"Veronica calm down"

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*Contains sensitive/mature content* - Mentions of drug use.


Later that night in London, England

The screen on my phone brighten placed down on my total bedside table letting me know that I've received a text as I sat cozily on the bed in my hotel room wearing nothing but a white bathrobe and my hair was out of its bun let out be free and wild. I picked it up straightaway seeing it was from Troy.

Hi sweetie how did the award ceremony go?. I can't wait until you come home tomorrow I miss you like crazy babe sleep well and have a silent night ~ T

Xxxxxxx 😘😘😘😘😘😘

I beamed relying back. Hi honey the awards ceremony was great. I miss you were here as my date and I miss you loads like crazy. I'll see you tomorrow baby, sleep tight ~ A

Xxxxxxx 😘😘😘😘😘😘

Troy replied back to my message quick


I was about to reply back to him. Before I received a phone for Ronnie waiting to FaceTime with me and I kindly accepted.

"Hi big sis how are you?" Ronnie beamed through the phone wearing her warmest smile. But something didn't feel right her smile seemed forced than it usually was and it made me grow with nerves of worry. "You look so cozy Ana. Is Lloyd in your hotel room?" "No he's in his own hotel suite drunk and fast asleep"

Ronnie inquisitively nodded. "Good cause we need to talk"

Don't .






My voice filled with concerned as i queried. "Ron what's up?" Ronnie gave an unexpected sighed. "You're not like this Ana but. Geena tried to crawl her fake nails into Troy earlier today" "what?!" I slowly uttered feeling my throat curved into a venom of rage. Anytime Geena's name was put into a sentence it was never good.

"Yup I saw everything, but don't worry Troy didn't fall for her pathetic attempt of her lusting him in like Megan Fox with all those guys in Jennifer's Body. Spoiler alert in my opinion Megan did a better job" I chuckled how Ronnie compared Geena and Megan Fox in the same sentence but Megan is far too superior for the likes of Geena.

How dare that auburn haired bitch try to crawls into my man and it's bad enough she's allegedly had a thing or having or thing with my father of all people. "You should've of seen the look on Geena's face when I catch her tho" Ronnie exclaimed putting her hand upon her forehead, carelessly playing her with light brown fringe.

"I could only imagine what her face would be. Let me guess a like girl whose just been caught fucking the shit out of the high school principal" I spoke wearing wicked smirk on my face. Ronnie laughter nearly on the verge of tears. "That's totally like something out of a porno. I wouldn't be surprised if Geena has starred in one of those types of movies before she became a maid"

"Omg Ron" I threw hand over my mouth in attempt to stop myself literally laughing out loud and waking up my father by accident. "Troy and I had a nice chat earlier" Ronnie chimed starching her nose. I queried tilting my head to the side quite curious. "What did you guys talk about?" "Oh we talked about a lot of stuff, including you while having a smoke"

My mouth stunned for a second, Troy and Ronnie have developed a mysterious bound ok. "You talked about me? What about me?" I asked tusking a piece of my hair behind my ear. Ronnie quickly reassured me. "It's nothing bad sis, we were praising you. Troy is crazy about you. I complimented him for the way he's literally treating you like a princess"

Pun intended.

My little sister added, chiming "and he blushed, that boy is in love with you for, Ana" "he is Ron? how do you know?" Ronnie looked at me if I was in la la land or a whole another dimension that existed in the MCU. "I'm not a love expert or anything but I see love written over his face when he talked about you "My mouth curved into dazzling smirk. "why that's funny Ron. Laura and Liberty asked me the same question"

Ronnie pursed her lips together in deep thought. "What they say is true. Great do minds think alike" I wholeheartedly declared sticking out my tongue in concentration. "We really missed you Ron. I really wish you were" "I know but Lloyd is an old school fucking pushover and a genially a wet towel" Ronnie jokingly, poured her lips.

Even in the saddest of times Ronnie still knew how to smile. Just like our mom did.

"I just don't get what the fuck his problem is Ron! So what if you're a bit of firecracker, everyone needs someone like you in their life or the world would be boring" Ronnie still speechless holding her on her chest as she was touched by my kind, honest and heartfelt speech. "Did you rehearse that?" Ronnie joked as pre usual to break the emotional ice berg between us.

My eyes widen as I snook my head. "No I didn't because every word I said is true and if mom were here she would agree too. I last know these two years haven't been easy, but I wanna let you know I have your back no matter what" I exclaimed on the verge of tears. "Have you had a fix recently Ron?" Ronnie twisted her mouth and angrily glanced at me.

"What the fuck Anastasia!" She ranted at the top of her lungs. "Veronica calm down. I was only asking because I care about you and I hope that girl you were texting the other day wasn't she who must not be named" I furiously snapped as if steam huffed out of my nose. "And to answer your question Ana, no it wasn't Melanie. The last fix I had was two months ago when I came back home from Dean Eton's after party for the premiere of his new movie"

I let Ronnie calm down before I before spoke again. Anytime she got mad you have to be prepared to run. "I'm sorry if I upset you Ronnie but, I had to ask to put my mind at rest" My mouth scrunched to one side as I confessed. Ronnie pushed out her bottom lip and sighed. "Look i'm sorry I overreacted" "it's ok Ron" I calmly reassured my changing tone of voice. "I'll see you tomorrow, goodnight Ron"

Ronnie waved a kiss to me and winked. "Goodnight Ana sleep tight big sis, see you tomorrow" I clicked my phone off, before I placed it back on my bedside table. My mind to started wandering for awhile afterwards I switched off the light and drifted to sleep.

Until l left the next day to go home back to France.





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