23. Don't cry

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I'm so happy right now as I updated right away.

This chappie is dedicated to imzzan.

Thanks for fanning me and thanks for all the comments.

You're team Kris and thumbs up for you~ XD

So, here's the update..


Death is really unpredictable. You don't know when will your time will be up but we should always be ready for it because death is part of our life. Whether we like it or not, we will all go and leave this world someday. When my mom died, I became hopeless and felt that the sun didn't rise anymore. Memories with my mom still lingers on my mind. I kept asking why? Why did this happen? So suddenly..

It's so painful and I really can't accept the fact that my mom is gone.

It's been a month since my Mom died and I was able to smile a little because of EXO.

They were so worried when I didn't have the appetite to eat much in a week and they were also worried because I always lock myself in my room and spend the time to cry all over again. I didn't smile very often and I always end up thinking about my Mom. Chanyeol pleaded me to have a date with him today and I accepted it. Well, it's been a long time since I walked on the Streets and to the malls.

If you're wondering what happened at School, the students didn't bullied me again after they knew that Chanyeol and I pretended to be a couple but Chanyeol is now making a way to tell the truth afterwards.

I sometimes think that maybe I like Kris but I think that he doesn't feel the same way like I do. I'm still unsure but I think that I should just give it a try to date Chanyeol for real. Honestly, I'm still confuse of my feelings..He was always there beside me whenever I'm sad and he always treats me nice and I think that maybe I can like him.

We are now walking on the Streets and Chanyeol is here beside me. What would Kris do when he is walking on the Streets beside me? He might just ignore me and I think he will be so quiet. Aish. Wait. Why am I thinking of Kris? Kris, get out of my mind! The real reason why he wants to take me to a date because he wants me to be happy and I think it's time that I need to reply about what I think about Chanyeol.

"Suzy, let's go play in the Arcade.. I miss it.." Chanyeol said as he smiled at me

"Okay.." I said then, I nodded.

Here we are again in the Arcade Section and I also missed playing here.

"Let's go car racing again.. I'm pretty sure that I can win.." Chanyeol said as he smiled at me.

"Okay.. Let's see.." I said and I also smiled at him too.

"Yes!! I told you I can win too." Chanyeol said while he clapped his hands and looks so happy. I just pouted in defeat.

At first, Chanyeol won the car racing and I was challenge to race again. After the second race was finished, I won.

"Yes! I won!" I said while clapping my hands and I smiled.

"Looks like it's a tie.." Chanyeol said


"Let's race again.. I want to know who will be the over all winner.." Chanyeol pleaded

"Okay.." I said then, I nodded in agreement. After the last race was finished, the winner is me..

Chanyeol pouted in defeat and looks down.

"Aish. Pabo. I suck. I'm such a loser.." Chanyeol mumbled as he slapped his forhead and he cutely pouted.

What would Kris' facial expression be when he also lose the game? Will he alos cutely pout like Chanyeol? I'm now trying to visualize Kris is now pouting so cutely then, I laughed. HAHAHA! His face must be hilarious! I don't think he will pout! Aegyo will not really suit him. HAHAHA!

"Suzy, why are you laughing?" Chanyeol asked all of the sudden and my imagination was cut.

"Ah.. No.. It's nothing.. I just thought of something.." I said while I'm forcing not to laugh again.

"What is it?" Chanyeol asked curiously then, he stood up looking at me with those curious eyes.

"It's nothing.." I said

"Tell me.. Please.. I want to know.. I'm curious.." He pleaded and pouted

"Okay.. I just thought that it's funny if Kris pouted. HAHAHA! I can't imagine it.. It must be hilarious.. Right?" I asked while laughing

"Yeah.. Hahaha. I think so.. Come to think of it, I've never seen him pout." Chanyeol said as he chuckled then, I saw his smile faded and frowned a bit. Did I see him frowned?

"Anyways, let's stop talking about him.. Let's play another game.." I suggested as I walked and scanned to what should we play next.

"Omo. I want to play that.. Let's play.. Omo. I want that domo!" I suggested as I'm now standing looking at the machine full of stuff toys and with the big clamp on it to grab the toys. I'm sorry, I don't know what this game called. HAHAHA.

I dropped the token and I tried to manipulate it but I wasn't able to take the Domo-kun..

"Suzy, let me get it for you.." Chanyeol said as he dropped the token

"Really? Omo.. Thank you.." I said

Then, Chanyeol wasn't able to grab the toy as I frowned.

