Chapter 26

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Just after she thought about having resources to cope, she didn't know how she deserved to find her especially after saying something so - ugly. When she was informed, she was being a good person.

It was a fragment of a necklace. This part was supposed to belong to someone who was the only person that ever held her hand for reasons other than to learn how to walk. Ever sat down to talk to her for hours at a time more than once. She couldn't name a single other person that did that for her for that long.

Maybe it was time to venture up the stairs to ask for a favor.

Before she could even move, the one with the dark to light color scheme on her skin and her clothes approached, still standing directly in front of her. The couch was behind the line of connection between them.

The majority of her vision went towards what she was holding instead of her face.

Not so fast, she would have said if she could read her mind.

She arrived with lengthy, clumped-together strands that extended behind both sides of her head. The basket she was holding made her remember another event that occurred for the greater good.

"Does your friend want some?"

Knowing that she should have spoken a word to her, to at least know her name, she didn't and instead pointed to the couch's empty square.

It took a while after listening to her voice enough that she recognized the first half of the sentence to be spoken with the jaw being a little more open and the tongue, a bit more relaxed.

Her voice sounded, she didn't want to say it, but normal towards the end?

She obeyed.

"What do you have there?"

This was it. She was going to ask the question. If the answer was no, she would either destroy it or find a way to wear it to remember her. No in between.

She only allowed her to see the shut eyelids and the shrinking of her lips. Maybe they looked freaky to her, maybe not.

She twiddled with and focused on a specific tile on the floor.

"An old friend. Someone who was there for me until they weren't. She gave me some clothes. A style."

To think her last moments before the virus progressed was the time when she got academically unmotivated again. It didn't matter anymore. Maybe she wasn't there anymore, but it was supposed to be for a good cause.

A shrill creaking noise that resembled a smaller animal, like a bird echoed below the ceiling.

She clenched one of the bumps of the letter 'm' until there was a scarlet speckle just above her fingernail. Time to act quickly.

"She could've died when they came here. Do you wanna go check?"

She tried not to visualize it. Instead, she painted a vivid picture of them sitting upright on a turquoise bean bag. There would be robins fluttering about where a transparent box contained them. There would be gusts of wind the color of light magenta swirling around in the air for no reason.

There was a lengthy pause in noises coming from there.

Without a second thought, she went to see what the commotion was about.

With the way they were steadily ambling down the steps without a peep that time, it was almost like they had not done something that created joy. Especially since there likely wasn't exactly anything stimulating upstairs that caught her attention. Rather, the expression on her face was one of a distant onlooker, feasting her eyes on something that didn't exist.

Did she come upstairs to escape? There was really nothing to escape from. The problem, the pain she might have been experiencing, could have been resolved by just forgiving herself.

No one was too nice to do that, were they?

It seemed like a link had formed between them with their hands.

They had done something. They must have.

Just the thought of getting to start over and have that with her invaded her mind and bullets were shot at anything resembling a grudge.

The love for her dedication overpowered the bad that was done to her, that didn't matter unless other people made it matter.

As if to purposefully stir up confusion in her sister's mind, she continued on the conversation.

"I'll go when I want to."

She wasn't sure what it was, but something fogged up her vision so severely that she stumbled and was barely able to make it within comfortable earshot.

Once her shaking felt the couch's texture, no part of her wanted to look. So she felt instead, and just crossing her fingers that he would read and do something out of pleasure wasn't really enough.

"Don't hesitate. Don't be scared. Just do it. Go now, when you know she's still alive," she instructed, not looking her in the eye.

She entered the world with the fluttering creatures again.

As she took note of the pitch being on a higher level than the next, she began to understand that she really meant it. But it wasn't because of the shared necklace and its memories. Memories that had nothing to do with her.

We went over this. Don't you understand?

The words didn't come out.

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