Face Reveal + Christmas Chapter!

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^^Christmas Mando and Baby Yoda drawing i did!!

You thought you were gonna get the face reveal right away? Hahaha. Read the chapter first 😉❤️

Peter had never spent the Holidays with the Avengers. But now May was away (and sending her boy Postcards) and Peter was wondering how they did it around here.

He found out pretty quick.

It started with Secret Santa.

Most people would assume that the Avengers were sophisticated and had fancy cocktail parties to celebrate, but no, they were actual five year-olds.

The entire group was involved in Secret Santa. Everyone who lived in the Tower, everyone who had separate lives with their families, who weren't from earth, etc. They were all taking part, which amused the spiderling.

They had all drawn names a couple of weeks before Christmas, and Peter had gotten none other than Steve Rogers.

Growing up, Captain America was a legend, before and after he came out of the ice. And though Peter had always been more of an Iron Man fan, he admired Captain America. And knowing him in real life now was almost surreal.

Only thing was... what are you supposed to get for one of your childhood heroes?

He wanted it to be good. Tony had told him multiple times that Secret Santa was lighthearted and not super serious, and that most the gifts were gags or cute trinkets, but Peter didn't want his to disappoint. And he also didn't want to overthink it.

So, he decided to build something. He was good at robotics, he could make something simple and funny...


The day steadily approached. Patrol was a bit more stressful now that the crime rates were going up, but finals ended and Peter could find leisure in his free time.

The Tower looked beautiful during Christmas. Scarlet and golden decor shimmering beneath the white lights and Christmas Trees on every floor, intricately decorated to coordinate with the room. Wreaths, mistletoe, all that. And Peter lived for it.

Christmas Eve came incredibly fast, almost too fast. But Peter's gift was ready and he was excited to see who got who (he'd constructed a few theories, and he knew for a fact that Bruce got Clint).

The team shuffled in, and more people were there than Peter had expected. Scott was with his daughter, ex-wife and her husband (Peter found it adorable how well they all got along) and Clint's whole family was there, too.

Steve somehow managed to convince Natasha to wear a Santa had that read "Queen Bitch of Christmas". Bucky was wearing a Santa hat, too, one with no print.

Thor was there as well, and he'd managed to get Loki to come along, even though the adopted brother wasn't a part of the Secret Santa.

It was nice and calm, everyone was talking and laughing. And Peter found himself feeling like a part of a big family more and more every second.

"Alright, everyone!" Tony yelled. "Time to do the gift giving and all that."

People migrated over to the couches, sitting and sprawling out on top of each other (but no one dared lay on Nat) and getting comfy. Soft Christmas music flowed through the cocoa-smelling atmosphere and Peter was seated on the floor by Nat and Tony's feet.

"Alright," Tony said to the room, "uuuhh, this year... oldest goes first. You're up, Cap."

Steve smiled. "I'm not the oldest, anymore. Bucky's older than me. And aren't Thor and Loki literally thousands of years old?"

Tony sighed. "Thor and Loki don't count, we do this in the context of human years. That makes Thor—what—thirty?"

Thor tilted his head. "I believe that's correct, it's somewhere around there. How old are you in human years, brother?"

Loki looked at Thor with a slightly annoyed look. "I don't know, you do the math."

Peter did some rough calculations in his head based on what he knew about Asgardian lifespans.

"Oh my God," he muttered, drawing a few people's attention, "you're, like, sixteen or seventeen, dude. We're basically the same age."

Loki rolled his eyes. "I suppose so, Spider-Boy."

Peter frowned at the name but elected to ignore it.

"Alright," Tony said, "Barnes, you're up."

Bucky stepped forward, smiling a little bit.

"Uh, I got Sam, actually. So here..."

Life is soup and I'm a fork.

Lots happened. Some gifts were funny, others were actually kind of nice. Bucky got a Bucky Bear, the stuffed toy based off of him. It made him grin wider than anyone other than Steve had ever seen.