"Ugh.. I suck.. Wait.. I promise to get that.." Chanyeol said looking so serious and he dropped another token again but he still didn't get the toy.. He pouted and frowned.

"Aish.. Suzy, just wait.." He said

"No, it's fine Chanyeol.. Don't get that anymore.. I'm fine without it.." I said

"No. I'll get that for you.." He said while looking at me seriously in the eyes. Then, I just nodded and then, he dropped a token and he was able to grab Domo-kun until, it dropped to the other side, not on the hole.

"AISH! I was so near! Wait.. I'll get it.." he said looking furious then, he dropped again and successfully he was able to dropped the toy on the hole.

"YES!" Chanyeol and I yelled happily

"Here.. It's yours, Suzy.." He said as he handed me the Domo-kun

"Are you sure?"

"Yup.." He said as he smiled at me

"Thanks.." I answered as I took the toy and hugged it.

"You're welcome..Good thing, I was able to drop it right.." He said while rub the back of his head.

"Thanks.." I said

"I'm happy that you're happy.." he said while he smiled at me.

Then, I just stood and watch Chanyeol play basketball. But then, image of Kris entered into my mind as I imagined that Kris is the one who is playing basketball. I think, Kris will be a great basketball player coz he's tall too. It must fit him then, I imagined that he is wearing a jersey with shorts and I just smiled of it. My imagination was cut until, I heard Chanyeol called me and wave his hand infront of me.

"Suzy? Is there something wrong? Why are you smiling by yourself?" Chanyeol waves his hand as he tilts his head

"Omo. I'm sorry for spacing out.." I said as I smiled in embarrassment. Aish. Why am I thinking of Kris?

"Are you alright?" He asked again.

"Uh.. Yeah.. I'm just hungry.." I said while I smiled

"Ah.. Okay.. Me too.. Let's eat.." Chanyeol said then, we ate at the foodcourt. Many girls are now staring at Chanyeol. Will Kris doesn't mind the girls staring at him too? Aish. Kris, get out of my mind.

After we ate lunch, we walked around in the mall, then we walked into the stuff toys section. It's so cute.. Does Kris also likes stuff toys like I do? Wait. Here I am thinking about Kris..

"Suzy.." Chanyeol called on me and I snapped from my imagination


"Are you really fine? You're really spacing out." He said while he frowned

"I'm fine.." I said as I smiled at him nervously.

After a few minutes, we got out from the toys section and went out for a walk and sight seeing things. Then, we sat down for awhile, resting our tired feet.

"Suzy.." Chanyeol called out and I looked at him.

"Do you like Kris?" Chanyeol asked curiously looking at my eyes seriously and blood rushed to my cheeks then, I looked away.

"A-ah.. No.." I answered nervously


"Yeah.. I just like him as a friend.." I said as I nodded

"Your mind says that you don't like him but what I see from you is.. you like Kris.." Chanyeol said then, I looked at him with a surprised expression.

"No.. It's not true.." I defended

"Suzy. Stop denying yourself.. It's fine. I already know that you like Kris for a long time.. You just keep on denying yourself.."

"For a long time? H-How did you know? I mean.. I don't know about my feelings.." I said nervously

"I already know coz.. The way I look at you is the way you look at Kris.. And I'm fine with it.." He said as he smiled

"I-I like Kris?" I asked as I pointed myself curiously

"Yeah.. And I like you to be happy.." He said

"Are you sure?"

"Don't worry..I'm happy if you're happy." Chanyeol said as he smiled and trying to hide his painful expression.

I'm now speechless, no words is coming out from me. I just look at Chanyeol in curious expression and my eyes are now getting blurry and I think I might cry coz I can't look at Chanyeol's painful expression..

"Don't cry.. I'm fine.." He said

"But... You're not fine.." I answered as I tried to hold on to my tears.

"HAHAHA! You're cute.." He said as he smiled at me and rubbed my hair making it look so messy.

"So, let's go home.." Chanyeol said as he smiled at me and he stood up. He held out his hand and I smiled, holding his hand to make me stand up from my seat.

I really like Kris??

Maybe I do.. Maybe I really like Kris..


Thanks for reading..

HUHU. I feel hurt on Chanyeol's part.. I love him too.

But I love Kris too. HAHA.

Don't forget to vote, comment and be a fan.. XD


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