughing as he does. He attempts to trash talk "M", but his comments have no impact. It isn't long before the 6'10" man wraps one of his hands around Rollins' throat and hoists him up in the air.

"M": I can't believe they ever cheered for you. You're no visionary. You're just another misguided fool too blinded by his past success and his ego to see the world as it truly is. You're pathetic.

After taunting Rollins, "M" takes a couple steps forward and drives him spine first through the table leaning in the corner with a Chokeslam. "M" turns to face Bálor and holds his arms out, inviting the Demon King to take his best shot. Finn does his signature corner taunt, then launches himself forward. The crowd roars with anticipation and excitement, wondering if Finn will be the first man to topple the dark-dressed man. His drop kick connects with "M"'s chest. Bálor's back connects with the canvas while "M" barely moves.

"M": I thought you were a king!

Finn gets back up and immediately tries to go on the attack, but his forearm strikes, kicks, and chops hardly have any impact. No one has ever made the Demon King look this way before. In a desperate attempt to topple the shadowy figure, Finn hits the ropes and goes for a sling blade. Unfortunately for the Irishman, "M"'s hands wrap around his neck. "M" lifts him up, forcing Finn to look down into his soulless eyes.

"M": Demon?! Ha! You're hardly a man!

The Dark Disciple drops the Demon King momentarily, then flips him over and Tombstones him. "M" drags the arm of the unconscious Finn Bálor over Seth's chest. The ref has no choice other than counting it as a pin, due to the No DQ stipulations. As soon as the referee's hand strikes the mat a third time and the bell rings, "M" disappears once again.


3rd Person POV

"M" steps back through the curtain to find Lexi waiting for him. They walk through the halls together and start talking as they travel with no real destination in mind.

Lexi: Did 'Taker teach you to cut promos too?

"M", chuckling slightly: You could say that.

Lexi: Who is the only rival you were talking about earlier?

"M": My brother.

Lexi: You have a brother?

"M": I have three brothers. One by blood, two by choice.

Lexi: Do I know any of your brothers?

"M": Of course you know them. I wouldn't be a good friend to you or a good brother to them if I didn't introduce you to each other.

Lexi: Do you have any sisters?

"M": I have two sisters.

Lexi: One by blood, one by choice?

"M": That is correct.

Lexi: And I've met them too, right?

"M": I introduced you to one of them personally. I'm sure you've seen the other one walking around backstage before. In fact, I believe that's her right there.

"M" nods his head toward a young woman with dirty blonde hair. The woman looks familiar to Lexi, but she can't really put her finger on it. She couldn't be older than 21. The Dark Disciple clears his throat to get her attention. The woman briefly glances up from her phone, acknowledging their presence with a smile, before returning to her phone.

???: Hey, big guy. What're you up to?

"M": Diggin' holes and takin' souls.

???: You sound just like your twin.

"M": Maybe we're onto something and y'all haven't caught on yet.

???: The world may never know. I'm guessing you haven't told her or Gionna who you are yet?

"M": The only reason you know who I am is because your mom accidentally told you.

???: I would've figured it out.

"M": Yeah right.

???, looking up at the large man: I like the Noob Saibot getup by the way.

"M": Don't get too attached. The Kane-style appearance will replace it after Badd Blood.

???: Nice. Do you think we've made her feel uncomfortable long enough?

"M": Yeah.

Simultaneously, the two "siblings" turn their attention to Lexi. The mystery woman reaches her hand out with a smile on her face.

???: Hi, I'm Jade Levesque. I'm Triple H's daughter.

Lexi, returning the smile: It's so nice to meet you. I'm Lexi.

Jade: Oh I know exactly who you are. The big guy used to talk about you all the time.

Lexi: So this is your "sister by choice".

"M" nods once.

Lexi: How many of you guys are there?

"M": We have quite a few members, but only six of us are wrestlers.

Lexi: What would one have to do to get into this little group?

Jade: For you, I'd say you have to marry the big guy here.

Lexi: I guess that means Gionna's already in then.


"M": Don't worry about it.

Jade: Now I'm abnormally worried.

"M": It was a joke deriving from certain events that transpired within the last 48 hours.

