Chapter 6

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Hayden's POV

I heard my parents and Astrid coming upstairs as I was laying in my bed. Great she has to has the room next to me. I ignored them and went back to my thoughts. They were all filled with her beautiful face, how she used to say my name, her first word, her first step and they always lead to that dreadful day. The beautiful memories of her gets clouded and her scream overtakes them. I always remember what she said with her last breaths.

She said "Hicc no forget me, I lowe you and Hicc no be sad. Bye bye Hic"

I squeezed my eyes shut as tears brimmed my eyes as I remembered that beautiful smile she gave me before she left. The beautiful smile that would light my day, the beautiful smile I enjoyed seeing every morning, the beautiful smile that gave me a purpose.

No! I'm not crying , she's gone and never coming back and it was all my fault. I'm strong, I'm not weak. I will live with my failure, my failure to this family and to her. I failed to protect.

I wiped my eyes dry as I heard my parents shouting something out and soon after that a slam followed. guess they are gone. See what I mean no matter what's going on they are always away for their jobs.

I got up from the bed and went inside my bathroom, that was attached to my bedroom, and washed my face so that Astrid doesn't notice that I've been crying. I'm not going to look weak in front of that nerd.  especially that nerd.

After wiping the water of my face I opened my door to see the nerd standing outside her door.

"Are they gone yet?" I asked even though I already knew.

She turned around and squeaked "Yes" before making her way downstairs .

"Were are you going?" I shouted out without moving from my original spot.

"It's what 6:00 my favourite programme is on in ten minutes so, I'm going to find a T.V. in those ten minutes." she went out of my line of sight. I frowned doesn't she know there's a T.V inside her room. Stupid nerd. They way she moves around is like she's an princess head held up, straight back and shit.

I ran down the stairs wrapped my fingers around her wrist while sending shivers through my body.

 Is a window open.

"Hold your horses princess I'll show you where the T.V. is although I'm pretty sure dad had all the bedrooms fitted with flat screen T.Vs." I smirked when I saw her blush and resembled a tomato. I carried on walking forward still holding her wrist, my fingers slipped further apart we got so we ended up holding hands and for the princess to blush even more.

"Here you are princess." I spoke and by the looks of it brought her out of her thoughts

princess seems fitting for her. oh and nerd.

"Why do you keep giving me nicknames?" she asked with a frown in her face.

With a smirk and sitting down next to her I replied "because I want to, gotta problem princess?"

She gave me a glare that she hoped would scare me, but in reality it  looked so cute.

wait what?! what's wrong with me. Cute! when have I ever described a girl like that. 

I was curious to what she wanted to watch so badly. After a few minutes her programmes started with this little girl praying to god or something, but I zoned out. When the Tardis showed up though I realised that this little nerd is into doctor who. Just as the doctor who theme song came up I decided to voice my feelings so I shouted "BORING!"

If looks could kill I would be six feet under. I saw her create a fist with both her hands. 

"Could. you. shut.up!" she said with gritted teeth.

"I'm sorry, but I'm only telling you how I feel about this show." I grinned

"I don't care, go away if you find this boring, but let me watch it." She instantly looked back at the T.V concentrating on every single words that is being spoken by the actors. Such a nerd. 

I got up and walked to the kitchen while grabbing  the house phone and dialing my favorite pizza place. After two rings they picked the phone up.

"Hello this Dragonmania Pizza" 

"Hi, this Hayden"


"Yeah hi Mark, can have two of my usual please?"

"Sure Hayden, you having someone over, one of the boys?"

"No, Mark it's this girl that my parents offered to take care of while her parents are away while doing their jobs."

"Okay two peperoni with chicken and mushroom coming up. And this girl sounds like she has the same problem like you. On the parents area wise."

"Yeah, but she has a better life Mark anyway I've got to go. I'll see you later." 

I sighed after putting my phone down. Mark knows what happen to our family, he was my counsellor and well when I wondered into Dragonmania Pizza he told me he has a passion for food and only became what he was because his parents wanted him to be so this was his hobby and part time job. He along with, my dad's best friend, Gobber helped me out when I was in depression. My parents didn't care at all they only care about their problem, but never me. I always live by "what doesn't kill you makes you stronger" and that you have to get up by yourself, there are no one to pick up your pieces and no has your back" 

I shook my head and made my way to the basement. once I'm inside the basement I took of my shirt after switching the lights on. Grabbing my boxing gloves and putting them on I made my way towards the boxing bag hung to the ceiling.

I punched the bag. Each punch filled with so much force and stopped containing my anger . Anger at myself. My mind flashed with the images of her laying on the floor. Each time I punch the bag her last moments rushed to my mind. Thats when the dams burts. I punch harder and harder, but I felt my knees weaken.

I can't do this, I can't do this.

I collapsed to the floor crying. It's not fair I want her back. I want her back, she was mine to protect and I couldn't even do that.

It's all my fault.

Astrid's Pov

Half way through Doctor Who the door bell rang.


I wait a few minutes the door bell rang again and there was no response from Hayden.
I groaned and made my  way to the door.
Outside was a guy holding two pizza's.

"Geez Harden you do eat a lot." I mutter under my breath,but clearly the guy inform of me heard.

"Hi, I'm Mark from Dragonmania. Hayden ordered one for you as well."  the guy who was apparently named Mark responded to me.

I smiled and grabbed the money Valka and Stoick had left and handed it to the guy.

"Thank you and keep the change."

"I'll see you in the next delivery then ma'am"
The guy offered a smile and left the mansion through its iron gates.

After I closed the door with two pizza's in hand made my way to the kitchen. But Hayden was no where to be found.

Where the heck was Hayden?
Why did he buy me a pizza as well?
I didn't tell him to.

I searched the enter bottom floor, but I couldn't see Hayden. So I opted to the top floor. I searched for him for nearly an hour in both floors, but never wasn't here.

Where are you Hayden?

Wait why do I care so much.
It's probably because it's his pizza too. Yeah that sounds right.

I sat back in the kitchen when I heard a odd sound coming from below. It sounded like a strangled cry.


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