Chapter 13- Time To Move

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"Tikki, how much do you think I should pack?" Marinette was holding a huge pile of fresh laundry, staring at it in awe. "All of this?"

Tikki put her hand to her cheek and thought for a second. "How about you pack just enough for a month or so, and then you can come back and get more as the time goes on?"

"You're right. Adrien's house isn't that far from the bakery."

"Marinette! Adrien's gonna be here soon, are you ready?"

Marinette looked at the time and gasped. She was not ready. At all.

"Crap! Uh, yes, mama! Almost!"

Tikki shook her head and held in a laugh. "Oh, Marinette. You lost track of the time."

She flew over and pointed to the suitcase that was lying in the corner, still unpacked.

"I can-I can make it! It's 20 minutes until 4 o'clock, and as long as he isn't early-"

Tikki could hear the faint sound of a knock on the front door.

"That's him! Your dad sent him up!" Tikki exclaimed.

"Oh god- Tikki! You start- piling this in there and I'll go ask mom for help."

The kwami nodded her head and began moving as much as she could, while Marinette opened the hatch and hopped down. As she put her foot on the stairs, a loose article of clothing made her slip and lose her balance. Loudly, she tumbled down the stairs- but someone caught her.

"Whew- Thanks, Mom-"

She looked up to see Adrien staring down at her with pink cheeks. Immediately, her face heated up and she felt faint.

"Marinette, are you okay?" He asked, offering her a smile.

Oh. My. God.

His hands were on Marinette's waist, one farther up then the other. She immediately tensed, causing him to draw his hands back in embarrassment.

"S-Sorry I just didn't want you to fall."

"Oh, haha, yeah of course- thank you for not letting me break myself- I mean... fall out of my room..."

She trailed off and thought for a second before Adrien simply chuckled. "Uh, are you ready to go?"

Reality came crashing back down and Marinette looked into the kitchen. Her mom wasn't there, so she yelled out.

"Mom! Can you-"

"Yes?" Sabine came out of the laundry room holding more clothes in a basket.

"I need- help...?"

"Do you now?" Sabine raised an eyebrow and flashed a smile at Adrien, who stood next to her, still shocked from what went down.

"Mom-" Marinette hissed.

"Okay, okay. I'll come up and help you."

"Thank you." Marinette turned to face Adrien. "I'll be down in literally 5 minutes- don't go anywhere."

Her eyes widened, "Unless you want to- go somewhere I mean." She sheepily giggled and turned around, almost tripping over the bottom stair. To her horror, she saw the source of what caused her to fall earlier. A pair of pink underwear lied on the bottom step. She quickly bent over to pick them up praying that nobody else had seen them. Yet, when she looked over her shoulder to see if Adrien saw, he was staring right at her with wide eyes. She smiled awkwardly and rushed up the stairs, Sabine following her with a grin.

Tikki heard footsteps and quickly hid behind Marinette's desk, watching as her mother threw the laundry on Marinette's chaise. Her blue-haired friend ran over to see what she had packed and began throwing more things in her bags.

"So what happened while I wasn't watching?" Sabine teased her daughter. Tikki eavesdropped curiously.

"Oh- uh, well I fell..."

"And your darling prince saved you?"

"Mom!" Marinette flushed, crossing her arms.

"I'm just teasing, Marinette. Let's finish this up, shall we?"

A short while later, Marinette had packed 2 suitcases and a bag, along with her school backpack and normal purse. Everything was light and easy to carry, but Sabine, being the mischievous mother as she was, called Adrien for help.

"Hey, Adrien! Would you mind helping Marinette carry her things?"

Marinette shot her mother a glare but only earned a smirk from her in return. Marinette sighed in defeat and watched as he headed up the stairs.

Tikki's eyes widened and she looked up at the pictures on the walls. Quickly, she shot up and took a few off as everyone turned around. Marinette looked back to see the rest of them still up, and a Tikki with pictures in her arms. She motioned for her kwami to hide and rushed over to take a few off the wall. She really didn't want Adrien to think that after all these years, she still had his pictures up on the wall. Yet, Sabine turned around and called out to her daughter.

"How about you make your bed and meet us downstairs?"

"Uh y-yeah, mom. Thanks." Marinette threw the pictures in her desk drawer and made her bed to her mother's request.

"Okay, Tikki. Let's go."

Tikki dove into her purse and Marinette rushed down the hatch, careful to not slip this time.

