*AN*and were goin to taco bell! Cx

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heyyy guys!!!!! i am super duper so sorry that i havent been updating chappys guys TAT its just that if been going through some stuff and i guess i havent been myself latley:,( anyyyway this ausome person (bluejay060701) asked me (in last chappy comments)that i could write more and I thought well yah I guess I should so big thanks to bluejay060701 (lol for careingCx) oh and dandy dont worry your in here k! bluejay060701 just ask me anytime u want to be in the book k! anyyyways on with the chappy (sorry for the long AN XD)

me:*lays on couch*mmm Immm hungryyyyy

miku:*watches tv*030

me:I said......*holds breath*IM HUNGRYYYYYY!

sonic:*on the couch*fine we'll go somewhere to eat gosh!=^=

dandy:*jumps in*I wanna go to!>~<

shadow:*pops out of nowhere*did you say tacos? 0.0

sonic:=A= no- *gets cut off*

miku:YES! XD

sonic:<A < really miku???×A×


me:anyyywayyys we should get goingo3o

shadow and dandy:yayyyy!!!! XD


me:gosh sonic stop being a wimp=^=

shadow:pfft yah faker

dandy:*laughs*hahahaha!*looks at sonic and stops*>.>

sonic:*sigh*fine lets get some tacos-3-

everyone(lol but sonic):YAYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!! XD XD XD*runs in*


*inside taco taco belly*(XD)


me:=.= miku we only just got inside

miku:but b-but*crys in the corner*waaaaaaa! TTTATT


dandy:*gives her a cup*here@^@

miku:YAYYYY!*gets drink*

shadow:*whispers to sonic*how do you stand that?0.0

sonic:dont ask meh=^=

a month ago*****

me, sonic, miku,and len:*walks in mc donalds*030

miku:DRINKSSSSSSSS NEED SOME DRINKSSSSSS! 0^0*screams and starts hitting sonic with leek*



*one month ago******

sonic, manic, me, and amy:*runs inside chucke cheese*miku where did you go!?!?!

amy:gosh if she wanted drink why couldn't she drink out of mine????

me:cause you got your lipstick all over it=_=


sonic:wow amy you should stop useing makeup tho;-;

amy:oh so you hate it then!T^T*tears up*

sonic:wait I-I never!-

me:ladys ladys calm down=^=

sonic:oh so im a girl!?!?!?

me, sonic, and amy:*argues*

manic:030*looks somewhere else and freaks out*uhhh guys.......

me, sonic, and amy:*still arguing*

manic:guys........<. <

m, s, A:*still arguing*

manic:*rolls eyes*GUYS!

m, s, a:WHAT!?

manic:*turns to a different direction*>.> dudes you might want to see this

m,s, a:*looks to where hes pointing*AHHHH!OAo*sees miku with a full cup in her hand and with a leek in the other and beating up chucke the mouse with it*

miku:MEHHHHH DRINK!!!!!! 0^0'

chucke:g-get off of me! @A@

*shadow and sonic are siting down while me, miku, and dandy gets the food*

shadow:that poor guy;-; what happened to him?

sonic:he ended up in the hospital for 2 months =^=

shadow:wow; -;


dandy:*walks over to them*

what you guys talkin about? 0.0

sonic:0.0! nothin*looks the other way*

shadow:*faceplam*=_= really?

sonic:what bruh???


miku:*runs to them*WE'VE GOT THE FOOD!!!!! XD XD XD

me:*runs behind her with the food*m-miku! slow down!@^@

miku:*giggles*ha ha ha

shadow:food! finally!*starts to grab the taco*

me:*smacks his hand*na na not yet


me:*sits down and grabs mikus hand and pulling her to sit down* gosh lady


dandy:*jumps up in her chair*can we eat now!?

shadow:ya can we eat now?=_=

me:arg fine yes you can eat now@^@

miku:YES!*grabs taco and stuffs it in her face*YUMMY!!!

dandy:m-miku! you got some on me!Dx

shadow:*whispers*<. <pig*eats a part of his taco*

sonic:*laughs while eating his taco*XD

miku:=^= hmf!

shadow:what are you so ticked off about?

miku:*glares at him*=_=

little girl:*walks by*mommmmmaa she looks like a big pig with horns*points at miku*

me,dandy,shadow,and sonic:*laughts quietly*

miku:kid do I really look like a crazy pig with horns!?=^=

little girl:.......*gets scared of miku and crys*waaaaaa mommy!

mom:*runs over*what did you do to my kid!?

miku:o30 pfft she started it

sonic:*looks at the mother*0.0!*whispers to shadow*I know her mom from somewhere.......; A;

shadow:really? where?0. 0

sonic:*shivers*shes the one that shot me with a-

dandy:HOLY CRAP SHES GOT A TAZER!!!!!0A0*runs away*

me and miku:OAo RUN!

sonic, shadow, me, miku, and dandy:*runs out of taco bell*

mother:*runs out the door*and stay away!

at the house******

me:we couldn't eat the rest of our foodddddT^T

dandy:gosh im still hungryyyy tho*stomach growls*TAT

miku:meh toooo;A;

shadow:well if miku dident have to talk back to the lady then we wouldn't be here=_=

miku: ;^; hey its not my falt!

shadow:yes yes it is=_=





shadow and miku:*fights*

sonic:and this is why I dont go to taco bell ;3;

me and dandy:*facepalms to sonic*=_=

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