Practically Twins

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I feel so bad about not updating this book that I decided to write this tiny filler chapter. I'll definitely update more over the summer, though!

With every second that passed, Peter grew more and more desperate for something to do. Of all the foes he had faced, boredom was surely the greatest, never relenting in its taunting presence.

He was sitting on the pristine white couch in the common room, limbs sprawled out. He'd already been Spider-Manning, and he'd cleaned his room, and now he was stuck with nothing to do. He could always go work in the lab, sure, but Tony was in a board meeting and Peter wasn't in the mood to work alone.

The tower felt empty. The others were either out making public appearances, napping in their rooms, running the company (Pepper, if you'd didn't already guess), or training.

The only person in the same area as Peter was the Winter Soldier himself, "stone cold assassin", who was stuffing his face with strawberry Pop Tarts at the breakfast bar (Thor was sure to be upset by the Pop Tart shortage).

Peter pulled out his phone. He wasn't sure why, he'd already checked his social media and responded to hundreds of messages on his Spider-Man account, but he really had nothing better to do. So why not this?

Scrolling... scrolling... scrolling...


What caught Peter's eye was a quiz link:

Which Avenger are you?

He clicked on it in an instant, curious to see how accurate it was. He was taken to the site (where he had to decline four separate ad offers) and pressed the 'start' button.

One question in, and already, it was like every other quiz in the internet.

How would your friends describe you?
-Stupid :P

Hmmmm.. impulsive?

Seemed about right. Peter clicked and was taken to the next question.

Yeah, they were all pretty basic.

Choose a house
Choose a color
You're tired and it's late. Which beverage do you choose?

Tap, tap, tap. Peter answered them all, then awaited the result.

Loading... loading...

Your Result:

Iron Man!
You are as sarcastic as they come, but have a heart of gold! Robotics and engineering? Piece of cake. And you're always ready to throw down when someone threatens your family.

A grin spread across Peter's face. He was unreasonably excited about this, quickly taking a screenshot and sending it to Mr. Stark without a second thought.

Mr. Stark, we're twins!


Peter turned off his phone and stared back up at the ceiling.

Uh oh.

He was bored again.


Tony was in a board meeting when his phone buzzed in his pocket. Sure, it wasn't polite to check your phone during a meeting, but what were they gonna do? Fire him?

He snuck his phone out and opened it on his lap under the table as the administrator droned on about quarterly stocks and such.

Tony was delighted to see it was a text from none other than Peter Parker, who was, without a doubt, one of Tony's favorite people.

Mr. Stark, we're twins!

Tony smiled at the picture of the test result Peter had sent, breathing a laugh. God, this kid...

"Uh, Mr. Stark?"

Tony looked up to see everyone staring at him curiously.

"Oh, yes, sorry. Continue."

With a hesitant nod, the administrator kept talking. But before putting his phone away, Tony sent a quick reply.

The apple doesn't fall far from the tree, Underoos.


Peter smiled brightly when he saw the reply. Tony Stark. Sending him texts. He had Tony Stark's number. How insane was that?

"Peter, do you know if we have any more granola bars?" Bucky called from his crusade of the cabinets.

"Check the bottom drawer by the oven."


Why Bucky was eating so much, Peter had no clue, but he wasn't gonna stop him.

Eventually, the elevator opened and out stepped Tony, who looked fatigued but better than he had that morning, when he'd been struggling to keep his eyes open.

"Tony." Peter greeted, sitting up on the sofa as Tony assumed Peter's previous position and flopped down.

"You're Iron Man, then?" the billionaire remarked.

Peter laughed a little, a tiny bit embarrassed but otherwise proud. "Yeah."

"Not surprised, you've made it your mission to let yourself be corrupted by me."

"I don't think you're corrupting me," Peter objected, laying his back against the cushions.

Tony chuckled. "Alright, then, kid."

"Just 'kid'? That's all I get?" Peter questioned teasingly.

"Alright then, son," Tony sassed, making Peter turn red. Tony softened his timidity by lazily lifting a hand to ruffle Peter's hair for a moment before letting it flop back down.

"Alright then, dad."

Tony smiled to himself at that. Dad.

They were both unaware that Bucky was shoveling handfuls fo granola into his mouth by the counter and taking a video of them to show Steve.

Wow, okay!! So sorry it's been so long. I've been writing my Merthur book (21 chapters out in the span of a month!!) and was lacking motivation to write for this book until I got past some stuff with that.

I just feel guilty for not updating so I wanted to give you this, just to let you know that yes, I'm alive!! And yes, stuff is being written, just slowly.

Love you all and thank you for reading!!💕

May 24th, 2020

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