Slimy And Septic

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Jack's Pov: I stuck my tongue out at Anti, "You're truly gross, Green..." Anti said. "Yea, I am!" I said, giving a thumbs up. "DARK! DON'T EAT THAT! THAT'S SLIME!!!" Anti screamed, he was always so insecure about Dark's eating habits. "BLEH! THAT TASTES LIKE MOLDY CHEESE!!!!!" Dark screamed, he ran to the sink and spit out Sam's slime. "Damn it...." Anti mumbled, "Don't worry, Anti! I'm fine!" Dark said. Dark started making a thing out of smoke and ink, it was shaped like a rose. "This is for you, My Special Ruby..." He gave the rose to Anti, he blushed, "I...Thanks..." Anti scratched his head. "Hey, Anti, Dark...I've been thinking...." Mark said, "You Really want to stay with us? After all the battles?"" Mark asked. They both nodded, "We're not here to try and kill you, we just need a place to stay, our friend  PewDarkPie threw us out..." Anti and Dark said. I hugged Anti, "Hey, you can stay with us, right Mark?" I said, Mark nodded. "But, Green, put on some pants, You're in your undergarments..." Anti told me, I looked down and blushed. "I'll go do that right now!!" I ran upstairs, embarrassed. I changed into a black "LIKE A BOSS!" T-shirt, a blue hoodie, and a pair of jeans. I looked in my mirror and stuck out my tongue, showing my Septic Eye tongue ring. I grabbed my hat and ran out of my room, "HEY!!!!" I yelled, startling all three, I started laughing. "THE LOOK ON YOUR FACES!!!" I said, Mark started laughing as well. "HA HA HA!!!" We were all laughing by then, we stopped laughing. "Dark, let me give you something..." Mark got up and went to the kitchen, after which few minutes he came out with a jar, "Here." He gave Dark a jar of whale blubber. "And this, too." He gave Dark a kiss on the mouth, Dark put his whale blubber jar down and pulled Mark closer, they were soon melted into the kiss. Small moans could be heard from Mark as they fell on the floor, Dark slid his hands slowly up Mark's back. They were in the most weirdest and passionate moment ever. "Uhh, guys...Let's just go out and have dinner..." Anti said, I was about to puke, they broke the kiss. The two pink haired men looked embarrassed, "Eh, heh, heh... Too much...?" He would've done that to me, or Anti. "Uhh, Eh......" Dark couldn't speak, I was ready to say "GROSSED OUT!" But I just wanted to go out for dinner...

Time Skip (One Hour): We got to the restaurant about an hour later, we opened the doors. I was very shy going into public places, Fan girls, they'd be everywhere... I blushed and pulled my hood over my face, I looked up and I saw people staring at us. "OMG. MARKIPLIER!!!!" A teenage girl screamed, jumping from the table. I groaned and Anti looked disgusted, "Ugh... Fan girls..." Anti said, "DOES ANYONE KNOW WHO THIS 'THING' BELONGS TO!!!" Dark called, picking up the fan. "I do, Tamara!!! GET OVER HERE AND STOP HARASSING THOSE MEN!!!!!!!" A woman said, "Bye, Markiplier..." The girl said. We all found a table to sit at, it was a big booth with a poster of Toy Bonnie on it, Crap....We were in Freddy Fazbear's Pizza! "Mark, why are we at Fazbear's!?" I whispered, "I grew up with this, dude!" Mark said. He admired the Animatronics he once hated, The Toy Ones and The Old Ones sang on stage, while Foxy and Mangle were in a duo called "Sailor's Cove" I hated this place, Especially Mangle, who was fixed and ready to sing. "Remember, kids, always eat your vegetables! Except if you're eating pizza, Freddy's pizza that is!" Chica said, I was ready to just run out and wait in the car. "Heh, heh, that's right, kids, eating fruits and vegetables are a good part of the food pyramid! But also, remember to save room for the world famous Fazbear Pizza!" Freddy said, then they all started singing. "WHY ARE THOSE THINGS TALKING!?" Dark whispered, "They're Animatronics, Dark..." Anti said. "Hello, and welcome to Freddy Fazbear's Pizza, may I take your order?" A waitress asked, "Ah, yea. We'll have-" "ARE YOU GUYS JACKSEPTICEYE AND MARKIPLIER!? I'M A HUGE FAN!!!" I just got cut off by the waitress, Damn it... "Why, yes we are! And these are our counterparts, Darkiplier and Anti Septic." Mark said, "Well, hello there, Madame." Anti said. "Sup, I'm Darkiplier." Dark said, "Okay, now what would you like?" The waitress asked. "You got anything with meat on it?" Dark asked, he was a carnivore. "We have the Meat Lovers Pizza, is that what you'd like?" She asked, "And some sodas, please!" Mark said. "I'll just have a water." Anti said, "Alright, one Meat Lovers Pizza, One water, And three sodas, You're food will be ready soon." She said, leaving. "Thanks!" We said, Mark watched the Animatronics sing their obscure song. "I wish I was a child again...." Mark said, sighing. "And that's the end of the song, kids! It's time for Foxy and Mangle's Show down at Sailor's Cove!" Freddy said, as the curtain shut. "Oh, God, it's over!" I sighed with relief, "You're food, Sirs." The waitress brought us the food, I just stared at it, I was hungry but I didn't wanna touch Fazbear's greasy pizza, I just played around with my straw. "What's wrong, Jack? Aren't you hungry?" Mark asked, "No..." I mumbled, drinking my soda. "Jack, why don't you like Freddy's?" Mark asked, "It's just that, the Animatronics, They're creepy! I feel like they're gonna hurt me!" I said. "Jack, They're not gonna hurt you! Just eat some pizza, dude!" Mark said, Anti and Dark nodded. "THIS IS THE BEST PIZZA I'VE EVER TASTED!" Dark said, "Better then the teriyaki flavor pizza I've had." Anti said. I grabbed a piece and took a bite, it tasted like nothing really, I looked at Mark. "Jack, we'll just go home, is that okay?" Mark asked, I nodded. He took out a twenty and set it on the table, he picked up the pizza and asked the cashier for a pizza box, he gave Mark a box and we headed home. I fell asleep in the car for some reason, when I woke up I was cuddled up next to Anti, I was hugging one of his tentacles. "Hey, Mark, you're Cutie is awake!" Anti said, did he just call Mark by his name!? And did he call me Cutie!? "Jack, you can take a nap when we get inside, Okay?" Mark said, "I don't need sleep, SLEEP IS FOR THE WEAK!" I shouted, I got carried inside by Dark and I stumbled upstairs, I was EXHAUSTED! I slumped down on my bed and fell asleep. Even though I said "SLEEP IS FOR THE WEAK!"

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