Jade: Whatever you say, big man. I've gotta go help mom and dad with the rest of the show. Lexi, it was very nice meeting you. Please take care of this old man, even if you don't recognize him yet.

Lexi: You got it. It was nice meeting you too.

Jade turns on her heel and walks away, leaving Lexi and "M" alone.

Lexi: Your sister seems nice.

"M": That's because you haven't gotten to know her.

Jade shoots him a bird from down the hall without looking while walking forward and turning a corner.

Lexi, smiling: I hope you're proud of yourself.

"M": I am.

Lexi: What're we gonna do tomorrow?

"M": I have no idea.

Lexi: *gasp* The great disciple of the Undertaker doesn't have a plan?

"M": For someone so short, you're a real pain in the ass sometimes.

Lexi: I'm not that short, and I could be waaaaay worse.

"M": I'm aware.

Lexi: I got an idea. We could go visit your uncle.

"M": Which one?

Lexi: The one that dresses like the Crow.

"M": I see you have solved my riddle.

Lexi: I'll admit, I had a little help from an old friend.

"M" smiles beneath the mask, remembering the texts he sent her in between attacks while he was on the other side of the arena.

Half-an-hour ago

Caleb: What's the riddle supposed to reveal?

Lexi: The identity of his uncle.

Caleb: Alright. What's the riddle?

Lexi: "M" told me, and I quote, "my uncle is no stranger to the rafters of a former Atlanta-based wrestling organization." Any ideas?

Caleb: The only Atlanta-based wrestling organization that comes to mind is WCW.

Lexi:......I got it!! His uncle is STING!!!

Caleb: Nice job, Lex. I'm pretty sure you could've done it without me though.

Lexi: Not with the amount of riddles he's been throwing mine and Gionna's way. Thank you so much for the help, Jughead.

Caleb: Anytime, Tinker Bliss.

Lexi: What did I say about bringing up that gimmick?

Caleb: I don't remember all of what you said. Something along the lines of don't do it again or...what was the threat again?

Lexi: There'll be hell to pay.

Caleb: Right. And here I am without any cash. Tell me something: can you pay hell with a card?

Lexi: Lol. You're such an ass. You can pay by taking your blonde, beautiful friend out to dinner next time you're in town.

Caleb: Okay, but I don't see how me having dinner with Gi is gonna keep you from kicking my ass.

Lexi: You know what I meant, you jarhead.

Caleb: Not sure why you're complimenting me now, but yes, I know what you meant. I'll take you out to a nice dinner the next time we see each other face-to-face.

Lexi: Please remind me why jarhead is considered a compliment.

Caleb: When Marines are in uniform, it makes our head look like a jar. The other branches called the Marines jarheads as a result and, rather than getting offended or insulting the branches, the Marines took it as a badge of honor and said "thank you."

Lexi: That's strangely beautiful.

Caleb: I agree. Now that you've gotten an answer to your question, can you answer one of mine?

Lexi: Sure, what is it?

Caleb: Why did you blame yourself when I left?

Lexi: I don't know actually. How did you know that I blamed myself?

Caleb: Your mom snitched on you.

Lexi: She did!?

Caleb: She's worried about you.

Lexi: I can't believe mom did that.

Caleb: She wasn't alone. "M" told me too.

Lexi: He did!?

Caleb: "M" and I have no secrets between each other.

Lexi: Did he tell you that he told me the reason you left?

Caleb: Yes, he did. I'd rather we didn't have that conversation with text messages. There's a lot I need to say to you, and this isn't the way to do it.

Lexi: When can you make it down to Florida?

Caleb: Some time this week. I gotta go to Mike's party this Wednesday, so maybe I'll see you then. I promise, when we're face-to-face, I'll explain everything.

Lexi: Okay. My segment is almost up. See ya when you get in town.

Caleb: I'll see you then. Keep up the good work, Lex.


"M": You'd really fly out to Texas, spend a couple of hours getting to know my uncle, and then have to rush back to Florida to grab your clothes for Wednesday?

Lexi: Mike and Maryse live in California. We can stop by your uncle's house on our way there.

"M": I hate that your plan makes sense.

Lexi: You'll be fine. Now, come on. I have some destruction to cause and I can't do it without you.


In the ring

AJ Styles, Omos, and a recently returned Charlotte Flair are standing in the ring together.

