Chapter 7

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Astrid's POV

I rush towards the basement since the noise was louder there, but it seems to be muffled.

Is he hiding someone down their?
what if it's that girlfriend that he can't get over?


I smacked forehead and slowly crept downstairs towards the basement. When I made it to the bottom floor I noticed that the lights were switched on. They were dim, but I still could make out the bits and bobs that are kept here clearly. I walked forward, but froze as soon as I stepped on something soft.
Relief washed over me when I looked down, and saw Hayden's shirt.

What is this doing on the floor?

I thought as I picked it up and walked forwards, and that's when I heard someone sobbing. I walked through the shelves which formed a small corridor area and entered the middle of the room. As soon as I did the sight in front of my eyes, broke my heart.

Why is he crying?

Each step I took towards him broke my heart, I moved right next to him, but he didn't see me since his face was buried in his arms. I didn't want to scare him, but I can see that he needs someone. When I was crying like this I only ever wished to have someone by me, but I didn't so I'm going to give him a shoulder to cry on. I know I wanted to know what his secret was, because I was curious, but now I want to know because I want to help. I knew this bad boy thing was just a façade he kept to bury the reality of the world. I knew what that felt like. How do I that his secret has anything to do with this? Well he kept repeating that everything his fault, which I'm pretty sure isn't. People always have an tendency to blame themselves when things go wrong. That much I've learnt.

I ran a hand through his hair and kneeled to his level. When he looked at me I saw his eyes blood shot and tears still streaming down those beautiful forest green eyes. I felt my heart hurt and water in my cheeks. I'm crying, I can't stand it when he is crying. Gone was the cocky, arrogant, egotistical bad boy instead here was a small child whose been sad for a very long time. 

"Hayden?" I whispered while running my hand through his hair.

He flung himself to me and buried his face in my neck and cried. I didn't know what to do so I kept running my hand though his hair and told him soothing words.

"It's a...a...all m...m...y fa...ult!" he pulled his hair while I was holding him.

"It wasn't your fault Hayden" I told him softly.

"My fault!" he shouted.

I didn't flinch, but it broke my already broken heart more. I don't even know this guy, but then why do I feel so sad that he's this upset? Why do I feel like I want to take his pain away from him. just why? I don't understand.

Tears were streaming down both our cheeks. I held him as he cried. Once his cries lowered down to hiccups he started to pull away from me.

I leaned forward and wiped his tears away from those beautiful eyes. After I finished he did the same to me. I looked down blushing crazy.

why am I blushing?!

"Thank you and I'm sorry" I looked up to eyes and all I saw was honesty. I smiled and gave him a small a nod.

"Why are you sorry?" I asked because he doesn't need to be sad.

"Because you probably didn't want someone like me, especially crying on you." he blushed.

"You're sorry for that!" I don't know why, but I laughed out loud and gave him a hug.

"Let's go upstairs okay because I'm hungry and that pizza is waiting for us to eat him. We shouldn't keep him waiting." I said why hugging and his chest shook while he laughed. I felt my heart flutter and my stomach doing flips the nice kind.

I like hearing him laugh. It's adorable.

Wait! what?

That's right I'm officially gone mental.

"Yeah let's go upstairs" he said afterwards while putting his shirt on.

huh. Now how did he get his shirt?

We both stood up and ran upstairs because...actually I don't why. When we reached the kitchen he took the pizza, and put the pizza in the microwave while I sat down on the table.

A piece of my hair fell on my face so I started playing with it "are you okay?"

Hayden looked at me with a small sad smile "Yeah a little bit" Hayden turned when the microwave beeped, and took the pizza then placed it beside me.

I didn't feel like sitting on a chair so I stayed. Hayden dragged a chair next to me and sat down.

"But you aren't telling that to anyone, as far as you're concerned that never happened." he smirked.

I want to slap him again.

"If I were to as you said 'my friends' only the school library books would know your secret" I replied to Hayden. He just looked at me with a sad smile.

"You don't have any friends?" Hayden asked while giving me a shocked look.

I rolled my eyes, and looked at him. "Tell me Hayden who would want to be friends with a nerd."

Hayden smirked and looked at me with glisten eyes " Well princess the question is who wouldn't?

I finished my pizza so I jumped down from the table then turned to Hayden. "Everyone" I quickly washed my hands and then went to the living room and watched the rest of Doctor Who.

I don't need friends. I'm going to study and make my parents proud. Having friends makes life complicated since they ask questions and about my secrets, but my secrets can never can come out and I don't ever want to remember them.

I closed my eyes while inhaling shakily and closed my eyes then pulled my legs to my chest while exhaling.

I don't need friends.

I'm sorry this took this long to update. But  on the bright side RTTE is coming on 21 days.



Bye see you all in the next chapter.

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