The Law

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Emerson's POV

"Do I have to wear this dress?"

"Yes, Emerson."

"But it's so uncomfortable!"

"You still have to wear it."

"Can't I wear something else?"

"Emerson!" Anti started laughing. "I'm sorry that it's uncomfortable, but you have to wear it. Wilford would get mad if you didn't."

I looked down at the purple ballgown that I was wearing. "I don't understand how Elaine could wear such an uncomfortable dress."

Anti finished working on my hair. "Trust me, it was an effort for her to not rip it off when she wore it."

I looked at him. "Am I only wearing this because she wore it?"

Anti nodded. "That, and because Dark said it works well with your complexion." I stared at him, and he sighed. "Yes, it's only because of that."

I groaned. "I can't wait until I become queen. I can finally stop wearing these dresses."

"You'll have to wear a dress no matter what. You'll be the ruler. You'll have to look presentable at all times."

"Why can't I look like a business woman? You know, blouses and dress pants with heels. That kind of stuff."

Anti stifled a giggle. "You're silly, Em."

I grinned. "No, I'll wear the dresses and Becca can look like a business person. She won't care about that."

Anti's smile faltered. "What are you talking about?"

I turned to him. "What do you think? We'll be married to each other when I'm queen. She'll be queen, as well. And she doesn't like wearing dresses, so I'll be wearing them while she looks all businessy and stuff."

He stared at me. "You... really don't know, do you?"

"Know what?" I paused. "Is there something you're not telling me?"

"I... uhm..." He sighed. "Hang on." He went silent for a moment, then Wilford and Dark both appeared.

Dark grinned. "Emerson! You look lovely in that dress."

"Guys." Anti got their attention. "I think you need to tell Emerson something."

Wilford nodded. "Okay. What is it?"

Anti looked at me. "The marriage law."

I stared between them. "There's a marriage law? Since when? For who?"

"Well, I'll leave you to it." Anti disappeared from the room.

Wilford turned to me. "Emerson... why don't you sit down?" I nodded, sitting on the bed. "Uhm... what did you say to make Anti bring us here?"

I shrugged. "Nothing big, really. I just told him that when Becca and I are queens, I'll be the one wearing dresses, and-"

Dark cut me off. "She doesn't know that?"

I stared at him. "Know what?"

Wilford ignored me. "Well of course she doesn't! Do you really think I'd break a teenager's heart by telling her that?"

"Guys!" I yelled, making them turn to me. "What is going on? What don't I know?"

Dark took a deep breath, then sat by me on the bed. "Emerson..." He looked at Wilford for a moment, then back at me. "You can't marry Rebecca."

I stared at him. "Of course I can. There's no law stating that gay marriage isn't legal-"

"That's not what I meant." Dark said quickly. He then relaxed himself, taking another deep breath. "I mean... you specifically can't marry Rebecca. It's in the law."

I stared at Wilford. "What's he talking about?"

Wilford gave me a sad look. "The law states that a princess must marry an eligible male or female before taking the throne. And by 'elligible', I mean a Duke, Dutchess, Lord, or Lady. Rebecca... doesn't fall under that category."

"And besides..." Dark looked at Wilford. "You're already in an arranged marriage."

"WHAT?!" I screamed, standing up.

"Elaine was in one, as well, but that fell out when she disappeared after her coordination." Wilford said quickly. "Then when she came back, Anti had a vision of her leaving again, so we didn't create another one for her. You, on the other hand... we knew you wouldn't leave the position. So we made an arranged marriage because we thought you wouldn't find love before you became queen."

"And Becca knows this?" The two nodded slowly. "Great. Just great. My whole life is falling apart because of you two. Congratulations on the ball you threw for me. I'm not going." I made my way to the door.

"Emerson, wait!" Dark got up from the bed and grabbed my arm, trying to stop me.

I turned around and ripped his hand off of my arm. Frost appeared on his hand, and he hurriedly tried to wipe it off. "Don't touch me. Don't even talk to me. Goodbye." I ran out the door and down the hallway, right to Mom and Dad's room. The door was cracked open, so I entered without knocking.

Mom was sitting at the vanity, styling her hair into a French braid, while Dad played with Toby on the floor. Both Dad and Toby turned when I entered, and Toby stood up, walking towards me.

"Sissy!" He said, hugging my leg. "I wuv you!"

Mom turned to me with a smile, but it soon fell when she saw my facial expression. "Em? Are you okay."

I burst into tears, right then. Dad instantly stood up and wrapped his arms around me. Mom joined the pile, and we sunk down to the ground. The three of them held me while I sobbed.

When my tears ran out, Mom wiped them with a tissue. "Em?" She asked quietly. "What's wrong?"

I sniffed. "Did you know about the marriage law?"

Dad's expression softened. "Oh, that." He glanced at Mom. "Yeah, we did."

"Why does everyone know but me?" I almost yelled. "Why didn't anyone tell me?"

"Because you're in love, Em." Dad said, rubbing my back. "No one wanted to ruin the happiness you had with Rebecca."

"But everyone knew that it would end. Even Becca. But nobody told me."

Mom kissed my hair. "I'm so sorry you had to find out this way. I know it hurts. But it'll be okay."

I stared at you. "Says the woman who doesn't have to go through an arranged marriage."

Dad gasped. "They put you in an arranged marriage?"

I nodded. "Yeah, they did." I scrubbed at my eyes, desperately trying to get rid of the tears I felt prickling behind them. "I don't even know if it's with a guy or a girl. And they expect me to be okay with that?"

Elena barged in the room. "My twin senses were tingling." She kneeled down to me. "They told you about the law, huh?" I nodded, and he smiled slightly. "You may not believe me, but I've met your arranged wife. Lady Veronica's a really wonderful girl."

I sniffed again. "Lady Veronica? That's who it is?" She nodded. "And I never met her?"

Elena shook her head. "No. But the two of you were supposed to meet tonight." She nudged my shoulder. "Now, you can either be miserable in here, or you can go to that ball and sweep that lady off her feet."

"But... what about Becca?"

Elena put her hand on my shoulder. "Em, she already knew about this. Yeah, she's going to be heartbroken, but she'll get over you. She has to. It'll be fine."

Mom stood up, then held a hand out to me. "Come on. I'll fix your makeup." I took it, stood up, and she led me to the vanity.

Toby followed me, climbing into my lap. "No more cry, sissy! Only happy!"

I giggled weakly. "I love you, Toby."

"I love you too!"

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