Charlotte: We are here to formally announce that AJ Styles and myself, Charlotte Flair, will compete in the Mixed Match Challenge once again.

AJ: And we will be...Phenomenal.

Charlotte: Woooooooooo!!!

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

The Fiend, accompanied by Alexa Bliss, make their way down to the ring and stop in front of the apron.

AJ: Hold on, hold on! Wait just a minute! I'm no genius, but there's three of us and two of you. Even with your freakiness, you're gonna need somethin' way stronger to take out Omos.

As if on command, the lights go out and a theme that's gaining popularity hits.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

"M" walks out with his face looking towards the ground and the lights gain an eerie blue hue. Dense, fog-like smoke rises from the floor. When "M" moves his eyes to look up, he sees a sight the almost makes him break character.

Alexa's genuine excitement to work with him in the ring again shows through her smile. She might not realize who he is yet, but she knows she's excited he's out there with her. Even though he's wearing a mask, he remembers what the man who practically adopted him told him: "The eyes and face tell the story."

"M" makes his way down to where Alexa and the Fiend are standing, his head still looking down, and stops in between them. He slowly looks at Alexa, then shifts his gaze to the Fiend, only to look straight in front of him.

"M", silently: Bray, you get AJ. I'm going after the big one. Let's wreck these motherfuckers.

Caught off guard by "M"'s unorthodox pep talk, Alexa starts to laugh for real, but is able to quickly cover it up by turning it into the overdramatic laugh her character is known for. Bray helped in covering it up by laughing loudly. With their combined laughter, no one suspected a thing. They abruptly end their laughter and look straight at Charlotte and AJ with looks that could kill.

The three swarm the ring just as they head done last week. All three step up onto the apron and watch their prey carefully. "M" raises his arms slowly in an Undertaker fashion. Once they're over his head, he slams them down Kane style, causing fire to shoot up from the corners and everyone in the ring to duck and cover their heads. The lights change from their eerie blue state to an ominous red.

AJ and Charlotte, to themselves: Holy shit!

The Firefly Family, minus Liv, enter the ring, staring holes through their soon-to-be victims. Charlotte, AJ, and Omos are so focused on "M" that they don't notice Bliss or the Fiend enter. The Fiend runs between Omos and AJ, grabbing the latter, turning him around, and hitting him with a Sister Abigail. Meanwhile, Alexa runs at Charlotte and delivers a stiff forearm to the jaw, then does her own twisted variation of the Sister Abigail. With her work done, Alexa skips happily to one of the corners and climbs up, standing on the middle rope to watch her unbeknownst best friend and their mutual masked friend destroy their enemies.

"M" steps up to Omos and they lock eyes. Despite the obvious height difference, "M" holds the stare. Omos begins to chuckle, but stops when a gloved hand wraps around his throat. He puts both hands on "M"'s arm, trying to break the hold, but to no avail. Meanwhile, the Fiend traps Styles with a Mandible Claw behind Omos. As the Phenomenal One struggles against the Fiend, he is forced to watch "M" lift Omos over his head.

Omos roars in terror as "M" holds him there for a few moments. "M" looks over at Alexa, who nods once. After seeing the nod, "M" slams Omos down with a thunderous Chokeslam that threatened to break the ring. He pulls Omos to his feet, flips him upside down, and drives his skull into the ground with a Tombstone. "M" crosses Omos' arms across his chest and mimics the pin position that goes along with it. As "M" does this, AJ watches in horror before finally succumbing to the darkness and fading into a state of unconsciousness.

"M" stands and turns to face Alexa. She giggles a little, then locks eyes with him. Her face morphs into an expressionless one. "M" comes to a complete stop and snaps his head to look right at her eyes. Alexa slowly tilts her head and "M" mirrors it. She hops off of the rope and skips around him, never looking away from him. When she stops, she's standing right in front of him. His head is angled down in order to see her. A small smirk forms on Alexa's face and a short giggle follows. Their moment is soon ended by the show ending.

A/N: Sorry for keeping y'all waiting on this chapter. A lot of personal stuff got in the way of me finishing it, but I finally got it done. I don't know if I'm fully back or not. I hope y'all enjoyed this chapter, even if it was kinda short. I'll talk to y'all next time, whenever that is.

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