43. Trust issues

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Kris' POV 

I left School and dropped by on the nearest park. I decided to skip class. I don't have the mood to go to class. I just can't. I'm disappointed and angry. I just can't believe that Suzy is cheating on me. I thought that I could trust her but I was wrong, she's the same as her.


When I was still a freshmen on our School. I met Mei when I entered the art club but she was a senior. I had this huge crush on her before then, when we became friends, I started to like her because she's nice to me and helps me alot when I encounter problems in School. I also like her mature side. I began to realize that I prefer mature women than those chidlish girls. I really like her and I was really happy when she confessed to me.

She also has the same feelings as me. Then, we started dating and everyday was happiness for me being with her. 

And the naive boy I was, I loved her so much that I gave her everything that she wants. She was my very first girlfriend and my first love. On our seventh monthsary, I bought her flowers and a perfume that she wanted. Class ended and I’m so excited to go to her classroom. While I’m walking on our hallway, I saw a slightly opened door of an empty classroom.

I furrowed my eyebrows to close it but I stopped and my eyes widened of what I’m seeing right now. Inside the dark empty classroom, Mei and her ex-boyfriend are hugging and making out. I can’t move or say anything. I just froze.

I felt like my heart fell because of what I’m seeing right now.

So.. She’s cheating on me? I saw them pulling out from the kiss and looked at each other. “I missed you so much..” I heard Mei said to him and I saw him smiled. “I missed you too..” he answered. “But don’t you think that kid is waiting for you..” He said and Mei chuckled. “Ugh. Kris? Don’t mind him.. He’s such a kid.. And I don’t love him anyways because you already know that I only love you..” She chuckled while she’s holding his arm. My heart crushed into pieces of what she said. I can’t believe this! She just played on me. A tear rolled down on my cheek and I wiped it quickly.

“I thought you love him?” He chuckled. “No. I don’t. I just want to date him because he’s rich and he’s such a cute boy to buy everything that I want. What an idiot right?” She laughed and he nodded. “Yeah. He is such an idiot to be played. Poor kid. You’re so naughty but I love that about you..”  Then, she smiled and pressed her lips on his very quickly.

“So.. Have you decided? When are you going to break up with him? I can't take it anymore seeing with that kid all the time.” He suddenly asked her. “Hmm.. I’ll decide when.. But it’s near so, don’t worry, babe..” She answered.

“Oh. I forgot that it’s our monthsary today. Haha. But it doesn’t matter..” She laughed and that bastard guy is laughing too. Then, he started kissing on her again making me feel painful.

I’m such an idiot. I’m stupid for believing and trusting her. I thought she love me but I was wrong. She just played me. That day, I swore to myself, I would never trust girls easily. I shooked my head and came back from my senses. I shouldn’t think about that anymore.

Suzy, I’m trying to trust you but I can’t.. I don’t know if I can trust you or anybody because my past still keep on lingering on my mind. I can’t somehow forget that. It’s hard to forget it so easily. If I could, I would really forget it right now but.. flashbacks are always hunting me down.

Then, Suzy’s face flashed on my mind. Remembering her face and what she told me.

“Kris, you already know that you’re the only one that I love..” 


“I love you too, Kris..”


"Trust me, Kris.."

"Don't compare me to her.."

 "Just believe me.."

I remembered Suzy’s smiling face.

Her embarrassed face.

I remembered her crying face. I shouldn’t made you cry.. Suzy, I’m so sorry..


Suzy's POV

I leaned down and covered my face while crying. It hurts. Kris..

“Hmph. Good for her! She’s such a slut.”


“Yeah.. Ugh. I hate her.. She’s not worthy for Kris.. Such a slut..”


“Suzy!” I heard Fei called out my name from a far and I didn’t raise my head because I’m ashamed of myself. Then, I felt that Fei kneeled down to me and I raised my head to look at her. “Suzy.. What happened?” Fei asked me worriedly and I just looked at her while my tears are continuously falling down my cheeks.

“Fei.. I hurt Kris but I didn’t cheat on him.. He didn't believe me, Fei..” Then, Fei wiped my tears on my eyes using her handkerchief and I hugged her while still crying. “Wh-What should I do?” I sniffed.

“Suzy, first is.. you need to calm down..” Fei said.

“Omygosh. Junho is coming..” I heard the girl said. Junho is here?

“Come on, let’s stand up..” Fei said worriedly.

“Junho, did Suzy asked you to hug her? I can’t believe her.. She’s such a disgrace.” I heard one of the bitchy girls said.

“Shut up! Suzy is not that kind of girl!” I heard Junho yelled when he approached the three bitchy girls.

“You don’t have to protect her. Junho..” the bitchy girl said.

“Shut up! You don’t know anything. Suzy has no fault.


