|Chapter 25| Armageddon

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So I've found a new song by Nickelback called Satellite and it instantly struck me as something Herobrine would say to Anne, which makes me hurt inside (song attached above if you want to feel pain with me)

"A hero faces death for others, with no thought of personal gain or glory."

          The battle had barely begun but already, both sides had suffered huge losses. The air was loud with the din of voices and shouts and feet running and weapons clashing. It was almost impossible for a person to remain unaffected by the chaos but somehow, this was what Aramis achieved. He was an island of calm as he stood firmly in the battlefield, his arms in constant motion as deep blue magic swirled about him, his cloak swishing about his feet as he turned, always in perfect control.

          His left hand swept forward, cutting off the path of a line of black warriors, then continued with a flick to decapitate a creature who had almost taken down a recruit, and in the same motion his right hand came up and he smoothly sidestepped and brought his arm down to swiftly dispose of another enemy before completing the movement in a circle and bringing both hands forward with a twist to send a powerful blast of energy at the approaching line of creatures. His expression was calm, but he was deadly, and all of the allies were immensely glad that he was on their side as they rushed past into the fray.

          Someone else noticed his ability too and, ever alert, Aramis swept his leg around to turn and meet his challenger, who stepped out of the crowd with sword in hand. The man's purple cloak was frayed and tattered and a black skull mask hid his face, save for his two deep brown eyes that were full of hatred.

          "You're cutting down our warriors like they're nothing," the voice behind the mask said. "It's a little embarrassing."

          "I would find it more embarrassing if my dozens of years of practise hadn't paid off," Aramis responded cooly. "Tell me, Dreadlord: Do you always wear a mask?"

          "It unnerves my opponents," Dreadlord said softly. "Makes them an easier kill."

          "Your existence is unnerving me," a new voice said, and General Ty stepped out of the chaos, Ian by his side. "And what I find unnerving, I like to get rid of."

          Dreadlord turned, taking a subtle step back so that all three of the men were in his view. "You will find that awfully difficult," he growled.

          "I'll find that out for myself, thanks," Ian snarled back. "Master Aramis, care to join us?"

          Aramis spun his hands about, his dark blue magic swirling faster around him. "It would be my pleasure."

          In a different part of the battlefield, a duel like this was already raging. Acid had been darting in and out of the clashing armies, two daggers moving like lightning as he cut down any and all opposition, but early on he had picked a fight with the wrong people. Now, he was moving with the frenzy of a caged animal and the anger of a cornered lion as Mitch and Jerome attacked him as one, sword with axe against daggers, green magic lashing out against purple magic which was wielded expertly by Seto, who was moving this way and that to keep out of the range of the weapons, Lord Sparklez from the east watching his back and cutting down any black warrior who came too close.

          Acid ducked under a cut from Mitch and darted inside his range, a dagger slicing across his stomach and Mitch grunted with pain, but Jerome jumped in before Acid could follow up his advantage, his axe humming a deadly song that would have seperated Acid's hand from the rest of him, but the sorcerer had quick reflexes and he darted out of the way, his left hand twirling his dagger a little, to create a stunning green shield that protected him from Seto's most recent attack.

          "You know, an axe and a sword are the worst weapons to bring to a dagger fight," Acid said to the two warriors, grinning.

          "We'll make it work," Mitch said back. "Why don't you stay still, make it easier for us?"

          Acid laughed and spun his daggers again. "Why would I stop the fun?"

          In a different part of the battlefield, there was no witty banter flying back and forth. Entity was a machine, expertly spinning his sword to fight Adam, easily stepping out of the way of Vikk's huge axe all the while red bolts of magic spat about and around, forcing Adam to either destroy them or deflect them as he blocked Entity's attacks. All of the General's senses were working overtime; drowning out enough of the battle noise so that it wouldn't distract him but also so that he was aware of what was happening, seeing every step and movement and contraction of a muscle that would indicate a strike, feeling every pulse of magic over the battlefield that let him know that his friends were still fighting somewhere, feeling the slight dips in the ripped up grass below him so that he could keep his footing. Adrenaline was keeping him going, for now.