"Okay..." Marinette turned to look at the kitchen one last time and headed down the stairs to the bakery. Her mother, father, and Adrien were down there waiting for her. Adrien was holding a freshly baked croissant in his hand and smiling deviously.

"Sorry, is my father force feeding you?" She laughed. Adrien shook his head.

"Never. I would always voluntarily eat anything he offered me." He took a bite of the roll and smiled at Tom. Marinette's parents exchanged looks before walking over to their daughter.

"Well..." Marinette spoke, staring at her parents. For the last few hours, she'd completely forgotten about all the terrors she'd be facing outside of her house. It hadn't appeared to her how much she was going to miss her parents until the moment that they were standing in front of her to say goodbye.

"When do you fly out?" Marinette questioned.

"Tomorrow at 3."

"I'll... be in school.." She looked down.

"We know," Tom stated, putting a hand on his daughter's shoulder.

"I don't want to stay here saying goodbye like we'll never see each other again," Marinette said, her voice cracking.

"I know, sweetie." Sabine pulled her daughter into a hug, and Tom wrapped his arms around them both. Adrien watched with a smile and a hint of sadness in his eyes. Oh, how he missed his mother and father so much. Yes, his father was still with him, but not truly with him. He secretly hoped that Marinette could help change the loneliness he faced at home. All this time he was really hoping that she was going to be okay. The rumors were spreading like wildfire and the conversation with Ladybug today made him worry about the comments affecting others as well. It was none of his business about Marinette's relationships, but what hurt him more was how the rumors were making him and his father look bad. But as a friend, Adrien new that Marinette would never do the things that Chloe spoke of. And if she did, so what? Nobody should judge her on that. Even if she was having sex with Luka, nobody should be talking about it because it's none of their business! But she would never date Luka. Let alone have sex with him.


Adrien shook off the thoughts that filled his mind as he watched Marinette pull away from her parents. He decided he would talk to her tonight about the rumors. Just to find out her thoughts on them. Although, what he witnessed today could be enough. He was so worried about her. She skipped school and nobody went looking for her. He wanted to, but he couldn't. He couldn't leave the school because his father would find out and possibly take his advantage away. Alya was crying at her desk all day and Nino would barely look at him.

They don't think that those rumors are true, right?

No, of course not.

Marinette waved to her parents once more before turning back towards Adrien. When he looked her in the eye, he saw what he feared he would.

He saw total fear and sadness in those bluebell eyes.

I'll change that.

He took Marinette outside where his bodyguard had already put her bags in the trunk. He crawled in the backseat and Nathalie ushered her inside.

"Mlle. Dupain-Cheng." She nodded. Marinette greeted her with a smile and sat next to Adrien, pulling her seatbelt on. The blonde boy turned and looked at the girl who sat next to him.

"Are you okay?" Is all he asked her. She didn't respond, but she did turn to meet his eyes.

She simply looked at him and nodded, then they both stared out the window in silence.

.·:*¨¨* ≈☆≈ *¨¨*:·.

When they reached the mansion, Nathalie showed Marinette inside as quickly as possible. Marinette noticed this but decided not to say anything. That is until she noticed the cameras outside the fence. She put her head down and followed Adrien inside. It was empty inside except for the tall man at the top of the staircase. Instead of greeting the teenagers, he asked Nathalie what was going on.

"Are they still out there?" He questioned.

"Yes, sir. I'll call the police."

"Thank you." He made his way down and confronted Marinette.

"I expect that these rumors aren't true, Mlle. Dupain-Cheng."

Her heart sunk. How the hell did he find out about these rumors?

Chloe. Of course.

"Um, no sir." Marinette didn't look him right in the eyes, but she really wanted to find out what he knew.

"So you and my son have nothing going on that I should be concerned about?"

There was a glint of disappointment in Gabriel's voice, but nobody seemed to hear it.

Even though he wouldn't exactly approve of his son dating a girl of such low status, Marinette reminded him of Emelie in more then one way.

Marinette shook her head frantically.

"Someone just assumed the worst when they saw me exiting the mansion earlier this week."

"I understand. You aren't the first person to experience these kinds of rumors." He shook his head in despair. Adrien noted to ask his father about that later.

"Anyways, the guest room is right next to Adrien's. He shall take you there to unpack your things. I just have something quick to discuss with you."

Marinette nodded and looked up at the strange man.

