Chapter 25

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Hayden's POV

I didn't wait to find out who she was talking to. I hate it. So, I'm gonna put a  stop to it.

Yeah! That's what I'll do! Just walk in Hayden. She'll end her call with the prick she's talking with. She came here to spend time with her new friends so, who am I to deny the said new friends exactly that?

Yeah, I'm doing this for the guys. Not because I'm not jealous or something.

I walked into the living room clearing my throat to get her attention.

For a second panic flashed through her face, but quickly covered it with a sheepish smile.

"Umm...hunny I have to go." She whispered, but I'm slowly moved next to her so, I could hear.

"I know, I know sweetie. I promise everything with be alright. I'll come and see you. Promise, love you."

She's speaking to a child. Must be a cousin or something. Well the kid can blame the others. I did this for them. I don't care if she talks to guys.

After another minute of promising to that kid Astrid' s called ended. And she basically glared at me.

Aww kitty is trying to be a tiger. So adorable.

"Look, before you punch me with your iron fist just remember I didn't interrupt you. Okay, I waited until you finished to speak. So, cut out the glare kitty." I said with a nervous gulp. I mean she can punch.

I don't want anymore bruises on my shoulder.

"Why? Are you scared?" She asked with an amused grin.

"Pshh, me scared of a little kitten like you. You mock me." I brushed her comment off lightly

She just laughed and walked to the kitchen.


Astrid's POV

Stupid Hayden or Hiccup whatever, this idiot is called.

When I walked into the kitchen the guys and the girls got up hollering, and well rushed out to the back.

As soon as I stepped out of the house the salty breeze hit my face. The guys quickly started the barbeque while chatting to each other wildly. I sit in a empty spot next to Heather. Hayden sat next to me with drinks in his hands.

"Snotlout here's the beer!" Hayden shouted across our cozy circle, and threw the beer at Snotlout. Oh no! I quickly screwed my eyes shut.

There's gonna be blood. Hayden's an idiot. Snot's hurts. Hayden's a pig.

"Excuse me, madam I'm no pig." I slowly opened one eye to see that Snotlout actually had caught the damn bottle and is wearing a very smug grin. I looked over to Hayden to see him wearing a amused grin.

Oh cookies! Did I say that aloud.

"Yes, indeed you did."

I mentally shot my self as I felt my cheeks heating up, and avoided all eye contacts. To make my life even more miserable Hayden laughed out louder than anyone else.

"Gee, who knew nerd princess doesn't like to swear." If looks could kill Hayden would be dead.  And the murderer would be me.

"Gee, I didn't know you turn into a girl when your willy wonker is hit." Two can play this games.

"Oh, she got you there Hayden!" Snotlout doubled with laughter.

"You kicked me there and now you're preaching it to the world! I can't believe you!" I didn't mean to upset him.

Oh gosh!

Hayden's melodious laughter broke me from my thoughts. What?

"You really are a goody two shoes Asty." He put a arm around my shoulder and laughed with the others, and left me to blush.

The moment Hayden's hand touched my arm something fluttered in the pit of my stomach. I don't understand how to explain, its almost feel like I have butterflies in my stomach. But why?

The evening passed fairly quickly. The night ended in everyone singing songs, and who knew Hayden could sing that well.

Right now the music is blasting out loud, and the guys are drinking while the girls are dancing. I quietly sit next Hayden, not to be clingy or anything, but because last time this didn't go well. I'm going to stay in my comfort zone. Besides Hayden now is holding my hand. I tired tugging my hand out of his hold, but he's not letting me. But the way he's drawing circles in my hand is comforting so I don't really in a way want to move away.

"Astrid come dance with me!" Ruffnut shouted over the music.

"No, no it's okay. I'm comfortable here." I replied.

A nudge from my right made me look at Hayden who had a confused face.

"Go, have fun."

"I am having fun, and what is it to you on what I do?" Hayden gave out a groan.

"I know that the reason you're not  going is because of last time. I promise no one is going to hurt you M'lady, I won't let them."

"Who said I needed your protection?"

Does he think I can't handle myself? I'm not weak! I'm Fearless Astrid Melody Hofferson and I can handle myself perfectly.

"I didn't mean it that way Asty, I just meant that it's just us here and you should go have fun because you were a book worm. You know, you can have fun, life isn't just about studying. There is a whole other world out there away from your book."