          Entity flicked away Adam's sword, spinning a leg to catch him off guard and send him stumbling while bringing his sword around to slash at Lord Vikk and force him to back up, and he stepped forward to continue the attack but a silver-shining sword flashed out of the air and not even Entity's cat-like reflexes could save him from the razor sharp edge completely and he hissed as blood sprung up from the thin cut in his arm.

          He spun around to face his new attacker, then realised his mistake as the other two took up positions around him, forming a circle. His blood red eyes flicked over each of them in turn: Lord David, Lord Vikk, and General Adam, each with a weapon in hand. No words were spoken and as one, the three launched into the offensive.

          The two armies wrestled back and forth, each nearly perfectly matched, holding the ground they had gained but never being able to push the other further back. Soon, the inhumane stamina of the black warriors would begin to show and the allies would be pushed back but for now, they were holding their own. Cries started to sound from a different part of the black army, near the side of the back lines that were closest to the base. A low, rumbling boom sounded that shook the earth and rattled on the ears and for a single, terrifying moment, everyone and everything was still.

          Another boom sounded and slowly, achingly slow, the enemy base started to crumple and collapse in on itself, dust flying into the air as the walls crumpled and cracked and crashed to the ground with a groan that was drowned out by Entity's scream of rage. A sharp thunderclap and a flood of red light erupted from him and slammed against those around him, throwing back the two Lords and the warriors from both sides alike.

          Adam looked up from the position that he had dropped to, crouched low to the ground, his sword pressed flat against the dirt in front of him. Entity's back was to him, and he had his hands clenched as he glared at the destroyed building, breathing heavily. Beyond him, Adam caught a glimpse of a blue shirt and a brown one and realised that if he could see Notch and Steve, so could Entity so he jumped up and closed the distance between them, sword cutting diagonally down.

          Entity spun around with his blade up and locked their swords, stopping the death stroke. His teeth were bared and his eyes were a deeper red than before. "Got anything else up your sleeve, General?" he spat. "Have anything else to take away from me?"

          "Yeah, your life," Adam growled back.

          "Do you offer mercy?" Entity snarled.

          Adam stared at him dead in the eye. "Not for killers like you. Your magic has resulted in the death of the children it has infected and nearly in the death of several of my friends and my recruits, and who knows who else. Your magic started this war which has claimed the lives of so many families. Even if I was willing to offer mercy right now, you would never get it."

          Entity's snarl didn't change. "Good. A battle to the death then."

          "Only your death."

          Lord Vikk's battle axe slashed down across Entity's back, cutting deep and Entity screamed with pain and anger as he unlocked swords with Adam and turned around, recklessly launching himself forward and blinding slicing. By pure luck, he cut deep along Vikk's stomach and the lord reeled backwards, his axe dropping from one hand as he clutched his bleeding wound. Adam jumped forward, Lord David by his side, fighting with more determination than ever before because it was obvious that Entity's strikes were weaker now, his rage clouding his logic as he swung with pure power instead of finesse. Lord David deflected the majority of the strikes but Adam was darting in and out, forward and back, dodging the black blade while his golden one was flecked with Entity's blood. The hollers of the black warrior creatures had fully faded into the distance as he focused fully on exploiting his enemy's weakness and ending this war for good.

          His sword flicked forward like a snake's tongue as Lord David's sword slashed downwards and Entity was caught in the middle as the two blades dug deep into his skin and he screamed as his skin turned red and glowed and Adam and Lord David were thrown back by a wave of light and when they blinked the spots away, only a pure black sword lay on the ground where Entity had been.

          Around them, the black warrior creatures howled and screeched and fled as the exhausted allied warriors gave one last war cry and a final effort to bring them down as they ran in all directions in an uncoordinated mass, their run loping and animalistic. There were tired cheers of victory that nearly instantly died away as the warriors' arms dropped to their sides, their limbs heavy as they dragged themselves away from the battlefield even as medics, both magical and non-magical, rushed onto the field to aid the wounded.

