the future......o.o

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theatrical voice:so as you can see, now that the dude that writes this story-*gets stopped*

me:wait a minute! why did that had to be meh name?=_=

theatrical voice:shhhhh! im introduceing a movie!

me:dont you mean my book! that I made and everything!?-.-

theatrical voice:well I- *gets cut off*

me:gosh this is not even a movie to begin with-____- just a crazy story were some maniacs break stuff.


me:am I right guys!?(you awesome readers by the way)

sonic:nope! caz I think we leaved one more maniac in this

me:who? I dont think I lefted anyone out0.0

shadow:*points at me* -.-'

me:*gasp* w-what!?

miku:thanks shadow*gives him a cookie.


me:you trader! T^T

theatrical voice:wellll *looks at them fooling around* let the story begin then!

manic:why do I feel so lefted out in that conversation? o_o.........

lol did you think that was the real story? (nope! just them fooling around with the intro

*in the house in the middle of dementions*

me:*watches tv while laying on the couch* hey guys!

sonic:*plays a video game*what!? =_=

miku:*washing dishes*yah whats up?0.0


sonic:is that all you got to say???



miku:then talk already!-___-

me:alright! alright! I was just wondering what the future might be OwO......

miku:future? 0.0


sonic:well..... miku would well..... still be miku-.-

miku:HEY!*runs over to him and slaps his head*learn to be nice!=^=

sonic:learn not hit people!T^T*rubbes his head*

me:anywayyyys what do u guys think?

sonic:nu nu nu Im not gonna do that! before I get slapped agian!


me:ok ok ok I promise I wont do what she did! just tell me what you think ill be in the future. @^@

sonic:a hobo-.-

me:*gasp* you little-

miku:*holds me back*remember angi remember what you promised

sonic:thanks the forever known miku!>~<

miku:*eye twitches*=A= he's all yours now*lets go of me*o3o

me:yesh!*slaps sonic*

sonic:*red mark on face*why do I live with these people? T^T

me:because you have to! =^=

me, sonic, and miku:*hears a nock on door*hm?

miku:ill get it!*runs to the door*

me and sonic:-3- ok

miku:*opens door* yes?

tails:oh hi miku! is sonic and angi home?*holds a machine*

miku:*remembers there conversation*yes=_=

tails:good cause i need to talk to them! and well also you

miku:oh ok! well come inside-.-*opens door all the way*

tail:alright!*walks inside*

sonic:*sees tails*oh hey bud! watcha doin here?

tails:well I wanted to show you guys somthing!

me:what is it? 0.0

tails:*uncovers his machine*a future teleportation device!

me,miku, and sonic:O.O! really!?

me:werent we just talking about this?-____-

tails:yup! it allows you to go to the future and see what happens in the future! but your invisible so you dont scare people-.-

miku:OMG CAN WE USE IT!?*trys to grab it bit trips over it causing a huge light to appear*

its sooooo dramatic!o.o

miku:oops hehehehe-3-'

sonic:m-miku!!!!!!*reaches to her*what the heck is with the lights!?

me:so shiny OwO........


tails:oh no! oAo


tails:you set off my light jamming box!!! DX*picks up the sorce of light*

sonic:wait what?0.0

tails:miku set of the lights-.-*waves it in the air while the room get normal*

miku:and I thought it was a moment-3-'

me:s-shiny????? -A-

terra and shadow:*walks in seeing all of us on the floor*O.o?

terra:what happened?o.o

shadow:they where probaly acting like idiots again-3-'

miku:*wacks him with the leek*hush child! o^O

shadow:*face plam*-_____-'

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