Nat thought it was funny that Tony thought he could hide the fact that he'd gotten her. He gave her a new punching bag for her room (she'd broken the last one).

Gift after gift, Peter grew more excited to give his.

Then, finally-

"Peter, you're up."

Peter stood up. "I got Captain Rogers."

Steve smiled at the polite tone of Peter's voice. Peter took out the little bag his present was in and handed it to Steve.

"Merry Christmas."

Steve thanked him and opened it. He took it out to find a standard Captain America action figure, which earned a few laughs.

He chuckled. "Thanks, Queens."

"Oh, that's not all. Press the button on his back."

Hesitantly, Steve clicked. And audio started playing from the action figure.

"So, you got detention. You messed up-"

The audio was interrupted with laughs. Natasha was literally dying, which Peter was extremely proud of. Scott's daughter and Clint's kids laughed, having heard the PSAs at school. Tony was amused, too.

And Bucky was fucking losing it.

Peter grinned triumphantly.

Bucky took the toy out of Steve's hands.

"Just so you know, Stevie, I'm keeping this forever."


Peter had fallen asleep, content. Scott had given him a small laminated poster that had a picture of the two of them and Nat that read "Bug Bros!" and it hung above his bed.

When he woke up, it was 8:52 am and there was a knocking on his door.

"Kid?" It was Tony.

"Yeah?" Peter yawned.

"It's Christmas, come on out."

Right, that was today! Peter stood up and stretched his limbs for a second before opening the door in his t-shirt and pajama pants.

"Hey there," Tony said with a cup of coffee I his hand. "Thought you'd like to se your presents."

"Wait, seriously?" Peter honestly hadn't been expecting presents. May always got him a few, which he was always perfectly happy with. But these were the Avengers, not his parents or his aunt.

"Duh," Tony responded, walking out to the common area.

Peter followed, a little excited.

The common room was filled with sleepy Avengers at the breakfast bar and on the couches. They all mumbled a "morning" to Peter, who nodded with a small smile.

"Alright, kid. First, I wanted to give you this." Tony pulled out a flat metal box and handed it to Peter, who opened it slowly.

Inside, there was a new Spider-Suit.

"No way..." Peter's voice was hushed.

"Yeah way," Tony said, taking a sit of coffee.

Peter smiled at him. "Thank you, oh my God. Thank you so much!"

Tony smiled at his kid. Always so energetic and kind and grateful. "No problem, Pete. That's not everything, though. I've got a few other things."

"Mr. Stark, you didn't have to-"

"Maybe, but I did it anyway, because I'm a billionaire so I do whatever I want unless Pepper tells me no. Here," He said all in one breath, putting a few bags and boxes on the table (eight total, Peter counted).

Peter looked at them where they sat, then ran around the counter to pull Tony into a hug.

"Thank you, Tony," he mumbled quietly.

Tony hugged back. "Any time, Underoos."

My sister won't stop saying "yeetus"and it's driving me insane.




Yeah, it was a pretty great Christmas for Peter Parker.

Yayyyy! Merry Christmas to the people who celebrate it!

Okay, here's how the face reveal is gonna work.

I'm gonna put one normal pic, then a funny/stupid pic, then a normal pic, then a funny/stupid pic, so on and so forth.

Alright, here we go...

Not yet...


You're so close!!

Alright, it's coming up next. Here we go...

Yee, das mah face
My name is Elizabeth/Lizzie 🙂

Here's a funnier pic

Cute one again...


Okay funny one... (I look awkward in this one 😂😂)

Let's just do one more normal one ehehehehe

Aight here are more funny ones bc I used up the only actual serious selfies I have on my phone lmao

Omg I found one more cute one and I like it!!

One more funny one!

Yeah idk either😂
Tbh I'm not rly one of those people who feels like "ewww my face" bc I feel like I look okay. It's one of the few things I'm actually not super insecure about lmao

Also, if anyone I know irl ever sees this... PLEASE don't tell me. I'll die.

Anyway, I love you all and thank you so much for everything! Ily 3000💕

cHrIstMaS 2019

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