No Punjab, Only Udta! Like Seriously!!

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      (I wrote this yesterday when the judgement had not come, so don't mind all the changes that has happened after the judgement. The film is now set for release with  1 cut, a modification in the disclaimer and an 'A' certificate. I haven't made any changes in this chapter after HC's judgement, that's why I am mentioning it before.)

    'Udta Punjab row rages on', 'If you name it Udta Timbuktu, will people think it is not about Punjab?', 'Udta without Punjab? What about Bombay, Madras Cafe, Mission Kashmir?', 'Censoring a movie won't help weed out Punjab's drug problem', 'Film industry vs. Pahlaj Nihalani'.

     Most of you must have seen these headlines in the news. The case is at present in Bombay HC. The makers had been asked to make some 89 cuts in the movie by the CBFC. May I ask on what basis? Last time I heard, the CBFC was supposed to certify the movies, right? From when did it's job change to censoring the movies. The last few CBFC chiefs have all been behaving in an autocratic way. From giving out a list of abusive words not to be used in films, to this, we have been witnesses to it all. You don't want people to listen to characters speak some particular words, right? But tell me one thing, don't people already know those words? So what exactly are you trying to prevent?

      Coming back to 'Udta Punjab', it highlights the problem of drug abuse in Punjab. But CBFC has asked the makers to remove the word Punjab from the title and to delete all references to Punjab from the film. Now , tell me one thing, from when do we know that such a film based on this topic and by this name is being made? And of what use will it be to change all that they asked to? Will we forget what the film is all about? Where it is based? What it focuses on? Or will we forget about the problem itself? None, right? So, what's the point of doing it? Isn't it a fact that turning a blind eye to the problem is not the solution. Neither not accepting it is.

       And apart from that, the people of India already know what is happening in Punjab. So, all that nonsense about defaming the state is utter bullshit. No offences to anybody, but nobody is defaming anyone here. According to our Indian Constitution, speaking truth does NOT amount to defamation. And it is the truth and a well known fact that drug abuse IS there in Punjab. Families are getting ruined and even sexual harassment is happening due to it. This is a fact accepted by Punjab-based NGOs and rehab-centres. What would Pahlaj Nihalani and the politicians claiming the movie to be defamatory have to say about this? This is not just about a movie. It is about the problem it is showing. You can't just ignore it and pretend nothing is happening because it is.

       Not to forget all our 'beloved' politicians trying to gain from all of this. Elections are near in Punjab so every political party would want to make good use of all of this racket. Our politicians seriously need to grow up! They don't leave any opportunity to jump in and make it a political issue.

       I mean, like seriously, do all these people think of us to be fools? We are very well capable enough to decide what we want to see,what we want to support and what to just ignore. We certainly don't need someone to decide for us what we see. Their job is to certify and not to censor. Such controversy, and that too just a few days before the film's release, has given it more publicity only, and nothing else.

       (You may agree with me or you may not, but all I can say is that these are my personal views and your views might differ. No offences to anybody.)

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