"You have the same schedule as Adrien, with coming downstairs for meals throughout the day. You will also accompany Adrien to any and all photo shoots unless otherwise stated. I do need a hand at the forthcoming ones because of a new clothing line that he'll be modeling. Also, when you two are in a room together at any time, the door must be unlocked and a bodyguard outside the door. Is that understood?"

He looked to both Marinette and Adrien, who nodded their heads quickly.

"If anything suspicious is brought to your attention, please let Nathalie know. If you have any questions also feel free to let Nathalie know. She will be of great help to you."

He finished off with one last comment.

"Mlle. Dupain-Cheng, I expect that you'll be of appropriate behavior and will also work on your fashion designs while staying here. We can supply you with anything you need. If you need rides, you can also bring that to our attention."

Marinette took it all in with a nod of her head and looked back at Adrien who gave her a smile.

"Now, you are free until dinner."

Gabriel turned to walk away but stopped one last time.

"And Marinette,"

She was shocked to hear him call her by her first name.

"Please enjoy your stay."

And with that, he turned and headed back to his office. Adrien took a few steps and grabbed onto Marinette's bags.

"Uh, I'll take you to your room now."

"T-Thanks." She nodded and pushed her hair out of her face. Adrien brought her up the stairs. As they walked, she couldn't help but look at the pictured that covered the walls. Some were of a woman who looked like Adrien, with the same blonde hair and green eyes. It must have been his mother because as he caught her looking at them, he turned away. The house was relatively nice and there were a few maids up cleaning the guest room. When she walked in, she was overcome with shock. It was quite a big room, but relatively empty. But what shocked her the most was the supply of basic fashion designing supplies lied out next to the bed. She put her bags down at the side and sat down, looking out the window. One of the maids came up and greeted her with a smile.

"Hello, are you Mlle. Dupain-Cheng?"

"That's me."

"Hello, my name is Aria. I'll be here a lot so if you ever need anything to let me know. Would you like a quick tour of the house-"

One of the other maids whispered something in her ear, glaring at Marinette while.

"Oh! I mean, I hope you enjoy your stay. What's your favorite color?" She asked, trying to change the subject.

"Pink," Marinette stated with not much thought. She nodded.

"Glad to hear it. We'll make sure we make you feel at home here."

The maids gathered by the door and exited.

"I'll be here until 10 PM every day. I get here around early morning. I'll see you later, Mlle. Dupain-"

"Um, Aria-" Marinette interrupted.


"Please, call me Marinette." The bluenette smiled. She was very well aware of how she was going to be treated around here, and she wanted at least people in the house to call her by her first name.

Aria smiled and bowed her head. "Yes, of course, Mlle. Marinette. Have a good night." And with that, she left Adrien and Marinette in Marinette's new room.

I meant just Marinette...

Adrien awkwardly scratched his head.

"Uh- Um, so... welcome?"

Marinette giggled. "Thanks. I never thought I was actually going to be moving in here." She looked around the room with a smile.

Adrien chuckled. "Yeah, I'm quite surprised myself..." He lowered his voice.

"Um, would you like to see my room?"

Marinette didn't know how to react and looked in his direction with pursed lips. When she'd been to his house before, they weren't allowed in Adrien's room most of the time. Even though she's seen it before, it's been a while and she was never in there alone with him. She simply nodded and accepted his offer. Adrien led her out the door and to his room.


Immediately, his bodyguard came up and stood outside the door, offering the kids not much more than a glance. Marinette blushed as Adrien opened the door.

"Alright, well..."

He left the door open to obey his father's rules.

Marinette was going to have to get used to her new environment before she did something stupid.

.·:*¨¨* ≈≈ *¨¨*:·.

A/N: Finally! Anyways, dreamers, so again, this is not edited quite yet by my editor. She's going through a tough time right now. She lost a loved one just to have another loved one go to the hospital. I won't go into detail, but please keep her in your prayers. So, what do you guys think? I like the way I shaped Gabriel's character in this story. Please offer any suggestions or comments on my work. Also, 3.5K VIEWS! OH MY GOD! THANK YOU SO FCKING MUCH! LIKE WOW WOW WOW.

Song Choice: Here With Me by Marshmello (feat CHVRCHES)
I think this is a good fit for Marinette's feelings about being with Adrien, and how she is starting to slowly accept the fact that she's going to be living with him.

Word Count: 2641

Bug Out!

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