14. Unexpected things to happen

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This chapter is dedicated to NanaShineeBoo12.

Thanks for reading~ <3

And Yes~ It's Summer time and I have lots of time to read fanfics which I haven't read yet.

To those who loves Kris like me. I'm very sorry if I made him a rude guy here in the story.

Hehehe. Peace everyone. ^__^v

By the way, I'm very sorry if I updated late. Hehe. 


"It's Kris.." Hyorin said

My heart stopped when I heard Kris' name. I don't know what to say and I don't know how should I react with it. 

"Omo. Kris?" Fei asked curiously 

"Well.. Uh.. I really like him since we were young. We were friends when we were still in kindergarten and he always saved me when I was bullied.." Hyorin answered shyly

"Oh.. I see.." Fei said and nodded

"And I'm hoping that he will like me too.." Hyorin said as she blushed and smiled

Then, the bell rang and we came back to our classroom.

It's now lunch break and I decided to go to the toilet and pee while Ji Eun, Fei and Hyorin are now in the cafeteria. I faced the mirror and took a look on myself. Why do I feel heavy inside? I let out a big sigh and washed my hands. I was surprised when Hyorin came in and stood by my side.

"Hi Suzy.." Hyorin greeted me with a smile

"Hyorin?" I called out her name

"I heard that you're friends with EXO right?" Hyorin said

"Uh.. Yeah.." I said while nodding at her

"You're so lucky.. It must be great living with Kris." Hyorin said as she leaned on the side of the sink while her arms are crossed and she smiled at me mischievously

"H-How did you know?" I asked curiously

"Well.. you see.. I saw you this Wednesday and I was also there attending Kris' Mom's birthday." Hyorin said

"You're also there?" I asked

"Yup. And are you and Chanyeol dating?" Hyorin asked curiously 

"Ah.. No.. We're not.. We're just friends.." I said shyly and I blushed for a moment

"Omo? You're not? I thought that there is something between you two.. coz you two look like a couple." Hyorin said

"That's impossible.." I answered

"It's possible and I think Chanyeol also likes you..Don't worry, I will support you. I will help you with Chanyeol." Hyorin said while smiling

"Ah no..I'm still confused.." I answered

"Don't deny your feelings anymore. I know you like him and we're now friends right?" Hyorin asked

"Yeah.." I said while nodding and I smiled 

"In that case, Can you help me with Kris?" Hyorin asked and held my shoulders as she smiled at me happily

I was surprised when she asked me to help her and I don't know what to say. It feels like my chest is tightened up in pain and it's hard to breathe. What's wrong with you Suzy? of course you can help her. You like Chanyeol right? And not Kris..

"So, can you help me?" Hyorin asked as she pouted

I take a look at her and I just nodded in agreement.

"Yes~ Thank you, Suzy. You're so kind.." Hyorin said happily as shesuddenly hugged me in excitedly. I became expressionless and I really don't know how to express myself. I can't understand. Why do I feel like I'm not sure helping Hyorin with Kris?

Then, Hyorin broke the hug and faced at me. Looking so excited and happy. I just smiled wondering if this would turn out right.


 It's now Monday and I'm now here listening to Mr. Kang's boring lesson.

Aish. I want to go home. After a how many hours of discussion, the bell rang and it's time for us to go home. I stood up and took my bag. But before that, Hyorin stood infront of me and smiled.

"Suzy~I have something to give you." Hyorin asked 

"Ah.. Sure.." I answered while nodding my head

"Uhm.. Uh.. Can you pass this to Kris for me? I bake them." Hyorin asked as she hand out the box of cupcakes to me and she smiled at me as I stared at it. My mind is thinking twice.

"W-why me?" I answered

"Coz you're living with him.. Please??" Hyorin begged and pouted

"Ah..Okay.." I answered as I took the box of cupcakes as I forced myself to smile

"Thank you.. Suzy.. You're a great friend.." Hyorin said as she smiled at me too and I just nodded. I placed the box of cupcakes inside my bag to secure it.

"Suzy.." Chanyeol said and he approached me and Hyorin

"Let's go home.." Chanyeol smiled at me and as he scanned and take a glance to Hyorin. He was a bit surprised.

"Omo. H-Hyorin?" Chanyeol called her name

"Oppa, Annyeong~" Hyorin greeted and smiled at him.

Oppa? They're that close? I felt something weird.