          Adam stood up from the ground, feeling the beginnings of magical exhaustion but he shook his head a little and looked around. Too many warriors were lying on the ground amid the bodies of the black creatures, wearing a collection of armour that identified them to one or the other of the dozen armies that had fought. The General forced himself to look beyond them to the rest of the battlefield to where he had sensed the magic of the other sorcerers fighting.

          Halfway across the field of rushing medics, Adam caught glimpses of Mitch's red checkered jacket and his glinting iron chestplate and a flash of the sun on what he hoped was Jerome's axe. They were both kneeling on the ground, Mitch seeming to check on someone who was lying in front of him, a purple cloak splayed about.

          Beyond them and a little behind, Adam caught sight of Ian, heavily bleeding, shaking his head to a medic even as several others worked on the people lying around him. Someone rearranged a deep blue cloak so that it covered its owner. Ian must have felt Adam's eyes on him because he looked over and the two locked gazes for a moment, and Ian slowly shook his head and dropped his eyes.

          Adam wanted to run but his feet were locked in the ground. His friends were split into two places and he didn't know who to help first and then he knew that Lord Vikk had been injured-

          He turned, suddenly remembering the badly hurt lord to see Lord David already on it, putting pressure on Vikk's cut. Vikk was pale and shaking, but he was alive for now and Lord David looked up, catching sight of the other Generals and giving a nod to Adam, sensing his dilemma.

          "You go, I'll make sure Lord Vikk gets help," David said and with a grateful nod, Adam sprinted off, darting around people and never slowing until he neared Mitch and Jerome.

          Both of them looked much worse for wear. Mitch had a cut above his eyebrow and his armour was scratched and his arms had several cuts on them and a thin line of blood was covering his stomach. Jerome was worse, blood streaming down his left shoulder and his ankle was at a bad angle. Seto lay on the ground in front of them, the least injured but his still chest had a horrible burn mark and his magical aura was gone.

          "Acid got the jump on us," Mitch murmured flatly. "We weren't fast enough."

          "Is Acid gone?" Adam asked.

          Jerome nodded his head to a little away, where Acid's body lay, clearly bearing the marks of revenge of Mitch's sword and Jerome's axe. "He paid in part for it," Jerome said tiredly. "I hope he pays more in the afterlife."

          Adam nodded a little, finally averting his eyes from Seto. "You need to get looked to Jerome, before you bleed out. I need to go check on the others."

          "Tell them we're okay!" Mitch yelled after him as he ran back into the crowds.

          He made a beeline for where he had seen Ian standing, only when he got there, he was nowhere to be seen. The grass still had the imprints from where someone had laid, and there was too much blood staining the grass for it to be just a cut.

          Adam kept running, fear keeping him on the move, catching Quentin out of the corner of his eye as the man jogged over to where Jerome, Mitch, and Seto's body were but Adam moved in the other direction, towards the camp from the day before. He saw Jason talking to several of the head medics and Captains, gesturing as he gave them orders for the post-war situation.

          "Jason, where's Ian?" Adam called as soon as he was close enough.

          Jason turned around and Adam knew instantly that there was no good news. "Medic tent," he called back.

          Adam was there in half a minute, catching sight of Ian nearly straight away. Ian was cradling his right arm and had a small trickle of blood from his head but he looked up as Adam came over.

          "You okay Ian?"

          Ian gave a shrug with his left shoulder. "I'll be fine," he mumbled.

          "What happened?" Adam asked quietly.

          "We were fighting Dreadlord," Ian said. "Ty, Aramis and I. Neither of them made it. Ty... Ty was first, then Aramis and Dreadlord killed each other."

          Adam looked away, loosely crossing his arms across his chest. Both of them were silent for a moment, each now feeling the weight of the cost of war. The worst part was when you got to the end and then realised that your friends hadn't been as lucky as you were. "Seto's gone too," Adam said quietly. "Jerome's pretty hurt but he'll be okay, and Mitch is fine."

          "I saw Quentin head out, he must have stayed back here for most of it."

          "Jason's outside organising everyone."

          Ian sighed, shifting his right arm a little with a wince. "Please tell me you got Entity."

          "Yeah, we did. And Steve and Notch destroyed the base too, so... I guess we won."

          "Yeah. Guess we did."

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