"I'm Veronica, the fuck up Whitlock!"

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*Contains sensitive content* -  anxiety and depression\family abandonment, grief\death of a loved one, mentions of drug use and suicide.


Troy was fast asleep as I glanced his alarm clock to the time was 3:05am. Without awakening him I quietly slipped out of bed and gathered my clothes from the floor and got dressed. Troy woke up alarmed noticing that I wasn't in the bed with him anymore. "Where are you going?" My boyfriend rubbed his eyes still half asleep. "I'm going back to my bed before anyone gets suspicious about me being in your room after dark"

I fixed my hair putting on my white silk robe. "Babe please don't go yet" Troy held his hand like a puppy dog before I wandered over to him. "I know but I can't take that risk baby. But I promise you that we can make up for it later" I said holding his hand and placing his index finger inside of mouth slowly licking it up and down in attempt to seduce Troy. He quickly removed his hand from my mouth to stop himself from getting carried away.

A wicked grin grew on my mouth as I chuckled.  "I'm very much looking forward to that" Troy smirked, blushed. I placed a kiss upon my boyfriend's lips before I headed towards the door "do you want me to see you out, Ana?" Troy queried. "No sweetie I'll be ok, get some sleep you're gonna need it babe" I flirtatiously winking and waving at Troy as I left his bed carefully closing the door behind me and trekking upstairs on my tiptoes quietly.

And I was not prepared to see what I was about to see. I saw Geena, yes Geena coming out of my father's bedroom wearing one of father's buttoned shirts, her auburn was messy and untangled the red lipstick around her lips was faded all over mouth and her mascara was running downstairs. Luckily she must of thought I was sleep walking the way she walked passed me like I just didn't see her walking out of my father's bed.

Passing Ronnie's room I heard sobbing coming from the outside which alarmed me so I knocked the door entering her room feeling worried. Ronnie was sat on the bed with her knees against her chest rocking back and front in a ball. "Ronnie what's wrong?" I queried in a panicked to be near my little sister. She was crying so much that couldn't even speak. "I wish I was never born, Ana. Our own father hates me and and everybody hates me!"

I shook my head rubbing her back for comfort. "Ron, I don't hate you. Nobody hates you" Ronnie stared up at me with heavy bags under eyes and watery eyelids. "But why I like felt shit, Ana. I'm really sorry for yelling at you on your birthday, and for inviting Melanie to your party get high on ket. I really miss mom, Ana things like better were she was still alive" my little sister cried through her hands.

"I wanna see her again, Ana. I wanna be with mom for good and never come" Ronnie weeped with stain tears falling down her cheeks. The lump in my throat appeared as my voice started to trembled, breaking down. "But what about me Ron? I don't want you to go, I need you Ron you're the only sister I have and I love you so much" I took a snap exhale holding Ron's hand tight in my grip as we cried out together.

Letting all the negative emotion go and flow out of our bodies for the better. "By the way Ron, thanks for the condom" I sniffed grinned wiping my tears before were formed in my eyelids. Ronnie's mouth flew opened in shock at my sudden revelation. "Wait so....you....and....Troy finally had sex!" She sneered under her breath elastic, almost through giggles.

Shaking my head I felt my cheeks turn a shade of red, biting down on my lower lip and as my mouth curved into a small grin. Ronnie smiled patting me on the back. "Well It's about fucking time, I'm so happy for you big sis" "thank you" I exclaimed intwining my little sister into a huge bear hug. After we broke apart Ronnie's face suddenly down. "Are you ok, Ronnie?" I asked voicing my concern.

"You're Anastasia, the perfect Whitlock and I'm Veronica, the fuck up Whitlock!" Ronnie held on her hand on top of temple trying to stop herself from crying again. "Ronnie, what's brought this up all of a sudden?"my little sister sarcastically laughed. "How can I not bring this up, Ana? Lloyd's never let me forget it ever since I was born. He's fucking hated me, maybe I should ask for a DNA test and find out if he's really my father like on Maury"

I lightly chucked. "That would be hilarious" I turned to my sister in a stern demeanour changing my tone of voice. "But I'm serious tho Ron, if push comes to shove it wouldn't matter to me. Because at the end of day we're still sisters no matter what" I lifted my pinky finger to Ronnie declaring a pinky promise like we used to do as kids all the time. Ronnie linked her pinky finger with mine. "Ok" she decided letting go let.

"I was thinking, Ana" Ronnie took a snap inhale. "Maybe going to be rehab wouldn't so far after all. I wanna be around as long as possible and I can't do that if I'm on drug" i nodded resting my head on my little's sister shoulder.

"Ana, do think mom would had an affair behind Lloyd's back?" Ronnie asked to my surprise and I was speechless but eventually answered her question as best as I could. "Honestly I don't know if Mom did or not. Why do you ask?" "Because her and Lloyd's marriage were never perfect" I jokingly, scoffed. "Ronnie whose marriage do you know is really that perfect?"

We bursted into tears of laughter, chatted nonstop further into night. Afterward peacefully we fell asleep fully content with ourselves.

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