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Mark's Pov: I blushed as I thought about what'd Dark did to me, "HEY BLUE HEAD!" Anti yelled. "WE NEED YOU!" Anti jammed my lock open and opened my room door. "What?" I said in an angry tone, "Whoa, calm down!" Anti pulled me out of my room and downstairs. I saw Jack in nothing but his briefs, he was tied up and gagged, and trying to scream for help. "J-Jack!" I blushed madly, he gave a muffled "Help me!" And he rolled his eyes. "Do you wanna?" Anti asked if I wanted him, I refused his offer. "Jack? Why?" I said, he started crying. He spit out the gag, "I didn't do it....It was Dark...All his idea..." He whimpered. I looked at Dark, I smashed my fists together to get my brass knuckles. "UNTIE HIM OR GET WRECKED." I said, he obeyed my orders. I hugged Jack, "Did they hurt you?" I asked. "No." He said, "Jack and Mark sitting in a tree, K-i-s-s-i-n-g!" Anti and Dark sang. Jack blushed a scarlet red, "SAM!" He yelled. When Sam got downstairs, Jack put his hand on his pet eye and petted him until he had slime all over his hand. "Eat septic slime!" He slashed his hand slime all over the two, "Gross!!!" Anti said.

Jack's Pov: I sat down on the living room floor with my flute, I played a song on it. "Is that a flute?" Anti asked, I nodded. He grabbed my flute and tossed it to Dark, "Energetic Commentators don't play flutes!!" They teased. "Give it back!!" I screamed, "Do us a favor, first." They held up a red gag and some rope. "Take your stuff off, leave on your briefs." I did what they asked so I could get my flute back, they pinned my to the floor to tie me up. They shoved the gag in my mouth and snapped it together. They took my hat and threw it on the couch, Anti ran to get Mark. I was tricked, I began trying to scream "Help me!" But it sounded muffled. "J-Jack!" Mark blushed, I rolled my eyes. "Do you wanna?" Anti asked, Mark refused. "Jack? Why?" He said, I started crying. I managed to spit out the gag, "I didn't do it....It was Dark....All his idea...." I whimpered. Mark looked at Dark and summoned his brass knuckles, "UNTIE HIM OR GET WRECKED." Dark obeyed his orders. Mark hugged me really tight, "Did they hurt you?" He asked. "No." I said, "Jack and Mark sitting in a tree, K-i-s-s-i-n-g!" They teased. I blushed, "SAM!" I yelled. As soon as my pet eye got downstairs I picked him up and started rubbing my hand on him until I had enough slime on my hand. "Eat septic slime!" I slashed my hand across them and covered them in the clear green substance. "Gross!!!" Anti said, "That's what you get for being a Smelly!" I stuck my tongue out at them.

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