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"Your Highness, would you like some tea?"

Eligor shook her head. "Don't be sarcastic."

Lilith groaned. "I'm trying here! Do you know how hard it is to convert to good?"

I giggled. "You just need to relax."

She glared at me. "Don't tell me what to do."

"Lili..." Eligor warned.

Lilith sighed. "Right, right. Stop being mean." She looked at me again, her eyes soft. "I'm sorry for talking to you like that, Princess."

"You can just call me Emerson."

"Right. Sorry."

Victoria glanced at the clock. "You have another hour until you go back to the cell." She held her hands out to Lilith. "Let me take that teapot." Lilith gladly gave her the pot, which she put on the coffee table. "Hey, why don't we do something fun? I always found that having a smile on your face helps you do kind things."

Lilith grinned mischievously. "What do you have in mind? I can give you some help."

"She doesn't mean torturing anyone, Lili." Eligor pointed out, putting a hand on her shoulder. "Hey, it's almost sundown. Why don't we go to the bridge? It's got a beautiful view during the sunset."

I smiled. "That's a great idea, Eligor."

Lilith looked between us. "Are you sure that's a good idea? Dark told me I couldn't leave castle grounds."

"Hey, it's working! You're already following rules!" Eligor grinned, joking.

"Hey, I just don't want to be killed, okay?"

"Don't worry about it. I'm sure Dark will be okay with it if you're with us."

Lilith looked at me. "Really? He won't be mad?"

I let out a laugh. "Oh, he'll be pissed. But, whatever happens, I'll face the consequences of it."

She grinned. "Then what are we waiting for? Let's go!"

In a few minutes, the four of us were sitting on the bridge, our feet dangling over the edge. We were watching the sunset in front of us, clinging to our partner.

"Wow." Lilith whispered. "It's..." A smile spread across her face. "Beautiful."

"See?" Victoria said. "A beautiful sight helps put a smile on your face."

Eligor looked over at us and grinned. "So. What are you gonna name the baby?"

Victoria looked down, placing her hand on her stomach. "I don't know. I've always loved my mother's name, Felicity, but Em likes the name Lei."

"And I like the name Remington for a boy, but Victoria likes the name Andrew." I spoke up.

Lilith hummed. "How about Felicity Lei if it's a girl, and Remington Andrew if it's a boy?"

Victoria gave a weird look. "Why would a baby have two first names?"

I giggled. "Right, I forgot you don't have middle names here."

"What's the purpose of a middle name?"

"No one knows, actually."

"Huh." Victoria breathed. "Well... I like it. We'll do it."

I grinned, gently squeezing her. "Great."

Eligor clapped. "Great! And who's the godparents?"

I looked at her, then at Victoria. She shrugged, and I turned back to Eligor. "Well... we were kinda hoping it would be you two."

Lilith widened her eyes, slowly placing a hand on her chest. "You. Trust me. With a child?"

"Well..." Victoria trailed off, organizing her thoughts. "We... we thought that by the time the baby was born, you'd be good and you'd want to help take care of them."

A smile once again appeared on her face. "Wow... no one's ever done that for me. Not even when I was a regular human. I..." She quickly turned to Eligor. "I want to be good."

Eligor grinned hopefully. "Really?"

Lilith nodded. "Really. I want to set a good example for the child. I want to be good."

"Let's go tell Dark!" Eligor pulled her up. "He'd be ecstatic!"

"Like, right now?" Victoria asked.

I stood up, helping her up as well. "They're usually just talking in the Great Hall with Anti at this time. I think it's a good idea to go now."

Victoria smiled. "Then what are we waiting for?"

Eligor teleported the four of us to the Great Hall. We were surprised to see not only Wilford, Dark, and Anti there, but Amanda, Mom, Dad, and Toby, as well.

Wilford and Dark immediately stood up. "Girls?" Dark asked. "Is something wrong?"

"Nothing's wrong!" Lilith said. Everyone looked at her, and she blushed. "Oh. Right." She sank into a curtesy. "Nothing is wrong, Your Majesties."

"What's happening?" Wilford whispered to Dark.

Eligor was grinning. "Lili, isn't there something you would like to say to the kings?"

Lilith straightened up, smiling at Wilford and Dark. "I've decided to be good. For real. No jokes, no misleadings. I'm ready to put evil behind me and use my powers for the better."

Wilford turned to Anti. "Anti?"

Anti nodded. "She's felling the truth."

Dark smiled back at her. "Then I suppose that you are no longer to be treated like a prisoner. From now on, we welcome you as a second personality of the future queen."

Mom and Dad stood up, applauding. "Congratulations, Lilith!" Mom said. "We welcome you with open arms!" Toby joined them, and so did Anti and Amanda.

Lilith threw her arms around Eligor. "Oh, I just can't wait to be a godmother!"

"Godmother?" Amanda questioned. "What are you talking about? (Y/n) just had her child."

Eligor glared at Lilith. "Great going, you ruined the surprise."

Lilith visibly cringed. "Sorry!"

"Wait, who's pregnant?" Dad asked.

"What? No, no one's pregnant!" Mom said.

"Guys!" Anti sighed. "I guess the secret's out. Emerson, Victoria, I believe you have something to announce to everyone."

Victoria looked at me, and I nodded, squeezing her hand. She took a deep breath, stepping forward. "I... I'm pregnant."

Suddenly, Elaine appeared, picking her up and spinning her around. "Victoria's pregnant!"

Amanda quickly ran over, enveloping me in a tight hug. "Congratulations, Em!"

"Wow. I just..." Wilford fell back into his chair. "Wow."

Dad's eyes were wide. "I'm going to be a grandfather."

Mom was laughing. "Yes, babe! You're going to be a grandfather!"

Dad fell into his chair, as well. "I... I'm only 28."

Mom kissed his cheek. "You're also a father with three kids, one of whom we adopted when they were 12."

"Oh. Right."

Toby grinned, bouncing up to me. "Am I gonna have a new sister?"

I laughed. "No, but you will have a niece."

He cocked his head. "What's a niece?"

"It nothing, Toby." Elaine said with a smile, putting Victoria back in the ground.

"Congratulations you two." Dark said, grinning.

Victoria was holding her head, dizzy. "Thank you. I'd smile, but currently I can see three of you and I'm not sure which one it is."

I laughed, taking her hand. "Oookay. Let's go back to the room so we can have enough rest for tomorrow."

Wilford snapped his fingers, sitting up. "That's right! You two have the coronation practice tomorrow!"

Amanda shooed us out. "Go! Get some sleep!"

"Okay, Mom." Victoria whined, sticking her tongue out before racing out of the room, dragging me along.

"Goodnight everybody!" I yelled for us, but I knew none of them could hear.

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