Meeting Wilford

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Your POV

Emerson came back with a smile on her face. She paused to talk to Elaine for a moment, then walked over to you while Elaine walked out of the room.

"So?" Mark prodded. "What did he say?"

Emerson kept on smiling. "He said you can! Can you believe it? I honestly thought he would say no."

Ethan hugged you. "See? Nothing to worry about. We can still watch her grow into a beautiful adult."

You smiled. "Yeah, you're right."

Amy yawned. "I'm pretty beat. Can we go home now?"

Danielle laughed. "As soon as you're ready, I can make a portal for you and Mark. After that, I can show you two-" She pointed to you and Ethan. "to your room."

Mark smiled at her. "Thank you, Danielle."

She smiled back. "No problem."

You all said your goodbyes, and Mark and Amy left through a portal Danielle made.

Before any of you could even say a word, someone came in the room. He smiled at you and Ethan, walking over. "I'm guessing you are Ethan and (Y/n), Emerson's parents."

You nodded. "Yeah. And you are?"

He held his hand out. "Wilford Warfstache, pleasure to meet you." The two of you shook his hand. "Now, Emerson. It's time for your rehearsal for the ball."

Emerson groaned. "Can't we do that later? It's so early!"

Wilford shook his head. "There's no time to do it later. You have the dress fitting, then the food and drink testing, then the guest list checking-"

Emerson cut him off. "Okay, I get it. There's a lot of stuff we still need to do." She sighed. "Fine, I guess. Now leave so I can change." She turned to Ethan. "You too, dad. No guys allowed."

Ethan sighed, teasing. "Really? But I'm your dad!"

Emerson giggled, pushing him slightly. "Go." He stood up and left with Wilford.

You smiled. "So, princess." Emerson blushed at the nickname. "What will you be wearing?"

She shrugged. "I don't know."

Danielle grinned. "Leave that to me." She tilted Emerson's chin up. "Brown hair, fair complexion, freckles are showing, brown eyes." She snapped her fingers, and a violet dress appeared in her hands. "Here, go put this on." Emerson took the dress and ran into the attached bathroom, changing into it.

You raised an eyebrow at Danielle. "How did you do that?"

"Hm? What do you mean?"

You pointed to the bathroom door. "That. The dress thing. It was like you knew what dress would look good on her."

Danielle smiled softly. "I used to do that all the time with Elaine. When she didn't know what to wear, I would find the perfect one for her. It all depends on her mood and how she looked. The same thing is with Emerson. She was happy, and her eyes were glowing, but they were brown instead of hazel. Purple or violet dresses bring out brown eyes and freckles the best."

Emerson came out of the bathroom, twirling a little bit. "How does it look?"

You smiled at her. Danielle was right- the dress did bring out her eyes and freckles. "It looks perfect." Danielle looked proud. "Does it have any matching heels?"

Danielle rolled her eyes. "All of her outfits do." She snapped her fingers again, and a matching pair of heels appeared in her hands. She gave them to Emerson, and she put them on.

Emerson stood up, grinning. "Great! Now, let's go!" She grabbed your hand, and the two of you raced to the ballroom.

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