Spiders and Birds

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This one is SUUUUUUPER short, it's just a cute lil' something to keep you entertained while I work on other oneshots.

STORY INFO: Peter's identity is out, it has been for a little while (like 3-5 months idk honestly). People try not to push him to use him powers all the time but sometimes his skills are needed...

Peter yawned as the Spanish teacher passed out the worksheet. Spanish was something he'd always been good at. Señor Sanchez was a good teacher, and he always made things clear to Peter.

A student raised her hand as the teacher walked to his desk. He nodded at her.

"Señor Sanchez, there's a bird in the room."

"What? A bird? Where?"

"In the back corner, there," the girl said, pointing to the 'common phrases' chart. Sure enough, there was a tiny Robin fluttering around, looking for a way out of the room.

Señnor Sanchez sighed. "Can someone help me catch him?"

A few people raised their hands, and two were called to the back to help escort the helpless creature out as everyone else began to work of the worksheet. Peter turned his attention back to the paper and began to fill it out, but had trouble tuning out the mumbling and quiet laughs from the back of the class due to his overactive ears.

Minutes passes. The bird wouldn't budge, and the students and teacher in the back only grew more rowdy. Many students were turned to face the commotion, amused by their peer's attempts.

Then, Peter heard a voice say slightly louder than the others "Yo, I have a good idea."

Shortly after, Peter felt a tap on his shoulder. A kid named Dylan was there, looking at him. "Hey... could you come back here?"

Peter sighed and stood up. He followed Dylan to the back of the classroom, and even more people turned their attention to the back now that Peter was involved.

"The bird's too high up. Could you... ya know, go grab him?"

Peter was slightly amused by the question. "Uh, yeah, I guess." He took off his shoes to reveal his white socks. He could stick to the wall with socks on, but shoes were too thick.

For a classroom, the ceilings were super high up. A good fifteen feet, at least. Midtown had a rather large campus, so they paired it with large buildings. Peter placed his hand on the wall and hoisted himself up. He then stuck his feet and began to climb. He did it so smoothly with so little effort. It was almost rhythmic, the way he did it. He was up at the top in seconds, and the Robin fluttered further off. Peter crept under it, then quickly grasped it in his had so its wings were tucked away safely at its sides.

Peter began his careful descent down, making sure not to absentmindedly let his single unoccupied hand off the wall without extra support from his legs. He reached the floor and steadied himself. Then, without hesitation, he walked to the door and let the bird out. He turned back and grabbed his shoes.

As he put them on, he noticed his classmates were filming. Most of them, that is.

"Niños, no phones in class!" Señor Sanchez scolded. He turned to Peter, who was sitting on the ground, putting his shoes on. "Uh...Gracias, Señor Parker..."

Peter simply nodded, finished tying his shoes, stood up, and walked back to his desk. Needless to say, people were pretty chatty about the bird event at lunch.

Idk if I'll be able to update before I leave for camp on Tuesday but we'll see... Also, seven reads away from 1k! Thank you!!

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