He's mocking me! Just you wait Haddock I'll get you for this, but he is right though. I can't keep denying the world. I've got to face one day so, why not now with Hayden where I'm safe.

Urgh! why does he have to make sense?!

Why can't he be an idiot jerk?

Does that even make sense?


I got up from my spot next to Hayden and joined the girls. To be honest I'm kind of glad Hayden persuaded me to join them because for the first time in my life I was feeling carefree. It felt great. I don't want this feeling to ever go away.

I never would have done anything close to this. It's always been study,study, study. I'm changing because of him. It's a good change because now I'm living. It's like I have finally taken my first breath. It's exciting and down right terrifying.

The following morning I woke up with Hayden's arm wrapped around my waist pulling me to him.

Turn around Astrid. He won't know he's sleeping.

Without moving too much I turned around coming face to face with Hayden.

He looks so peaceful. Gone was the smirking jerk now infront of me is a child who got his peace.

Even with messy hair he looks so hot.

What the hell is wrong with me? If he sees me staring at him, what will he say?

Oh gosh Astrid! You idiot!

But he looks so beautiful. I want to feel his hair. It looks so soft. He's sleeping Astrid, he'll never know.

Bringing my left hand, that was lying freely on my side, up and lightly ran my fingers through his hair.

I couldn't hold it in anymore. I giggled. I've never giggled before, I don't know why I did it, but running my fingers through Hayden's really soft hair did.

Instantly, heat rushed to my cheeks. I'm pretty sure that I represent a tomato, but I feel good. I kept feeling Hayden's hair.

I wonder what his hair smells of.

Biting my bottom lip, I slowly pushed my self up Hayden's hold slightly tighten around me. A small smile made it's way to my face.

Throwing caution out the window I slowly bent down burying my nose in his hair.

Oh my lord his hair smells like leather and a early morning forest. It smells so nice.

My fingers trail down to his sharp jaws with slight stubble.

He looks so sexy.

"You know this is really creepy." Hayden's voice broke my thoughts.

I moved away quickly shrieking. Heat instantly rushed to my cheeks.

"I'm so so sorry! Hayden, I didn't mean to do it. Oh gosh, I'm not creepy or anything I swear!"

Suddenly, I was pulled into Hayden's chest.

I could fall asleep like this.

Stop swooning idiot you've been caught. This is all your fault.

"I like the thought of you swooning over little old me." That cocky smirk was changed into an innocent smile, but as soon as it came it went, and back was his infamous smirk. Damn it.

Hello world I am a tomato. Oh coconuts! Raspberries! Blueberries!

"What about strawberries?"

Oh I really need to stop thinking aloud. I brought the covers over my head as an attempt to hide my self from this embarrassment.

Sadly, the covers were ripped away from me, and instead I had Hayden over me.

His eyes.

"You're so cute Asty." My blush deepened.


"HAHAHA! I'm afraid I can't do that. I mean if I do that who's gonna annoy you?"

He's so beautiful.

"So.... do you smell and touch every guy who happens to be next to you. Cause that would be a pro...."  That smirk is really annoying.

"Hey,Hey,hey! Stop hitting me."

I didn't listen. I didn't want to listen. I wanted to bury my embrassment.

Straddling me, he pinned my hand above my head.

His perfectly chislled face.

I could get lost in those eyes. Tugging one of my hands free I brought it up to his face, but left it hovering in air not knowing if I can or can't touch him.

He leaned his face towards my hand nuzzling his face to my palm making me gasp. I couldn't hold it so, I let my hand freely move. Without my consent my hands travelled up to forehead slowly, and finally burying itself  in Hayden's soft hair. A small sigh escaped from Hayden's soft looking lips. He looks like as if he's at peace right now. It's like I lost control of my own body as pulled Hayden slowly towards me.

"So beautiful." Me beautiful. He's blind. He hasn't seen my scars.

I don't know what was happening, but my heart was beating faster and my breath quickened.

Our lips inches away.

After what seemed like an eternity, he closed the gap.

A/N: I know, I know this is a day late, but I fell asleep while writing the last scene. Also, I left this chapter like this on purpose So, please don't kill me.


Did you see that vedio? Because I'm scared now.

What do you guys think about Astrid?



Keep loving Hiccstrid.

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