“Suzy didn’t cheat on Kris.. It was my fault for hugging her..” Junho said.

“Why do you keep on protecting her? She is not contented on Kris and now she wants you too, Junho. Can’t you understand that she’s a slut!”

“Shut up! Suzy is not like that! Stop it!” Junho snapped.

“Hmph. Protecting that girl won’t do you good.”

“Yah! Just go away!” I heard Ji Eun yelled.

“Let’s go, girls..” I heard their footsteps walking away from me leaving me all alone.

“Suzy, it’s okay. I removed all the pictures on the bulletin board..” Ji Eun said.

“Suzy, I’m so sorry.. If I didn’t hugged you this wouldn’t be happening now.” I heard Junho said in a sad voice.

“Y-You don’t have to apologize, Junho..” I said in a trembling voice.

“I’ll explain it all to Kris, so just stop on crying.” Junho said still his sad voice. I startled when the school bell rang.

“Just go without me, I’ll find where Kris is.. I’ll explain it everything to him..” Junho said and he quickly ran away.

“Suzy, let’s go.. don’t worry, we’re here for you..” Fei said worriedly while she clings on my arm and Ji Eun is also clinging on my other arm. “Yeah. Suzy, come on. Where’s the Suzy that I know? The one who doesn’t even care about what other girls are saying.” Ji Eun said and I nodded my head while I wiped the tears from my eyes.

They’re right. I shouldn’t be weak. I should be strong. I’ll explain it later on to Kris.

The whole thing is so complicated. I hurt Kris. And I can’t blame him to act so angry like that because he had difficulty in trusting people. He thought that I cheated on him but it’s not true. I didn’t cheat on him. It was those three bitchy girls fault, they poisoned Kris mind and I hate it because Kris really believed on them. Why can’t Kris realize that I love him? I only love him. Just him.

“Those three ugly bitches will pay for this.” Ji Eun said and shooked her head.

“They’re just so jealous on you Suzy.. That’s why they did that. They want you to separate from Kris. Aish. They’re so childish.” Fei said in a pissed off tone.

“Yeah. But it will never happen..” Ji Eun assured.

“Ugh. The slut is here.” A girl suddenly said behind us.

“Can’t believe that she’s not contented on Kris.”


“She thinks that she’s so high on herself.”

“Yeah. Such a slut.”


“Yah! Shut up!” Ji Eun yelled at them then, the girls hissed and walked away.

“Aish. Those girls’ mouth should be sewed.” Ji Eun hissed.

“What should I do? I don’t want this to happen, Fei.. I..I tried.. but.. Kris won’t believe me..” I said and tears started to fall again.

“I know.. let’s just wait for him to cool down first then, you should explain it again later, Suzy.. It’s just a misunderstanding..”

“Yeah. Suzy. Kris will surely understand later.”

“I-I don’t know.. He had this problem on trust issues..” I said worriedly.

“We know but he loves you.” Fei said but then, I just keep quiet.

Then, Ji Eun changed topic. “Suzy, you want to stay to the infirmary to rest or just go to class with us?” Ji Eun asked curiously.

I shooked my head. “No..I’ll go to class. I can’t show them that I’m weak and guilty..” I said and I saw Ji Eun smiled.

“That’s the Suzy that I know..” She answered. “Yeah. Just ignore those ugly bitches, they’re just jealous on you.” Fei smiled.

As we entered the room, good thing our teacher is still not here. I sighed but I can’t help to feel some death glares on me. “Yah! What are you looking at?!” Fei said.

Just don’t mind them, Suzy. You can do this. You’ve been doing this always. Ignoring them is always what I do. So, be strong. As we sat down on our respective seats, few minutes later, Junho suddenly showed up while he’s breathing heavily.

“Junho, did you find him?” Ji Eun asked and he shooked his head. “I asked the security guard and he said that Kris left School..” Junho answered disappointedly.

“What?” Ji Eun and Fei exclaimed.

“Suzy, call on to Kris or just text on him. You need to talk to him later Suzy. I know he will understand you.." Fei said and I nodded. I can't call on Kris. And If I can call, he might not answer my call. I sighed I should better just text him.

I unlocked my phone and I typed my message to Kris. Fei's right, I should talk to him later and I need to clear things up. I understand why Kris reacted that way because he had trust issues to his past. 

To: Kris

Kris, where r u? Let's talk later after class. I'll wait for you later at the back of the gym.. Please.. I want to fix this. You should trust me Kris.. Please.. if you want to fix this, please come.. 

I send it to twice to Kris. I hope he will read it and reply. But I'm hoping that he will come.

Eventhough our class already started, I was disturbed by my problem. I only thought about Kris. Where is he? I hope he went to class and I hope he will come to meet me later. I want to fix this. I want to find him now but as what Fei said, I should let him cool his head first. Maybe.. Maybe he might understand me.

