Headfirst Into Fire

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I just got back from my Utah trip! Here's a chapter I wrote while I was away.

Peter pushed the woman out and got her away from the fire.

He was so tired. His lungs were aching from all the smoke. His suit had filtered it for a while before the overwhelming amounts were too much to handle.

"Please, I can't move!"

Peter looked up toward someone calling for help. He didn't see anyone, but his ears picked up theirs cries.

"Kid! Come on, it's coming down!" Mr. Stark's voice called over Peter's comms.

"Gimme a sec! There's someone else!"

"Pete, no! There's no time, I'm sorry. Get to safety!"

"No, I'm not just leaving them. I can do it. I have to."

"Peter, I swear to-" Peter turned his comms off before Tony could finish.

Peter shot a web at the faltering building wall and pulled himself up to the second floor window. Peering in past the smoke, he saw someone in the corner, surrounded by flames and debris.


Peter hurriedly jumped into the window and jumped over some burnt lumps of old furniture. The ceiling was starting to cave in, pieces falling onto the floor.

The boy grabbed MJ's hand and helped her up. She could barely stand, she looked like she was about to pass out. Everything smelled of smoke and nothing else. It seared Peter's throat, making it impossible to find any oxygen in the mess of gray.

"Peter," the girl mumbled tiredly.

"MJ, you gotta move. C'mon."

She nodded and stood, leaning against Peter. They ducked down and headed toward the window,

Then, a giant slab of burning ceiling fell from above.

Peter was blocked off. "Karen! Where do I go?!"

"There is no escape route that would get you out before the structure collapsed. The only way to get out of the building is to lift the slab blocking the window, but you may not be able to get out in time. Michelle, however, would escape."

Peter nodded and gripped the wood and cement chunk. He lifted it in a struggle, heaving to find clean air. Slowly, it rose.

"MJ! Go, climb to the window!"

MJ hobbled over and cling to the window sill. She saw a trampoline below. It was only a small drop, she could make it. "Peter! Come on, you'll die! Hurry!"

"Jump out!" Peter cried, nearly suffocating. His muscles trembled. "It'll be okay! Go!"

MJ, teary eyed, jumped out and onto the platform awaiting.

Then, the entire ceiling collapsed.


"Oh my god."

"Where is he?!"

"Mr. Stark, we-"

"Where is my son?!"

"Get him to the medical wing."

"How the hell is he even-"



No air. The air is gone.

Empty. Everything is empty. Not here. It's not black, what color is it?

"-is he gonna-"

"-please, I need to see-"

"I love you, Peter."

"You saved me."

"-please, I'm begging you to wake-"

"He's not-"

Air. There's air now. But it's so painful, he still can't breathe.

"Even if he wakes up, he won't be able-"

"-save him! I'm begging. I'll pay anything."

"-I need you, Peter-"

And then there was nothing again.







Over and over again, there it was, echoing loudly all around him. What was it? What was that sound?

He tried to move, but his body wouldn't obey. It was disconnected, unplugged from him. Was he even himself anymore? Was he trapped here?

"Peter, I need you to be okay."

He wanted to speak. To say he was okay, but he wasn't even sure if that was true.

"You're the best thing that's ever happened to me. I can't just let you go. Please wake up."

"I'm trying! I'm so sorry, I'm trying!" Peter called. But no one heard. No real sound came out. The words only echoed around in the empty void where he sat.


"Peter it's MJ."

MJ was here. Peter was happy. MJ had come to speak to him. He wasn't quite sure where he was, but he was glad she was there, too.

"I don't know how comas work, so I have literally no clue if you can even hear me. But just in case you can, I wanted to say that I miss you. And thank you for saving me. I'm sorry that I cost you this, I feel so awful about it. But I know that you're a dork, so you would've saved anyone left in there."

Peter tried to smile. He didn't feel anything. He didn't feel like he was in his body, he felt like a separate entity trapped in an empty world. But those words gave him some comfort.

"If y-When you wake up, you and I are having a serious discussion on safety. Ned misses you. He says he bets you're dreaming about us. I wonder if that's true."

Oh, how Peter would love to dream. He'd much rather be lost in a false world than sit in an empty void.

