Diagnosed With Autism (3 Yrs)

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February 2005
Kaliq woke up from his slumber, yawning and rubbing his small green eyes with his tiny hands,
"Mummy! I'm up!" He tried to say, but those words wouldn't slip out of his lips, he began to furrow his eyebrows, showing a sad emotion.
"Why can't I talk?!" He said In his head, he then noticed something must've happened.
He jumped out of bed, and rushed to the kitchen and hug his mummy's leg.
He then started crying and doing gestures, it was like he had no sense of voice or desire to talk. He kept tugging on the material of his mother's pants, slowly getting angry and irritated.
"What's wrong Kaliq?" His mother answered with a hint of worry in her voice.
Kaliq kept making gestures, of just his fingers moving around weirdly and him jumping and stomping.
His mother started getting anxiety, and tried her best not to storm and rage out on her son, she wants to be the good, nice, positive, and overprotective mother.
Within a few hours, Kaliq got some food out of the fridge, mostly just candy and lollies, he'd munch on them softly and quietly, like the little boy he was.
Half an hour later...
His mother got concerned of why her son wouldn't talk.
"Kaliq, time to book an appointment to the doctors right now! I need to know what's wrong and why you're acting like this?!" She said a bit firmly, and felt embarrassed for screaming like a horrible mother at him,
"I'm so sorry for screaming at you." She frowned and gave her son a few kisses what are platonic.
Kaliq weakly smiled and returned the kisses to his wonderful, and caring mother in the whole wide world.
The mother held Kaliq's hand and walked to the car, it was a Toyota like car, His mum buckled him into his car seat and said "sit tight." She rewarded him with a warm and loving smile. Kaliq giggled.
The mother then hopped into the drivers seat and buckled up, prepared to drive to the doctors.
She started her car up, Broom! Broom! Broom!
The mother then starting driving to the doctors, passing a few sets of traffic lights, within 15 minutes, they've arrived to the hospital aka the doctors.
She then unbuckled Kaliq's seatbelt and held him in her arms and then placed him back on his two little feet, touching the ground, the two walked hand in hand, like an average mother and son would do, as they headed to there destination, the hospital.
Within a few sets of stairs to walk, what is very boring!!! They finally made it to there doctor's office, Dr McGregor.
A few minutes later, they booked there appointment and were allowed to enter in the doctor's office.
"Hello Dr McGregor, my son Kaliq has been acting a bit antisocial lately, do you know what the case of it is? like what's happening?" She said all concerned
The doctor replied "ah yes, I think I may know, I need to take a few tests on him, you'll be allowed in to collect your son when I am done with these tests." He grinned.
"Okay, and thanks again for the help!" She beamed with joy and went back out, in the waiting room, looking at the ticking clock on the left, and the little kid's toys on the right. She was anxious and getting impatient, as half an hour went by.
3 minutes later, she heard her name
"Elizabeth Ann, you may now collect your son!" The doctor said, loud and clear for her to hear, through the wooden like door, where the doctor and the son was in.
She went and opened the door, to see her son playing with the toy blocks and trains and cuddling a teddy. All smiling with joy, the mother said "he looks so cute like that! Eeeeee!!" She squealed.
The doctor chuckled, heheheh and then slightly rolled his eyes.
"On this certificate here I've have just printed out, you're son has disabilities, including, high functioning autism, a bit of Asperger's syndrome, sensory issues, ADHD, intellectually impaired, OCD, ADD, ADH, and bad coordination skills."
"And he may have some mental problems relating to anxiety and depression and all them."
He said blankly, with no expression.
"Aww... my son has special needs.. he's already special though... but.... is he going to live a proper life? Have a partner? And have best friends and friends supporting him? Is he going to have this opportunities just like a decent person would and have ?!" She started to freak out..
"He isn't going to be that bad, but I may be wrong, who knows what life he will have... we'll have to wait and see until he grows up I guess." The doctor states.
"Somewhere around the beginning of this year, Kaliq got diagnosed with these things, not sure properly how and why he got all these.. but a hint may be the birth problems he had into you giving birth to him." He looked worried.
"Hope the best for Kaliq, I predict he's going to be a quirky and one of the best and unique boys ever in this world!" The doctor tried to cheer on and smile.
The mother then earned the doctor a smile back from her, returning a favour.
"Now, You must be going Elizabeth, hope you have a good day and I thank you for your presence here!" He waved to them both, Elizabeth and Kaliq.
"You too sir! It was great having you here to help us both!" She giggled and waved out, gently closing the door behind her. And then got out of the large building and then started heading home, with her autistic son Kaliq.

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