As we're eating our lunch, I'm still bothered.

"Suzy!" I startled when I heard Luhan's voice calling my name. I looked up and see that it's Luhan, Chanyeol, Suho, Chen and Tao. They are approaching us.

"Are you okay Suzy?" Luhan asked worriedly and I nodded. "I'm okay.." 

"You're not.." Luhan said. "Luhan, you're so stupid. Why did you have to ask Suzy if she's okay when you know that she's not? Aish. Idiot." Tao said and shooked his head. I saw Luhan glared at him. "Yah! Tao. Mind your own business." Luhan said and Tao pouted. "What? Suzy is my friend too you know.." Tao defended and I saw Suho shooked his head. 

"Yah! Stop it you two. We're here to help Suzy!" Suho said. "Sorry." Tao muttered.

"Oh. Hi Fei~ Hi Ji Eun~" Luhan greeted and smiled at them. "Uh.. Hi Luhan.." Ji Eun smiled and her cheeks brightened up.

"Ji Eun, you became so much pretty now.." Luhan giggled and Ji Eun's cheeks are now bright red.

"Yah! We didn't go here to flirt!" Tao said.

"Yah!" Luhan glared at him.

"Okay, that's enough.." Chen said boredly.

"Suzy.. We already know the rumors but we don't believe in that.." Suho said and the three agreed.

"But that stupid Kris. He easily believed on that!" Chanyeol shooked his head with his pissed off face.

"Yeah.. Well, you all know that Kris had trust issues right?" Chen asked at us and I nodded. "Yeah.."

"I'm sorry if you had a difficult time with Kris right now.. It's all those 3 crazy girls fault." Chen shooked his head.

"Did Kris went to class?" I asked them and they all shooked their head. "No. He didn't. We called on him awhile ago and he said that we shouldn't bother finding him today.. "  Suho answered.

"But Suzy don't lose hope okay? I know him. He might be stubborn but he will surely talk to you later on." Chen assured.

"Thank you guys." I said smiling at them but they looked so sad looking at me.



“Suzy. Are you sure you’re going to wait for Kris?” Ji Eun and Fei asked me and I nodded. “I will wait no matter how long it is..” I answered. “Are you sure?” Fei asked. “Yes. I’m sure of it.. Don’t worry, I’ll be fine.. I’ll just sit here and wait for him..” I said smiling.  “Oh. Alright.. Then, goodluck.. I hope you and Kris will already kiss and make-up..” Ji Eun said grinning and I chuckled. “Ji Eun..” Fei shooked her head. “Thanks.. I hope so too.” I chuckled.

“We better go now.. Bye Suzy.. See you tomorrow..” Fei said and waved their hands goodbye.

After few minutes, it’s already 5:35 pm.. Kris is still not here but I will wait for him.

“Well. Well. What do we have here?” I startled when I heard a familiar voice of a girl. I looked up to see who it was and it’s one of the 3 bitchy girls. She stood infront of me and behind her are the other two bitchy girls.

“The slut girl is here..” I heard the other said.

“Who are you waiting for, slut girl?” the girl in the middle asked me and I glared at her. “Yah! Just leave me alone!” I yelled angrily  then, I quickly stood up and the three laughed. “I think she’s waiting for Kris..” the other girl asked.

“He will not come to get you anymore.. Because you know why?”  the girl raised an eyebrow at me but still, I’m glaring on her.

“Because you cheated on him.. He will never ever go back to you..” She chuckled.

“He will never protect you anymore.. Poor you.” She laughed evily.

“Yah! Why did you have to do this to me? I know you were the one who made those wrong rumors and took that picture..”

“So what if we are?” The girl raised an eyebrow at me.

“Why are you doing this to me? I didn’t do anything wrong to you..” I defended myself.

“You did nothing? Ha! You stole our Kris.. And you’re not worthy for him! I hate you because you know why? Because EXO noticed an ugly girl like you! But us? We did our very best for them to notice us but no, they did not! They didn’t even notice us even once! That’s why we hate you so much because an ordinary and ugly girl like you is having much more attention from EXO than us! ” She shouted in my face.

“You don’t have Kris to protect you anymore.. Poor you.. Hahaha!”

“And now.. We’re happy because finally, Kris didn’t trust you!” The other girl continued and laughed so hard.

“They didn’t notice you even once because you know why? Because of your bitchy attitude!” I yelled on their faces angrily and I was surprised when the girl in the middle slapped my cheek so hard and it was so painful!

“Yah! Don’t you ever slap her with your dirty hand! All of you, get away from her!” I heard a familiar voice yelled and my eyes widened because it’s..


Thanks for reading.

Dyan na lang muna.

Hahaha. :D

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