Chapter 15

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Astrid's POV

At first I didn't think he was being serious, but later when he kept bringing the matter of me being a lawyer, and even went far as asking his mum I knew he was being serious. I guess we are friends now kind of maybe. I still can't believe he lost his sister, I have no idea what he's been through.

Right now I'm revising for a practise test Mrs. Selby has set for us since our final are right around the corner, and because Hayden left after his parents left for work saying something about a job. I didn't know he did he a job. I really hope I pass them because I need my grades to be A - A* if by any chance they are not one my parents will be disappointed in me especially my dad second I will be scorned  in my family. The Hoffreson family have excellent paying jobs, after Uncle Finn was caught doing drug and was put away in jail, my family has been really  strict on what the younger Hofferson's are doing. To keep the family reputation going.

To be honest I wish Hayden was here. Not that I like him or anything it's just that he always makes me laugh and makes me forget that there are horrible people living in this world with us. I still remember that horrible night even if I was young. 'Hofferson's doesn't get scared' was and is what gets drilled into my head ever since the incident. All I known is that my family have some really heartless people.  I mean things they would do to protect their  family name.

I moved my books away because I know I can't get any revision done. Instead I quickly changed into my jogging bottoms and light blue sport top. I grabbed my headphones and phone from the desk went towards the front door. I quickly put my trainers and went outside obviously locking the front door behind me. I'm not stupid.

Running has always been my escape from my problems. Hayden drinks to escape his problems I just run.

Here I am again thinking about him. What the hell is wrong with me?

He does have amazing eyes, that stupid lopsided smile, his chuckling, his smirk, but mostly his beautiful eyes. It's probably his personality. I mean he can be really cocky at times, but I know in he is just  a big  smart dorky softy. He always manages to make me laugh. This doesn't mean I like him. Obviously I like him, but just as a friend. It doesn't mean I have a crush on him.

Of course it does stupid!

No I don't!

Great now I'm talking to myself. While I running and listen to music, my music get cut off instead my ringtone blares in my ears. I stopped running and picked up the phone without checking who the caller was.

"Hello" I asked in an unsure tone and start walking home since it was getting late.

"Astrid it's me Ruff." she confirmed.

"Oh hi Ruff, what's up."

"The others and I are going to the pub so, I was wondering if you want tag along with us." I smiled when she asked me because I never got asked to these things. I really like having friends.

"Will there be drinking." Of course there is going to be drinking, honestly I can be so stupid sometimes.

"We are going to a pub of course we are going to drink." she confirmed.

"I'm good Ruff, but thanks for the offer." I deny because I don't drink, and my parents would never allow it. If they knew they would go ballistic.

"Okay, but later on don't tell me I didn't invite you." I laughed at this statement, of course Ruffnut would say something like that.

"I won't, bye Ruff." I smiled and put my music on again.

I decided to run the rest because why not. When I arrived home I saw Hayden's car parked in the drive way. A smile instantly made its way to my face. As I was about to get my keys my phone blares in my ears again. This time though I check who it was. It was Hayden. I bit my lip and picked up the phone.

"Hello" I tried to sound normal, but the butterfly in my stomach made me sound nervous.

Probably because he shouted at me when I wasn't home on time. Yeah that's the reason.

"Hey, where are you?" At least he didn't shout at me this time.

For some reason I didn't want to tell him that I outside the door, and about to come inside. Instead I sat down next to the door step. "I'm at the park running. I couldn't revise. Why?" I asked casually.

"Nothing, it's just you weren't in the house when I arrived, and thought someone must of kidnapped you." he said with confidence.

"Oh are you concerned." I bit my lip as I couldn't keep my smile of my face. Part of me wanted him to say 'yes' and a part of me wanted him to act cool about it.

"Me concerned about you, pshh w...w...why would I be. Wait! S...Should I be?" I laughed out loud. His cool completely left him. He can be so cute sometimes.

"You sound like a drunk pig on ecstasy pills." I stopped laughing instantly, and I could feel a blush covering my face.

"Yeah you would know." I shot back, but he let it go.

"Anyway I wanted to ask you something." I wondered could he be inviting me to go the  pub with him and his friends, well now my friends as well.

"What is it?" I asked with stupid smile. If someone saw my face right now they would think I had some serious metal problems.

" you maybe want to come to the with me and our friends." It's funny how 'our friends' comes so naturally to him when it doesn't come like that to me.

I really don't know why, but I threw caution in the air. I didn't care what my parents would say if they somehow found out. Hayden asked me meaning he wants me to come. "Why should I?" I decided to play with him for a bit.

"Come on Astrid, it'll be fun. Besides you need to go out more." He explains himself.

"In scale of 1 to 10 how badly do you want me to come?" I asked while playing with the stones on the ground. The stupid smile never left.

"Maybe a 4 or a 10, I don't know you tell me Astrid." I smirked when his response came.

"Fine, I'm not coming, besides I got a lot of revising to do." I said pretending to be upset.

"Astrid please come. I promise it will be fun. It's a 10! please." My smile was so wide that my cheeks started hurting me.

"Yeah okay I'll come."

He wants me to come.


Sneak peek

"Oh she says yes when Hayden asks her, but when I ask what do I get. hmm"

A/N - I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. Tell me what you think about this chapter.



Love Hiccstrid.

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