"I never told you this, but I've always kinda liked you. Which is stupid, I know. I hope you don't remember this when you wake up in case you don't like me back."

Peter wanted to hug MJ, tell her he felt the same. But he couldn't. He was still trapped.

"I have to go, but I want to visit again. Please wake up. I miss you, loser."


What was this?

A rushing feeling.

There was color.

Peter felt something, the first thing he'd felt in so long. A real feeling. Not just an emotion, a physical sensation. Where? Where did the feeling originate from? Peter couldn't tell, but he was elated. A real feeling!

He kept pushing. Trying had seemed useless before, but now, the more he searched for the feeling, the more present it was.

The more he pushed for it, the more he could tell what it was, vaguely, at least. It wasn't a pleasant feeling. But he kept going, because he was finally experiencing something that wasn't just an echoing, hazy thought.

Burning? No, aching. Maybe both. Where was it coming from? A zap of connection. His mind was suddenly making contact with his body again, finding where it once dwelled. Peter could tell where he was. He still couldn't see, but he no longer saw nothing. He saw black. His vision was there. Just blocked my his eyelids. Eyelids. He had eyelids. His face was there. Then his arm and torso. Then his hands and legs and feet. He felt it. He felt it! He could tell where sounds came from, they didn't just echo all around him.

The beep came from his left. He could feel his heart beating in his chest.

His body was back. He was in the real world again.

Could...could he move it?

His hands didn't obey at first. Nothing. His mind was still finding ways to send his muscles signals.




Air on his face.

His lungs were full, but the air wasn't natural. He wanted real air.


A blocked feeling, then a bit of air seeping in.



Swallow the air. There's air.

Peter's eyes shot open. He gasped and sat up in a split second.

Beep. Beep. Beep beep beep beep beepbeepbeepbeepbeepbeep-

Peter gasped loudly again before breathing in a manner that sounded labored, but was actually the easiest he's ever felt. He looked around wildly.

The room he was in was no doubt a room in the medbay, with white walls and a large glass one that gave him a view of New York. There were tons of cards taped to the walls, even more in piles on the floor. They had drawings and writing that spelled out things like "Get well, Spiderman!" and "We believe in you!" Get well cards?

There were all sorts of tubes and IVs hooked up to Peter. He noticed his arms were bandaged. Then he realized that his torso and legs also were for the most part. The skin was irritated.

What happened?

A nurse walked past the room and glanced in. Her eyes widened, and she suddenly called to someone down the hallway. "He's awake! Get the doctor in here!"

Then, she rushed into the room and ran to the monitor, typed a few things, turned to Peter. "How do you feel?" She touched his forehead.

Peter was breathing slower now. "I... oh my god. What day is it? Where is Tony? I need to go," he panicked.

"No, no, no. You stay here. We'll make sure you understand what's going on. Just stay calm."

Another woman walked in. The doctor, Peter presumed. She walked to his bedside and the nurse went to check his vitals.

"Do you remember your name?" She asked right away.

"Peter. Parker."

"Good. Do you remember who you are, your childhood, everything?"

Peter nodded.

The doctor sighed. "Alright, no amnesia from what I can tell. We'll do a more thorough test later." She clicked her tongue. "Do you remember what happened? Why you're in the hospital?"

Peter was in distress. He didn't know how long it had been. Where was Tony? Was May here?

"Hey back off, he's freaked out," a male voice said

Tony rushed into the room, immediately at Peter's bedside. "Hey, kid. Breathe, you're alright."

Peter wrapped his arms around Tony's torso, and Tony gently hugged back.

The billionaire turned to the two women. "Give us a moment alone, please."

They nodded and left the room.

"Hey, Pete," Tony said softly, brushing his hands through Peter's soft curls.

"I missed you," Peter mumbled into Tony's shirt. Tony smiled and held Peter tighter.

Peter was awake. His boy was back.

Fluffy ending! Hope you liked it. Sorry I forgot to remind you I was leaving for a week. I wrote it in an a/n another chapter which I forgot to upload before I left. Forgive me! Anyway, please comment and vote! Love you;) (Didn't proofread... again...)

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