"You're 30th is something to be celebrated by having a party!"

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Five days later

Lloyd sat reading a newspapers in his signature brown armchair in the conservatory while Ana sat by the window in a daydream admiring the bright white clouds up above that resembled a gateway to haven. Ronnie sat on the lounge stemming random chords on her guitar, while singing made up lyrics loud out and in her head.

Ana spotted Troy outside in the courtyard stood next to Simone chatting while having a stroll together on their lunch break. The two lover caught a glimpse of one another before going to their daily activities. Ronnie wore a wicked smirk on her face glazing at the two interaction in the corner of her blue ocean eye.

"And what are you smirking about Ron?" Ana queried dumbfounded narrowing her brows with her arms folded. "You and Troy are too adorable!" Ronnie lowered her voice putting her hand to the side of mouth, being careful so wouldn't Lloyd heard her. Ana bite the bottom of her lip blushing, flashing her teeth through her smile. "Thanks Ron"

Lloyd put his newspaper on the table eavesdropping. "What on earth are you girls talking about?" "Oh just about the plans I have for my birthday" Ana quickly chimed to avoid any suspect arising from her father about hers and Ronnie's conversation about her and Troy's relationship.

"Ana and I were just discussing about heading back to New York to celebrate her birthday this year" Ronnie wore a sarcastically gleeful smile to intentionally piss her father off. "So we can both go visit Liberty, Laura, Jeffery and Fifi" Lloyd shook his head frustrated. "No" he retaliated. "I will not allow you both to go travelling" Ronnie stayed tight lipped so she wouldn't say anything that came out of her mouth that would she wouldn't regret.

Ana rubbed the middle of her temple to content her anger. But it no use she couldn't hide how livid she with him. "Why is it always your way dad? It seems like you one else can have their opinion apart from yours and I'm sick and fucking tried of it. Stopping such a grinch for once in your life!" The blonde haired princess argued sat up folding her arms against her chest.

Lloyd stood up forward from his armchair huffing like a hopping frog. "Don't you dare raise your voice at me Anastasia. You're 30th is something to be celebrated by having a party!" "But what if I don't want a party!" Ana's voice angrily ranted. "Well that's not your decision to make, because as long you're living in my house you're going to be following my rules and that's final!"

"Ok fine just, fucking fine! Have it your way Lloyd as pre-usual" Ana stood up stomping on her heels to storm out the conservatory, Ronnie wasn't too far behind with her guitar over her shoulder. Their father tries to go after his oldest daughter before is he stopped by his youngest. "Give her some space Lloyd, it's the best you can do" Ronnie pleaded in a hasty tone as she wandered the conservatory's door slamming it behind her.


Ana arranged for us to meet shortly in my bedroom after we saw one another through the window for a few longing moments. I told a white lie to Simone about having to use the bathroom because I had a bad stomach and it worked like charm. "Hi" i greeted with my girlfriend with a warm hug and a tender kiss to her forehead quickly closing the door behind us.

"Hi" Ana greeted a letting out a huge sigh from her mouth. She seemed so unhappy having her arms around my waist. "What's wrong Ana? Please tell me baby?" I lovingly grabbed her hand so we sat together on the edge of my bed. "Is it Ronnie, is she ok?" Ana shook her head. "No she's fine, it's my dad he's being a pain in the ass again" My girlfriend confessed quite irritated playing with my fingertips along my palm as I played with hers.

"Let me guess he's being on the asshole king Henry VII act" I smirked and joked trying to lighten to the mood. Ana slapped my arm trying to hold in her laughter. "Yeah but without the huge feasts and six wives" we softly chuckled. "It feels he doesn't understand me sometimes Troy" Ana's voice changed its tone from elated to disarray.

"That's way him and Ronnie always clash, I hope I do have children their won't have to live under a microphone that our father has created for me and Ronnie" I smiled as I let Ana rest her head on my chest and smuggled like we were the only two in the whole world. "Just from the all things you've told me about your mom and I think you would make an amazing mother someday"

Ana stared at me if I had gone mad. "Really honey. Do you think so?" "Yeah" I lovingly held her hand in mine, glazing into her gorgeous brown champagne eyes. "Because it's in you Ana, you have an amazing passion for the things you do. And just in our relationship but in you're writing, the way you're close with Ronnie and how think about others instead of yourself all the time"

My girlfriend's mouth reminded speechless for a moment, her pale cheeks lighten as she blushing capturing her lips on mine for a heated and passionate kiss that let me with no words because it so unexpected but nice. "Did you write that epic speech of yours Troy?" Ana queried tusking a piece of her hair behind her ear. I proudly fixed my tie while flapping my eyelashes and pouring lips like a puppy dog. "No babe I just wholeheartedly winged it, especially for you"

Ana give a quick peck me on the cheek grinning. "Aww thank you baby" an idea soon popped in my head. "I have a surprise for you baby, quick close your eyes" Ana's face was dumbfounded closing her eyes tightly as I hopped from my bed to grab a dark liquid blue jewellery box in a shaped of a heart, which was located carefully tusked under my pillow as I was the only one who could find it.

"This surprise isn't weird isn't it Troy?" Ana required in a suspicious demeanour under aware what exactly I was up to. "No" I reassured her sitting beside her again to open the box to reveal a sliver diamond necklace with the letter A hovering in front of it. "You can open your eyes now Ana"' Ana opened her eyes as if their were gonna pop out in shock and gasped covering her hands over her mouth.

"Oh Troy, this is so beautiful thank you baby" she hugged nearly on the verge of tears. "Although I feel like I don't deserve it, to be honest with you" I frowned my brows confused. "But Ana you deserve an early birthday present as well the world sweetie" But even when I said that, she still wouldn't take no for an answer. "I can pay you back this Troy. It's not I'm being ungrateful but"

"Ana there's no need to pay me for the necklace, it's ok I don't want you to that" I calmly informed her, footing my foot down interrupting her cute little rant. "The necklace is yours free of change, end of story" Ana looked up at me smiling. "What did I ever do to be with such a great guy like you Troy?" "Oh I don't know?, I'm that irresistible Ana?" Ana laughed slapping my arm again. "Hey I was only joking!"

"I know" she corrected through giggles. "That's why I slapped you dummy!" Calmness took over Ana's manner when she told me. "But in all seriousness though. thank you for the necklace Troy I love it so much" I smiled kissing her lips and threw my arm around her to hold her closer to me. "your welcome baby"

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