Attack on Uri

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On the morning of 18th September, 2016, around 5:30 a.m.,  when most of the people of India were fast asleep in their beds, four perpetrators attacked an Indian Army brigade headquarters in Uri, near the Line of Control. Uri is a town in the Indian-administered state of Jammu and Kashmir. It was reported as "the deadliest attack on security forces in Kashmir in two decades". No group has claimed responsibility for the attack. The attackers were said to have lobbed 17 grenades in three minutes. As a rear administrative base camp with tents caught fire, 17 army personnel were killed. A gun battle ensued lasting six hours, during which all the four militants were killed. An additional 19-30 soldiers were reported to have been injured in the attack. Combing operations continued to flush out additional terrorists thought to be alive. This was the time of a troops shift, whereby the 6 Bihar regiment was replacing the 10 Dogra regiment. The incoming troops were housed in tents, which are normally avoided in sensitive areas around like Uri. The attackers sneaked into the camp breaching heavy security and seemed to know exactly where to strike. Seven of the personnel killed were support staff, including cooks and barbers.

This is what the wikipedia has got to say about the attack. But do you know what the Indian hearts have got to say about it? Revenge. Everybody wants revenge. Revenge for those 17 army personnel who were burned alive, who were just protecting their countrymen. Revenge for those 'additional 19-30 soldiers' who were reported to be injured. Revenge for the years of unrest in the Kashmir valley. Revenge for those numerous children whose studies suffer due to this unrest. Revenge for those numerous soldiers and policemen who have died in the Kashmir valley uptill now. And also, revenge for every individual who has lost his/her life in the different terrorist attacks that took place in our country over the years. There is a limit to everything and I think that limit has been crossed long back. 

As an aftermath of the attack, India has cancelled its participation in the 19th SAARC summit  to be held in November in Islamabad, Pakistan. Pakistan International Airlines cancelled flights to certain parts of Kashmir on 21 September. Security around the Army installation in Uri was intensified following the attack, while soldiers on both the Indian and Pakistani side of Line of Control were placed on high alert. The National Investigation Agency filed a first information report regarding the attack and took over the investigation from Jammu and Kashmir Police on 20 September. Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, while addressing the public during a BJP rally in Kozhikode, Kerala, on 24 September, charged Pakistan with responsibility for the attack, saying that India would "never forget" Uri and would "leave no stone unturned to isolate Pakistan in the world." He called upon the citizens of both India and Pakistan to fight against poverty. "I want to say that India is ready for a war... India is ready for a war on poverty. Let both countries fight to see who would eradicate poverty first... I want to tell the youth of Pakistan, let's have a war on ending unemployment... I want to call out to the children in Pakistan, let's declare war on illiteracy. Let's see who wins." In further responding to the attack, on 26 September, the Indian government stated it would exercise its rights under the 1960 to the full and would expand its utilisation of its rivers flowing through Jammu and Kashmir. Talks under the aegis of the Permanent Indus Commission, to which any disputes may be submitted, would cease "until terror comes to an end." The body had most recently met in July 2016. The government subsequently stated it would review Pakistan's most-favored-nation (MFN) trade status, which India had granted in 1996. 

But enough of this official news. All of this was how the government reacted. All those who live in India know about the Maharashtra Navnirman Sena, the poltical party in Maharashtra, and its controversial leader Raj Thakrey. The MNS threatened the Pakistani actors working in India to leave the country as soon as possible or be ready to face dire consequences, following which the actors have left India. They have also threatened not to let any movie release with Pakistani actors in them. What next? What did they achieve by threatening the actors and making them leave the country? Did that have any effect on the Pakistani government or the Pakistani Army or the terrorists? Nothing. Nothing at all. Except for tarnishing the image of our country.

We want revenge and we want it soon. But according to an article of 'The Indian EXPRESS'  if we look at the speech given by our Prime Minister in Kerala, we already have our revenge. The PM talked about a war against poverty, unemployment and illiteracy being our revenge. if we defeat these three evils before Pakistan, we would get our revenge. 

And I agree with this. If we also get down to violence and bloodshed and start killing innocent people in the name of revenge, then what would be the difference between them and us! Why should the citizens suffer because of someone else' fault?

(Hey everyone! This entry is way more late than I intended it to be. But the thing is my mid sems start this Saturday, so I thought why not do this right now as I won't be getting time later. Plus, I have stopped getting any more reads. So, I thought if I don't do an update now, people might forget about this book. Sorry for the delay, if you were waiting, because I am not sure if I have any regular readers. Do comment to let me know your views about the topic of this update and if you agree with me or not. I'll be waiting.....)

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