"How? When did you transferred here?" Chanyeol asked curiously

"I just transferred today.. and Suzy's my classmate.." Hyorin said

"Ah.. Okay.. Need a ride from home?" Chanyeol asked her

"Ah.. No. It's fine. My driver will be here in any minute.." Hyorin said 

"Okay.. Take Care Hyorin.. We'll be going ahead first.." Chanyeol said as he smiled at her

"Sure.. It's fine.. Thank you.." Hyorin answered

"Let's go Suzy.." Chanyeol said and I just nodded

As we arrived from home, I saw Kris sitting in the couch while reading a book and I took the box of cupcakes and decided to give it to him.

"Uhm.. Here.. It's from Hyorin." I said as I handed him the box of cupcakes and he just took a glance with his boring look. He didn't take it coz he just stared at it. I shook the box as I look away.

"Yah! Take this already.." I said while shaking the box

I was surprised when he suddenly took the box. I thought he will refuse but he didn't. I thought that maybe he likes Hyorin too. Then, he stood up from his sit and went inside his room.

On the following day..

It's now Tuesday Morning and I just arrived here in School. 

As I walk slowly, I heard someone called my name from my back. As I turned around, I saw that it was Fei waving and smiling at me. I stopped from walking and unexpectedly, I was bumped into someone.

"Yah! Watch were you going.." He said. I know that voice. As I turned to my front, I saw that it was Kris who I bumped into. He looked at me so furiously and his eyebrows furrowed.

"I'm sorry.." I said but then, he just glared at me and said,"Stupid." then, he walked away from me. I furrowed my eyebrows and I can't believe what he said. Why does he need to say 'Stupid'.? I really can't believe his attitude.

"Suzy. What's wrong? It's early in the morning and why are you in a bad mood?" Fei asked curiously

"It's because Kris..Kris is.. Aish! Never mind. It's not worth of discussing.." I said then, Fei smiled and look at me mischievously. She was like teasing me.

"Yah! Why are you looking at me that way?" I asked

"It's because you've just blushed a moment ago." Fei said while she giggled

"I did not!" I defended

"Let's go with the saying 'the more you hate, the more you love.'" Fei said

"Shut up. That saying is not true." I said then, she just giggled.

"Let's just go.." I said as I walked out. Aish. 

"Wait up, Suzy~" Fei called out and followed me.

When I opened my locker, I was surprised when I saw a piece of paper. I curiously grabbed and opened it, and to my surprise.. It's from Chanyeol..

Suzy, wait up for me on the Art Room after class.. I have something to tell you.. -Chanyeol

A smile grew on lips and I was really happy. 

"Eh? What's that? Why are you smiling?" Hyorin asked and she was by my side.

"I-It's from Chanyeol.." I answered

"That's great.. Maybe he will confess to you." Hyorin said as she giggled

"N-No.. It's impossible.." I said as I shook my head

"Don't worry Suzy.. I'm here to support you.. Goodluck for later." Hyorin said as she nodded and smiled at me

By the way, Did Kris accepted the cupcakes?" Hyorin asked curiously

"Ah.. Yeah.." I answered and nodded


I just nodded.

"Yes!" Hyorin yealped for joy.

"What did he say?" Hyorin asked. I can't say nothing to her. It will make her sad and I don't want to disappoint her.

"He said uh.. 'Thank you.." I answered

"Omo.. Thank you so much, Suzy.. I'm sorry I can't give it to him personally coz I can't find him yesterday." She said

"It's fine.." I answered and smiled.


After the class had ended, I stood up and took my bag. Fei, Ji Eun and Hyorin went home first.

I feel so excited when remembering that Chanyeol wants to tell something to me. I wondered what it is.. Maybe he will confess his love? I giggled for joy and smiled like crazy. As I went inside the Art Room, I scanned inside of it and look for Chanyeol.

"Chanyeol?" I called out his name but there's no respond.

Then, suddenly I heard the door went closed. I turned around and I tried to twist the door knob but it won't open. W-what happened? Why is the door locked? Omo. This can't be happening right? 

I slowly sat down and held on my knees.

"What should I do?" I asked myself worriedly

But then, I heard someone cough. 

"Chanyeol?" As I scanned the room, I was suprised when I saw that Kris is here.  He took off his  earphones and looks annoyed. My eyes widened when Kris saw me and he's now realizing that I'm here. Why is he here?

"I'm not Chanyeol and What are you doing here?" Kris asked and looks annoyed

"Where's Chanyeol?" I asked curiously

"I don't know." He answered

"He told me to be here." I said

"I don't care. Whatever. I need to go." Kris said and stood up. As he went closer to the door and twist the door knob. His eyes widened.

"Shit. It's locked.." Kris hissed


Thanks for reading. Don't forget to vote, comment and be a fan.

Saranghaeyo~ <3

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